100字范文 > 指标要求 demand of function and target英语短句 例句大全

指标要求 demand of function and target英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-02 22:18:03


指标要求 demand of function and target英语短句 例句大全

指标要求,demand of function and target

1)demand of function and target指标要求

1.In the design of the digital and logical circuits, the overall consideration from the simpliest circuits,demand of function and target, and reliablitly makes the circuits designed rational and reach high-class circuits to provide refrence for practical workers in order to make them fully understand and correctly grasp the design of the digital and logical circuits.在数字逻辑电路设计中全面思考设计过程,从最简电路、电路性能指标要求及可靠性方面使所设计电路更加合理,进而达到电路最优化,以便于从事数字电路设计的实际工作者参考,加深对数字逻辑电路设计的全面理解,正确掌握。


1.Does anyone know how to design push-pull class AB2 output transformer?输出变压器的指标要求的越高越好吗?

2.The frame and criterion s requirement about evaluated system of EPD;生态型物流评价体系架构与指标要求

3.Study on Quality Index Request of Blending Coal for Large Capacity Coke Oven Battery;大容积焦炉对配合煤质量指标要求的研究

4.Technical specifications of the goods offered by the bidders must comply with the requirements set forth in the attached specification sheet for each item.投标者提供的设备,其技术指标应符合标书中每个项目中的技术指标要求。

5.After5 times of water washing, the acid value was reduced to a required value.五次水洗后,环氧大豆油的酸值基本上达到出厂的指标要求。

6.Tests and analyses show that performance of the new composition can meet the technical requirements of the firing.结果表明,新药剂的性能能够满足发火件技术指标要求。

7.The method of subjective assessment of the sound quality for broadcast programmes and the technical parameters requirementsGB/T16463-1996广播节目声音质量主观评价方法和技术指标要求

8.Test shows its performance meets the military needs.测试表明设备加密性能和处理速度达到指标要求。

9.Performance requirements for airborne marker beacon receiverGB/T9411-1988机载指点信标接收机性能要求

10.Timing indicators are also subjective and require interpretation.时间指标,也是主观的,并要求解释。

11.Physical indicators conform to the requirements of relative national standard GB8703-87 and department standard EJ/ T586.其物理指标符合相关国标GB8703-87及行标EJ/586的要求。

12.It is therefore imperative to note the demand of electronic goods from the US.因此,源自美国的电子产品需求是个重要的指标。

13.To pass an examination or inspection; measure up to a given standard.及格,符合要求通过检查或审察;符合指定标准

14.Operating Guide to “Marking for Control of Pollution Caused by Electronic Information Products”;《电子信息产品污染控制标识要求》执行指南

15.The Empirical Study on the Importance Extent of the Non-financial Indicators Based on the Requirements of the Governments" Interests and the Realization Ways基于政府利益要求及其实现方式的非财务指标重要程度实证研究

16.line identification-request indicator线路标识请求指示器

17.This index may be used to check whether a model meets accuracy requirements, and also to compare fitness between two models.该指标可以检验模型是否满足精度要求,也可以作为比较两个模型优劣的一个指标。

18.No hydroxyl content requirements for products except gas discharge lamps.*羟基含量指标适用于气体放电灯,其他使用场合一般不作要求。


require indicators要求性指标

1.The study of this paper is to statisticse and analysis therequire indicators of the different positions HR practitioner s request through the collected 558 human resources practitioner s job ads ,which demonstrated that the HR practitioner request to well-educated , experience ,expertise ,communication skills and character requirements .本文通过对招聘HR从业者的招聘广告进行统计,对从事不同岗位工作的HR从业者的要求性指标进行分析,结果显示出,HR从业者都要求具备较高的学历,经验,专业知识,沟通能力及个性要求。

3)qulification requirement技术指标要求

1.This paper studies on the application of colottr aslphalt pavement both China and foreign countries, analysis the composition of eolour aslphalt pavement,studies on thequlification requirement of composition.本文研究了彩色沥青路面在国内外的应用情况,并对彩色沥青路面组成材料进行了分析,研究了各组成材料应满足的技术指标要求。

4)environmental worthiness requirements parameter环境适应性要求指标

5)prescription[英][pr?"skr?p?n][美][pr?"skr?p??n]①质量要求,规定指标 ②处方

6)bidding requirement招标要求


