100字范文 > 先诉优先原则 The doctrine of first-litigation priority英语短句 例句大全

先诉优先原则 The doctrine of first-litigation priority英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-13 12:45:41


先诉优先原则 The doctrine of first-litigation priority英语短句 例句大全

先诉优先原则,The doctrine of first-litigation priority

1)The doctrine of first-litigation priority先诉优先原则

2)principle of priority优先原则


1.China has adopted the priority-of-registration principle.中国采用注册优先原则。

2.For example, China has adopted the priority-of-registration principle.比如,中国实行注册优先原则,

3.China has adopted the priority-of-registration principle for many years.中国已经采用注册优先原则很多年了。

4.Other countries prefer the priority-of-use principle.其它国家更青睐使用优先原则。

5.Introduce the Principle of Ecology Precedence into Urban Land Evaluation;城市用地评定中的生态优先原则导入

6.District Government Priority Principle in Sustainable Development;论可持续发展中的地方政府优先原则

7.Research on Placement Algorithm Based on Less Flexibility First Principles;基于最小自由度优先原则的布局算法研究

8.Impact of priority principle of public laws on secure right in rem of vessel;论“公法优先原则”对船舶担保物权的影响

9.The Ownership of Patent Right of the Post Invention and the Principle of Contract Priority;职务发明专利权归属中的合同优先原则

10.Before filling in the Trues(1’ s) and Falses(0’ s), we rank the Causes in the table according to" masking" precedence.在填入真假前,我们根据掩盖优先原则对表中的原因进行排列。

11.This algorithm is based on the principle of “Choose Longer Word”.该算法基于“长词优先”的切分原则 .

12.Many countries prefer the priority-of-use principle.很多国家更青睐优先使用原则。

13.a number of countries prefer the priority-of-use principle.一些国家更青睐优先使用原则。

14.Is "Giving Priority to Efficiency with due Consideration to Fairness" Out-of-Date;“效率优先,兼顾公平”原则过时了吗?

15.On the Distribution Principle of Efficiency First and Consideration to Fairness;论“效率优先 兼顾公平”的分配原则

16.Thoughts on the Distribution Principles of "Giving Priority to Efficiency and Giving Considerations to Impartiality";对“效率优先、兼顾公平”分配原则的思考

17.“Practice is prior”principle in German classical philosophy;论德国古典哲学的“实践优先”原则

18.Rule of Optimization: Prototype before polishing. Get it working before you optimize it.优化原则:雕琢前先要有原型,优化之前先让其工作起来。


principle of priority优先原则

3)Priority principle优先级原则

4)prior principle优先性原则

5)a right of priority doctrine优先权原则

6)priority service discipline优先服务原则

1.Diffusion approximation for queueing networks underpriority service discipline;优先服务原则下排队网络的扩散近似

2.This paper studies the diffusion approximation for a class of the re-entrant networks under a generalpriority service discipline.本文研究了一类重入型网络在优先服务原则下的扩散近似,运用随机分析方法,证明了标准化队长过程的C-紧性。


时间优先原则 时间优先原则——时间优先原则表现为:同价位申报,依照申报时序决定优先顺序。电脑申报竞价时,按计算机主机接受的时间顺序排列;书面申报竞价时,按证券经纪商接到书面凭证的顺序排列。
