100字范文 > 耐久寿命 Service life英语短句 例句大全

耐久寿命 Service life英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-22 02:03:47


耐久寿命 Service life英语短句 例句大全

耐久寿命,Service life

1)Service life耐久寿命

1.Preliminary study on the prediction of service life of high performance concrete in sulphate erosion resistance;高性能混凝土抗硫酸盐侵蚀耐久寿命预测初探

2.During the course of predicting the service life of tunnel lining,the uncertainty of the parameters could affect the results.模型参数取值的不确定性会对衬砌结构耐久寿命预测结果产生较大影响。

3.Based on the analyzed experimental results,measures to improve service life of RC are derived.分析了各种因素影响机理并提出了提高耐久寿命的措施。


1.Elementary study in evaluation of enduringspan for HPC of subway engineering地铁工程高性能混凝土耐久寿命评估初探

2.Reliability Based Durable Life Prediction of Reinforced Concrete Structures;基于可靠性分析的钢筋混凝土结构耐久寿命预测

3.Durable Service Life Predication and Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Based on Two-Dimension Diffusion of Chloride Ion;氯离子二维扩散下钢筋砼构件耐久寿命预测与分析

4.Predicting Durable Service Life of Reinforced Concrete Exposed to Chloride Environment;氯离子侵蚀环境下钢筋混凝土构件的耐久寿命预测

5.Research on the Evaluation of the Durability and Remaining Life of High Pile Wharf;高桩码头耐久性及剩余使用寿命评估

6.Study on the Durability of the Subway Concrete Structure and Service Life Prediction;地铁工程混凝土耐久性研究与寿命预测

7.Reliability Analysis on Rupture Life of Heat-Resistant Steel Based on Z Parameter;基于Z参数的耐热钢持久寿命可靠性分析

8.Durability Life Prediction of Concrete Stuctures & Reliability Analysis and Study;混凝土结构耐久性寿命预测及可靠度分析研究

9.Study on Durability Influencing Factors of Subway Structure and Its Service Life Prediction;地铁结构耐久性影响因素及其寿命预测研究

10.The Research on Step-Stress Accelerated Life and Starting Durability of Refrigeration Compressor;制冷压缩机加速寿命、启动耐久性系统的研究

11.Durability and Service Life Prediction of Reinforced Concrete Structure Exposed to Chloride Environments;氯腐蚀环境混凝土结构耐久性与寿命预测

12.The Research of Pre-stressed Concrete Structure Durability and the Life Forecast of Structure预应力混凝土结构耐久性研究和结构寿命预测

13.Relationship of structural durability with structural safety and serviceability in whole life-cycle结构全寿命的耐久性与安全性、适用性的关系

14.Durable life prediction of reinforced concrete structure under chloride penetration钢筋混凝土结构氯离子侵蚀耐久性寿命预测

15.Study on accelerated test method for micro sprayer durability微喷头耐久性的加速寿命试验方法研究

16.Tests on Frost-resistance and Life-span Prediction of Recycled Concrete再生混凝土抗冻耐久性试验及寿命预测

17.Study on Methods of Accelerated Testing of Marine Concrete Durability Based on Simulating Environment and Service Life Prediction基于环境的海工混凝土耐久性试验与寿命预测方法研究

18.Study on High Performance Concrete in Salt Lake: Durability, Mechanism and Service Life Prediction;盐湖地区高性能混凝土的耐久性、机理与使用寿命预测方法


durable life耐久寿命

1.An example indicates that it is more reasonable to take the contribution of statement of truncation data into account for statistics results ofdurable life of concrete structures.结合混凝土结构在耐久性评价中包含许多模糊性因素的特点 ,将模糊数学的思想融入到生存分析法中 ,基于混凝土结构的耐久性失效准则 ,考虑删失数据的状态对混凝土结构耐久寿命的贡献 ,对混凝土结构耐久寿命进行了统计分析 ,算例表明分析结果比较合

2.distribution of entropy should be used to correlate with the probability density function of durability of structure in according with the feature of the sample for the statistics ofdurable life of port egineering structure and discusses the reliability of durability of structure initially on the basis of analysis.针对港工结构耐久寿命统计的特点,建议用最大熵分布去拟合结构耐久寿命概率密度函数的方法,在此基础上对结构耐久性可靠度进行了初步探讨。

3)durability life耐久寿命

1.Concretedurability life prediction is an important subject to concrete durability research.混凝土耐久寿命的预测是混凝土耐久性研究的一项重要课题,本文综合介绍了目前国内外有关混凝土耐久寿命预测的重要理论方法与实践,并简要论述了各种研究方法的优缺点。

4)durable life耐久性寿命

1.Thedurable life of marine concrete is forecasted and compared on the basis of the chloride deterioration model.纯硅酸盐水泥混凝土很难达到海洋高性能混凝土氯离子渗透电量小于1000C要求,矿物掺合料能够改善抗氯离子渗透能力,研究得出改善混凝土抗氯离子渗透能力依次为10%SF>60%SG>30% FA;并且通过氯离子因素耐久性经时破坏模型计算,对掺加不同矿物掺合料海洋混凝土耐久性寿命进行了预测与比较。

2.It points out when the durable reliability index falls below a stipulated index,that the reinforced concrete structure has reached itsdurable life.根据Fick第二扩散定律和可靠度理论,建立耐久可靠指标和侵蚀时间之间的关系,指出当耐久可靠性低于规定可靠指标时,钢筋混凝土结构到达其氯离子侵蚀耐久性寿命。

5)endurance life耐久性寿命

1.Theendurance life of structures can be evaluated and predicted based on the foregoing analysis accompanying with the corrosion analysis of the protective layer.钢筋锈蚀是影响钢筋混凝土结构耐久性寿命的重要因素。

6)anti-carbonation durability life碳化耐久性寿命


