100字范文 > 理财 financing英语短句 例句大全

理财 financing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-03 09:27:28


理财 financing英语短句 例句大全



1.Enhancefinancing sense,intensify management of social insurance fund;提高理财意识 强化社会保险基金管理

2.Giving Full Play to the Function of Cash Flow in Financing;充分发挥现金流量在理财中的作用

3.The Concepts That Need to Be Changed in Modern Enterprise Financing;现代企业理财需要改变的几个观念


1.Financing de jure to upgrade the level of school financial management;依法理财 确实提高学校财务管理水平

2.certified financial planner (CFP)国际认可的理财师、财务策划师 、财务企划师

3.managing public finances in accordance with our principle of fiscal prudence;在政府财政方面,坚守审慎理财的原则;

4.Wealth life: WTO, how fiscal earners?财富生活:入世了,工薪族如何理财?

5.Eco-Financing Philosophy--Guarantee for Sustainable Financial Development;树立生态理财观 确保财政可持续发展

6.Division of Financial Management财务管理司(财务司)

7.Evolution of Financial Policy and Revival of Rational Finance;从财政理念的沿革看理性财政的回归

8.the agent to whom property involved in a bailment is delivered.代理寄托财物的代理人。

9.Financial Contract,Early-warning of Financial Crisis and Corporate Financial Governance;财务契约、财务危机预警与公司财务治理

10.The Development Route of Chinese Institutional Finance--An Analysis from the Perspective of Financial Rights,Bodies of Financial Rights,and Financial Governance财权、财权主体与财务治理:我国制度财务学发展的逻辑主线

11.Division of Financial and Administrative Management财务和行政管理司(财行司)

12.Finance Management and Support Service财务管理和支助处(财管处)

13.Financial Management and Budgetary Control Service财务管理和预算管制处(财预管制处)

14.Advisory Panel on Management and Finance管理和财务咨询小组(管财小组)

15.The science of the management of money and other assets.财政学资金或其他财产的管理科学

16.Health Care Financing Administration Fiscal Intermediary卫生保健财政管理局财务中介机构

17.The Research on Finance Governance Subjects and Financial-Right Allocation of Enterprise;企业财务治理主体及其财权配置研究

18.Capital Structure, Financial Contracts and Disposal of Financial Governance Rights;资本结构、财务契约与财务治理权配置


financial management理财

1.Optional analysis of moral hazard in corporationfinancial management;公司理财中败德行为的期权分析

2.On the strategy offinancial management of ZhuGe Liang as prime minister of Shu Han state;论诸葛亮相蜀的理财方略

3.In institutions of higher learning thefinancial management activities are usually carried out in cerrain environment which can be classified according to different criteria.高等学校的理财活动总是在一定环境中进行的,理财环境可按不同标志进行分类。

3)conduct financial transactions理财

4)creating and conducting financial transactions生财理财

5)rational management of money matters理性理财

6)idea of managing money matters理财理念


