100字范文 > 应急救援能力 emergency rescue capability英语短句 例句大全

应急救援能力 emergency rescue capability英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-13 01:13:24


应急救援能力 emergency rescue capability英语短句 例句大全

应急救援能力,emergency rescue capability

1)emergency rescue capability应急救援能力


1.Talking about How to Strengthen the Emergency Rescue Capability of the Helmet Crew浅谈如何提升矿山救护队应急救援能力

2.The practicable technique way of earthquake prediction--Thoughts on developing China"s air emergency rescue ability安国利民的重大战略举措——大力发展我国航空应急救援能力的思考

3.Occupational Health and Emergency Rescue职业卫生与应急救援

4.emergency response and rescue service紧急应变及救援服务

5.Study on the Model of Urban Emergency Rescue Force Deployment;城市灾害事故应急救援力量调配模型研究

6.On the Establishment of China s Emergency Response System;构建我国社会应急救援力量体系的思考

7.A Study on the Feasibilities and Necessities of Assigning the Role of Government Composite Emergency Rescue to Chinese Fire Force;公安消防部队承担政府综合应急救援职能研究

8.Participating in Local Pre-hospital Emergency Care to Promote Emergency Service Capacity参与社会院前急救 提高应急保障能力

9.Industry Policy of China’s Emergency Rescue:Lessons Learned from Wenchuan Earthquake;从汶川地震救援看我国应急救援产业化发展

10.An Analysis of a Few Problems of Emergency Rescue Units carrying out the Rescue Mission;浅析应急救援部队遂行救援任务的几个问题

11.To Study the Management System of Urgent Rescue in Germany;学习考察德国紧急救援应急管理体系

12.Help/Emergency: Assist the signaler as quickly as possible.求救/紧急情况:救援求救人要尽可能迅速。

13.Discussion on the establishment of public crisis management and synthesized fire emergency rescue force;政府公共危机管理与消防综合应急救援力量建设

14.Performing the function of storm troops in the construction of emergency rescue force system;在应急救援力量体系建设中充分发挥公安消防部队的突击队作用

15.Establish/ improve contingency plan for occupational-disease-inductive accidents.(六)立、全职业病危害事故应急救援预案。

16.Disaster of Indonesian Earthquake Generated Tsunami and the Emergency Response印尼8.7级地震海啸灾害及应急救援

17.Research of GIS-based Civil Aviation Emergency Rescue System;基于GIS的民航应急救援系统的研究

18.Research on timeliness of logistics in urban emergency rescue systems;城市应急救援系统中物流时效性研究


emergency rescue forces应急救援力量

3)emergency response应急救援

1.Discussion on some questions of coal mineemergency response plan"s composing;浅谈煤矿应急救援预案的编制

2.On the organizational frame-structure and operation mode of an incidentemergency response center;事故应急救援指挥中心组织架构和运行机制探讨

3.Study on city accidentsemergency response plan;关于城市事故应急救援预案的研究

4)emergency rescue应急救援

1.The important role of emergency assistant inemergency rescue;紧急救助员在应急救援工作中的重要作用(一)

2.The mechanism of theemergency rescue response during coal mine gas explosion;煤矿瓦斯爆炸事故应急救援响应机制

3.Design and practice on mineemergency rescue command and communication platform;煤矿应急救援指挥通信平台的设计与实现

5)emergency and rescue应急救援

1.Countermeasures research on theemergency and rescue of the public accident in the public security fire-fighting army;消防部队参加突发公共事件应急救援研究

2.The earthquakeemergency and rescue is an important part of protecting against and mitigating earthquake disasters.地震应急救援工作是防震减灾工作的重要组成部分 ,目的是最大限度减少因地震造成的人员伤亡和财产损失 ,保持社会稳定。

6)Emergency rescue and self-improvement.应急救援能力和自我发展能力


