100字范文 > 模糊原理 fuzzy theory英语短句 例句大全

模糊原理 fuzzy theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-11 03:00:04


模糊原理 fuzzy theory英语短句 例句大全

模糊原理,fuzzy theory

1)fuzzy theory模糊原理

1.However,the fuzzy method can optimize the decision, and as a result the differential protection based onfuzzy theory can gain the optimal combination between speed and selectivity.在变压器保护的过程中经常会出现决策的不确定性 ,尤其是牵引变压器 ,传统的差动保护为了动作的选择性而牺牲其快速性 ,而模糊法则能最大优化地进行决策 ,从而使得基于模糊原理的差动保护的速度和选择性得到最佳的组合。

2.This system realizes the accurate controlling of water level exertingfuzzy theory.运用模糊原理实现液位的精确控制 ,通过串行通讯上位机对接收到的多路温度数据进行曲线拟合及故障分析 ,提出应对措施。

2)fuzzy recognition theory模糊识别原理

1.Analysis of transformer inrush current hamming close degreefuzzy recognition theory;变压器涌流Hamming贴近度模糊识别原理分析


1.Research on Transformer Protection Based on the Fuzzy Theory;基于模糊识别原理的变压器保护的研究

2.Emitter Identification based on Fuzzy Inference基于模糊推理的雷达辐射源识别方法

3.Pattern recognition based on fuzzy theory for wool knitted clothing基于模糊理论的毛针织服装款式识别

4.Unified theory and model of variable fuzzy clustering and pattern recognition可变模糊聚类及模式识别统一理论与模型

5.An Analysis of Rationality of Landuse Based on the FuzzyPatern Recognition Theory;基于模糊模式识别理论的土地利用合理性分析

6.Study on Restoration and Recognition of the Doorplate Number Image Degraded by Linear Motion;门牌号的运动模糊图像复原及识别方法研究

7.The Theory of Fuzzy Approach of Pattern Recognition--Application in public finance;模糊模式识别理论在公共财政中的应用

8.Assessment and quantification theory with fuzzy pattern recognition model on regional sustainable development;区域可持续发展模糊模式识别评价量化理论

9.Flatness Pattern Recognition Based on Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System基于自适应神经模糊推理系统的板形模式识别

10.Study on Theories and Application of Multiobject Fuzzy Pattern Recognition Decision Making;多目标模糊识别优化决策理论与应用研究

11.Study on Technology of Vehicle License Plate Auto Recognition System Using Fuzzy Theories;基于模糊理论的汽车牌照自动识别技术研究

12.Study on Segmentation and Recognition Algorithms for Underwater Images Based on Fuzzy Theory;基于模糊理论的水下图像分割与识别算法研究

13.The Research and Implemention of Tyre Codes Recognition System Based on Fuzzy;基于模糊理论的轮胎编码识别系统研究与实现

14.The Research of License Plate Segmentation and Recognition System Based on Fuzzy Theory;基于模糊理论的车牌图像分割与识别系统研究

15.Identification of Oil-Spill on SAR Images Based on Fuzzy Logic Algorithm基于模糊理论的SAR图像海面油膜识别方法研究

16.Adaptive Hierarchical Fuzzy Inference-based Modulation Recognition Algorithm基于自适应级联模糊推理的调制识别算法

17.Target Recognition Based on Fuzzy Set and Improved Dempster-Shafer Evidential Theory基于模糊集与改进证据理论的目标识别

18.Radar Emitter Recognition Based on Fuzzy Conditional Evidence Theory基于模糊条件证据理论的雷达辐射源识别


fuzzy recognition theory模糊识别原理

1.Analysis of transformer inrush current hamming close degreefuzzy recognition theory;变压器涌流Hamming贴近度模糊识别原理分析

3)fundamentals of fuzzy judgement模糊评判原理

4)fuzzy programming principle模糊规划原理

5)fuzzy optimum seeking theory模糊优选原理

1.We can get a relative optimum membership degree vector of optimum seeking schemes by combiningfuzzy optimum seeking theory with BP neural network,This paper extends three layers fuzzy optimum BP neural network to m,so we can gain a general model.通过把模糊优选原理与BP神经网络模型相结合 ,能得到可供优选的方案的相对优属度向量。

6)the fuzziness transmission principle模糊性传递原理


