100字范文 > 煤水分离 coal and water separation英语短句 例句大全

煤水分离 coal and water separation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-27 22:49:29


煤水分离 coal and water separation英语短句 例句大全

煤水分离,coal and water separation

1)coal and water separation煤水分离

1.Acoal and water separation system was set up at the begging point of the coal flow transportation and a special vibration dewatering screen was designed.针对采煤工作面涌水大,运出的煤流中含水多,运输、仓储困难,制约生产,危及安全的情况,在井下煤流运输的源头建立了煤水分离系统并设计了专门的振动分级脱水筛,利用废弃的巷道建立了筛下煤泥水沉淀池和压滤机硐室。

2)composite soluble coal-water separation agent复合型易溶煤水分离剂

1.The application ofcomposite soluble coal-water separation agent in Aiyou Coal Preparation Plant;复合型易溶煤水分离剂在阜矿集团艾友选煤厂的应用

3)coal-gangue separation煤矸分离

4)coal separator煤分离器

5)coal and rock separation煤岩分离


1.Research on Coal and Rock Separation and Petrographic Analysis Experimentation of Coal Samples from KAILUAN Group Mining Corporation开滦煤煤岩分离及岩相分析的试验研究

2.Research on the Distribution Law of Separated Layer in Overlying Strata and the Methood of Surface Subsidence Control in Coal Mine District;煤矿区采动覆岩离层分布规律与地表沉陷控制研究

3.Study on Laws of Surrounding Rock Stress Distribution and Roof-off-strata of the Gate Bolting Support;煤巷锚杆支护围岩应力分布及顶板离层规律的研究

4.Analysis on Ground Subsidence Control Mining Plan with Grouting in Overburden Separated Strata above Coal Pillar Under Railway Line in Tangshan Mine唐山矿铁路煤柱覆岩离层注浆减沉开采方案分析

parison of strata movement between section and slicing of top coal mining in steep and thick seams急斜厚煤层分层与分段放顶煤岩层移动对比

6.Pore Structure of Macerals from a Low Rank Bituminous低变质烟煤有机显微煤岩组分的孔结构分析

7.Finite difference analysis of cover rock seepage in coalmine煤矿开采覆岩渗流场的有限差分分析

8.separation fracture分离剥裂;张裂隙;岩层或岩体构造分离破裂

9.Coal-rock Mechanical Characteristic Analysis of Uncovering Coal in Crosscut and Numerical Simulation石门揭煤煤岩力学特性分析与数值模拟

10.Stability Analysis of Rock Pillar in the Uncovering Coal Process of Highway Tunnel Though Coal Seam公路穿煤隧道揭煤施工过程中岩柱稳定性分析

11.The test results and its analysis of deep coal seam and rock sample深层煤矿床的煤岩样物性测试结果与分析

12.Wettability of macerals from low rank bituminous低变质烟煤有机显微煤岩组分的润湿性

13.Application of logging constrained inversion technology in prediction of magmatic rock distribution in coal mines测井约束反演在预测煤矿岩浆岩分布中的应用

14.Study on the Surrounding Rock Controlling Technology of Floor Roadway under Closed Distance Coal Seam Group;近距离煤层群开采底板巷道围岩控制技术研究

15.Study on the Surrounding Rock Control Theory and Technology of Ultra-Close Multiple-Seams Mining;极近距离煤层开采围岩控制理论及技术研究

16.Study on the Failure Law of Overbureden Strata Induced by Ultra-Close Space Crossing Stopes极近距离煤层交错采场覆岩破坏规律研究

17.Research on the effects of multi-mining on activity law of rock strata in close coal seams多次动压下近距离煤层群覆岩破坏规律研究

18.Study of Deformation and Destruction Mechanics and Numerical Simulation on Ascending Strip Mining of Short Distance Coal Seams;近距离煤层条带上行开采煤岩层变形破坏机理及数值模拟研究


composite soluble coal-water separation agent复合型易溶煤水分离剂

1.The application ofcomposite soluble coal-water separation agent in Aiyou Coal Preparation Plant;复合型易溶煤水分离剂在阜矿集团艾友选煤厂的应用

3)coal-gangue separation煤矸分离

4)coal separator煤分离器

5)coal and rock separation煤岩分离

6)coal moisture煤水分

1.This paper briefly summarized the research state ofcoal moisture measuring techniques at home and abroad.因此,准确,快速,简便的测量煤水分成为亟待解决的问题。


易溶介质易溶介质 soluble medium温度20℃时,在水中的溶解度等于或大于2g/1的碱、盐类介质。
