100字范文 > 汉唐 Han and Tang Dynasties英语短句 例句大全

汉唐 Han and Tang Dynasties英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-11 08:24:28


汉唐 Han and Tang Dynasties英语短句 例句大全

汉唐,Han and Tang Dynasties

1)Han and Tang Dynasties汉唐

1.Choices of Stages for Chang an Dance with Accompaniment inHan and Tang Dynasties and the Modern Enlightenment;汉唐长安乐舞百戏演出场地的选择及其启示

2.On Weights and Measures Reflected from the Grain Yield per Mu inHan and Tang Dynasties汉唐粮食亩产反映的度量衡问题


1.The status evolution of dialect of Wu from Han to Tang dynasty and its use in Tang poetry;汉唐时期吴语地位演变及其在唐诗中的运用

2.because the aesthetic concepts prevailing during the Han and Tang dynasties were different.显示了汉唐美学趣味迥然不同。

3.From the Luxuriant Mausoleum, Along the Mausoleum Stone Carving Looked That Chinese Tang Esthetic Transforms;从茂陵、顺陵石雕看汉唐审美之转变

4.Relationship between Holiday System and Literature in Ancient China;略论汉唐休沐制度与文学发展之关系

5.The enhancement of the history status observed from the development of bibliography in the Dynasty from Han to Tang;从汉唐目录学发展看史学地位的提高

6.Relationship between Buddhist Temple Economy and Government from Han to Tang Dynasty;汉唐之际佛教寺院经济与政权的关系

7.The Development of Study of Confucian Analects and The Works of Mencius from Han to Tang Dynasty and Its Characteristics;汉唐《论语》《孟子》学流变及特点

8.Afforestation of Gardens of Chang an City in the Han and Tang Dynasties;汉唐长安城园林的绿化及其现代启示

9.Notes on Mingshui (Jiduanshui)River and Mingze Lake of the Han and Tang Dynasties;汉唐冥水(籍端水)冥泽及其变迁考

10.a memorial temple of the Han Dynasty, a plum of Tang, a cypress of Song and a camillia of Ming.汉祠、唐梅、宋柏、明茶花。

11.On the Role of TANG-Taizong in the Forming of the poet s Love Knot to the Han Dynasty;唐太宗在唐代诗人汉朝情结形成中的作用

12.Sui and Tang dynasties era is the period of the middle ancient times transiting to modern Chinese.隋唐时代,为中古汉语向近代汉语过渡时期。

13.The Similarities and Differences between the Land Allocation System of Han and Tang Dynasties;从张家山汉简看汉名田制与唐均田制之异同

14.The Influence of Buddhist Scripture on Narrative of Tang Dynasty Fiction试论汉译佛典对唐代小说叙事之影响

15.(2) the classic Confucius ethics from Han dynasty to Tang dynasty;(2)汉代至唐代时期的经学儒家伦理。

16.Sogdian Transcriptions and the Northwestern Chinese Dialect of Tang(唐) Dynasty粟特语对音资料和唐代汉语西北方言

17.Study on the Construction and Differsnces of Daqu of Han & Wei, Sui & Tang Dynasty;汉魏、隋唐大曲结构及其差异性研究

18.Tang Yu Lin and the Citations in The Grant Chinese Dictionary;从《唐语林》看《汉语大词典》书证迟后问题


Han and Tang dynasty汉唐

1.Features and Impact of “ Peace-Making Marriage” in Han and Tang Dynasty;略论汉唐“和亲”的特点与影响

2.On Innovation of Han Yu"s Stele Script in Terms of the Style Evolution of Han and Tang Dynasty从汉唐碑志的文体演变看韩愈碑志的正与变

bined with archaeological meterial and documents ,the frequent communication between China and Japan was related amongHan and Tang dynasty ,and it was proved that the Japanese costume ,politics and even the Japanese life were deeply influenced by Chinese costume in adornment,textile ,fashion style and costume system.运用考古材料和文献相印证的方法 ,追述了汉唐之际中日两国频繁的服饰文化交流 ,指出中国的服饰在饰品、织物、服装样式、服饰制度等方面对日本服饰乃至政治、社会生活都产生了深远的影

3)the Han and Tang Dynasties汉唐

4)Han and Tang汉唐

5)TANG Han-jun唐汉钧

1.Experience of professorTANG Han-jun in treating surgical disease with Herbal pastes;唐汉钧教授运用膏方防治外科病的经验

2.Professor Tang Han-Jun’s experience in treating postoperative fistulas;唐汉钧教授治疗外科手术后遗留窦瘘的临床经验

3.Dr.TANG han-jun s Rule of Treatment for Lower limbs ulcer;唐汉钧教授辨证治疗臁疮规律拾萃

6)Tang Hanjun唐汉钧

1.ProfessorTang Hanjun s Clinical Experience in Treating External Diseases Through Spleen and Stomach;唐汉钧运用脾胃论观点治疗中医外科疾病举隅

2.Experience ofTang Hanjun on Treating Cervical Inflammatory Lump with Strengthening the Spleen and Eliminating the Phlegm;唐汉钧运用健脾化痰法治疗颈部炎性肿块经验


汉唐姬饮酒歌【诗文】:御服沾霜露,天衢长蓁棘。金隐秋尘姿,无人为带饰。玉堂歌声寝,芳林烟树隔。云阳台上歌,鬼哭复何益?仗剑明秋水,凶威屡胁逼。强枭噬母心,奔厉索人魄。相看两相泣,泪下如波激。宁用清酒为?欲作黄泉客。不说玉山颓,且无饮中色。勉从天帝诉,天上寡沉厄。无处张穗帷,如何望松柏?妾身昼团团,君魂夜寂寂。蛾眉自觉长,颈粉谁怜白。矜持昭阳意,不肯看南陌。仗剑明秋水,凶威屡胁逼:一作铁剑常光光,至凶威屡逼。【注释】: 黄泉客:一作黄泉隔。张穗帷:一作觅穗帷。【出处】:全唐诗
