100字范文 > 胰腺分裂 Pancreas divisum英语短句 例句大全

胰腺分裂 Pancreas divisum英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-18 00:27:30


胰腺分裂 Pancreas divisum英语短句 例句大全

胰腺分裂,Pancreas divisum

1)Pancreas divisum胰腺分裂

1.Value of magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography for diagnosis of pancreas divisum;磁共振胰胆管成像对胰腺分裂症的诊断价值

2.ResultsPancreas divisum was detected in 12/108 patients (11.目的:总结磁共振胰胆管成像(MRCP)对胰腺分裂的诊断价值和影像表现。

3.BACKGROUND & AIM: A few congenital pancreas diseases, such as heterotopic pancreas, annular pancreas and pancreas divisum, are rare in clinic.背景与目的:胰腺某些先天性疾病,如环状胰腺、异位胰腺、胰腺分裂等在临床上较少见,临床表现多不典型,容易漏诊或误诊。


1.One case report of pancreatic intraductal papillary mucinous tumor with pancreatic divisum胰腺分裂症合并胰腺导管内乳头状黏液瘤1例报告

2.Surgical removal of all or part of the pancreas.胰切除术全部或部分切除胰腺

3.The impact of ligation of the pancreatic duct or partial pancreatectomy on islets regeneration胰腺部分切除或胰管结扎对胰岛再生的影响

4.An Analytic Study on Metabolic Features of Pancreatic Tumor and Chronic Pancreatitis;胰腺癌及慢性胰腺炎代谢特征比较分析

5.The risk factors analysis of pancreatic secondary infection in severe acute pancreatitis treated in an Intensive Care Unit重症急性胰腺炎继发胰腺感染的影响因素分析

6.Progress of study on pancreatic exocrine function after acute pancreatitis急性胰腺炎后胰腺外分泌功能研究概况

7.Clinical Diagnisis and Treatment Analysis of "Yixian" Pionts to Chronic SAP“胰腺穴”对慢性胰腺炎临床诊断与治疗分析

8.Insulin is secreted by beta cells, specialized cells in the pancreas.胰岛素是由胰腺中的特种细胞β细胞分泌的。

9.The Isolation and Culture of Islets Langerhans and Islet Stem Cells in Rat;大鼠胰岛和胰腺干细胞的体外分离和培养

10.Isolation and Identification of Pancreatic Stem Cells Derived from Human Fetal Islet-Like Cell Clusters;人胎儿胰岛样细胞团源胰腺干细胞分离和鉴定

11.Efficacy and clinical application value of endoscopic transpapillary drainage on pancreatic pseudocysts胰管内外引流治疗胰腺假性囊肿疗效分析

12.Retrospective Analysis of Diagnosis and Treatment of 10 Cases of Pancreatic Duct Stone Complicated with Pancreatic Cancer胰管结石合并胰腺癌10例诊治回顾分析

13.The Gene Variability Study between Islet Cells Which Pancreatic Stem Cells Differentiating into and Nature Islet Cells;胰腺干细胞分化的胰岛细胞与天然胰岛细胞基因差异研究

14.Proteomic Analysis of Differential Protein Expression in Early Process of Pancreatic Regeneration in Pancreatectomized Rats;胰腺大部分切除诱导大鼠胰腺增生早期的蛋白质组学研究

15.Influences of Jejunal Nutrition on Pancreatic Excrine Secretion at Pancreatitis Rat and Its Neuromechanism;急性胰腺炎时空肠营养对胰腺外分泌功能的影响及其神经机制

16.Study on PDX-1 Inducing Differentiation of Liver Cells to Pancreatic Cells;胰腺发育相关基因PDX-1诱导肝细胞向胰腺细胞分化研究

17.The Expression of Nestin of Rat Embryonic Pancrea and the Method Establish of Micro-dissection of Embryonic Pancreatic;大鼠胚胎胰腺巢蛋白的表达及早期胚胎胰腺显微分离方法的建立

18.Tongfu Decoction of Acute Pancreatitis Rabbit Pancreatic Exocrine Function of Experimental Study;通腑汤对急性胰腺炎兔胰腺外分泌功能影响的实验研究


pancreatic divisum/ diagnosis胰腺分裂症/诊断

3)pancreatic divisum/ therapy胰腺分裂症/治疗

4)Pancreatic rupture胰腺断裂


6)pancreas distribution胰腺分布


