100字范文 > 整体感知 the overall perception英语短句 例句大全

整体感知 the overall perception英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-16 06:39:31


整体感知 the overall perception英语短句 例句大全

整体感知,the overall perception

1)the overall perception整体感知

1.This paper is to expound from the perspective ofthe overall perception the connotation of the ways of reading literary works.在新课程标准理念下,结合中学生文学作品学习的实际,从整体感知方面阐述文学作品阅读方式的内涵和操作方法:教师通过用整体感知的理念研究教材;在整体感知背景下创设情境、激发兴趣;在整体感知文学作品感情基调的基础上培养语感、畅谈感受;培养学生整体感知文学作品的思维意识;教给学生整体感知文学作品的方法,最终养成师生整体感知文学作品的良好习惯。


1.Strategies of Literature Education in Chinese Teaching--On the Overall Perception in Reading Literary Works语文教学中文学教育策略探微——浅谈阅读文学作品的整体感知能力

2.I am still aware of my physical body, duality, during this whole experience.在整个经历中,我仍能感知自己的物质躯体,具有两重性。

3.Something that occupies space and can be perceived by one or more senses; a physical body, a physical substance, or the universe as a whole.物质占据一定空间并能被一种或多种感觉感知到的东西;实体、物质或整个宇宙

4.The Effect of the Wholist-annlytic Cognitive Styles to Global-precedance;整体—分析型认知风格对知觉整体优先性的影响

5.They emphasize a sense of forcefulness and beautiful shapes.从整体上强调了量感和形式感,

6.Perception is cognition of brain to know the holistic attribute of things when objective tings act on sense organs.知觉是客观事物直接作用于感官而在头脑中产生的对事物整体的认识。

7.Discussion on Property Knowledge and Shared Knowledge in the Entirety of Knowledge Economy;小议知识经济整体中的产权知识和共享知识

8.The entire form is simple and reveals a strong sense of volume鹰鼎整体结构简洁,体积感很强,

9.Having no physical feeling or sensation; insentient.失去知觉的没有肉体感觉或知觉的;无知觉的

10.Sensation, Move, and Emotion;感知、感动、感悟——浅议音乐课美育特质的体现

11.The Cognitive and Neural Mechanism of Multisensory Information Integrating:A Review of Current Studies;多种感觉信息整合的认知与神经机制研究

12.The Relationship between the Wholes and Their Parts in Recognition of Chinese Characters汉字认知过程中整体与部分关系论

13.Considerate products know when to bend the rules体贴的软件知道什么时候调整规则

14.Henry said: "You have to remember that Barcelona is a team.亨利说:“你应该知道,巴塞罗那是个整体。

15.Constructing the Moral Education Mode "Knowledge,Life and Integrity"“知情型—生活化—整体性”德育新范式建构

16.[These] words . . . express the whole current of modern feeling[这些]词.表达了现代情感的整体潮流

17.I"m satisfied with the Learning Center in general.整体而言,我对学习中心感到满意.

18.English Intuition Development and Integrated Teaching Mode of Reading论英语语感培养与整体阅读教学模式


integrated perception整体性感知

1.The learners of Chinese characters should have anintegrated perception of such characters.汉语为非母语的学习者认识汉字时,是整体性感知的。

3)apperceiving whole imagery整体感知形象

4)entire perceptual ability整体感知能力

1.In the course of training theirentire perceptual ability, students should be encouraged to take an active and positive part, and above all, the training needs to be implemented in every stag e of the sketch teaching.素描教学中培养学生的整体感能力十分重要,在整体感知能力的训练时 ,应该强调积极主动的理性参与,而且要具体落实到每一个素描教学阶段中去,虽然,在第 一阶段中整体意识的训练所达到的标准有所不同,但只要坚持这种从低级的整体意识到高层 次的整体感知能力的反复训练,就能发挥预期效果。

5)integration of perception感知整合

6)Unitary Apperception of Architectural Elements建筑元素整体感知


