100字范文 > 辅助工法 auxiliary construction method英语短句 例句大全

辅助工法 auxiliary construction method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-12 20:30:16


辅助工法 auxiliary construction method英语短句 例句大全

辅助工法,auxiliary construction method

1)auxiliary construction method辅助工法

1.On the element of the railway tunnel portals, the paper primarily studies the basic and theauxiliary construction methods about it, and makes a series of mechanical analyses on these methods, then the factors to choose construction methods and the support parameters are summarized in this paper.本文以铁路隧道洞口段为对象,研究了隧道洞口段的基本工法和辅助工法,并对各种工法进行了力学分析,总结出了隧道洞口段施工时各种工法的选择因素和支护参数。


1.Application of Freezing Method in Urban Underground Construction;冻结辅助工法在城市地下工程中的应用

2.supported job model [supported employment]辅助工作模式〔辅助职业〕

3.A Way to Assist Project Bidding Decision Based on ANN Method;一种辅助工程项目投标决策ANN方法

4.Controlling on the Direction and the Accessorial Adjustment Method in the Coal-face Using Mechanized Equipment to Extract the Upper Coal;综放工作面采向控制及辅助调整方法

5.Enzyme-assisted method to optimize extracting of polysaccharides from Chinese yam酶解辅助法优选山药多糖的提取工艺

6.Study on Ultrasound-assisted Enzymatic Preparation of Allicin超声辅助酶法制备大蒜素的工艺研究

7.Method of Calculating Assistant Mechanical Time Based on MOD基于模特法的机械加工工序辅助时间计算方法

8.The Design of Construction Scheme of Intersection between Guanjiao Tunnel and Service Gallery关角隧道辅助坑道与正洞交叉口施工工法设计

9.Supplementary Legal Aid Scheme法律援助辅助计划。

10.Supplementary Legal Aid Fund法律援助辅助计划基金

11.Includes standard Accessibility Options and new Accessibility Tools.包括标准的辅助选项和新的辅助工具。

12.enclave model [supported employment]辅助工作单位模式〔辅助就业〕

13.formation and servicing平整工程及辅助工程

puter-assisted software engineering tool [CASE tool]电脑辅助软件工程工具

15.Applying the Methodolog of Software Engineering in CAI System软件工程方法学在辅助教学系统上的应用

16.Methodology and Application of Engineering Visual Computer-Aided Design;工程可视化辅助设计理论方法及其应用

17.The Primary Study of Building Bioartificial Renal Tubule Assist Device;生物人工肾小管辅助装置构建方法的初步研究

18.The Development of Tools Assisting Network Instruction Based on the Scheme Signals Approach;基于纲要信号法的网络教学辅助工具的开发


assisting construction method辅助施工工法

3)auxiliary mould辅助工装

1.The application ofauxiliary mould of rubber and thermal contractible plastic in composite parts by vacuum bag/autoclave molding was studied.主要研究了橡胶、热收缩塑料用作辅助工装在真空袋/热压罐成型复合材料制件中的应用。

4)Auxiliary tool辅助工具

5)assistive engineering辅助工程

6)human assistance人工辅助


