100字范文 > Pierce原则 pierce principle英语短句 例句大全

Pierce原则 pierce principle英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-06 21:20:18


Pierce原则 pierce principle英语短句 例句大全

Pierce原则,pierce principle

1)pierce principlePierce原则

2)Box-Pierce testBox-Pierce检验

3)Pierce idealPierce理想

1.An ideal P of a ring R is said to be aPierce ideal provided that R/P is a Pierce stalk of R.环R的理想P称为Pierce理想,如果R/P是R的Pierce茎。


1.The Principles of Design Urban Outdoor Furniture;论城市户外家具的设计原则

2.A Discussion On the Significance and the Principles of Furniture Color Design;家具色彩设计的意义和原则探析

3.Principle of Legal Remedy for Environment Tort;环境侵权的法律救济原则


1.a fundamental principle [rule]基本原则 [规则]

2.principle of contemporaniety现行性原则 现行性原则

3.Intention Principle,Cooperation Principle and Polite Principle;谎言与目的原则、合作原则及礼貌原则

4.The principles of legislation currently includes constitutionality, democracy, science and ruling of law.现时期中国立法原则为宪法原则、法治原则、民主原则、科学原则。

5.Rule,Principle,and Procedure-An interpretation of legal principles;规则、原则、程序——对法律原则的一个诠释

6.Principle and Maxims of the Art of War战争艺术的原则与准则

7.We should keep to the principle of main body, human nature, macrocosm, sustainable and prospective methodology.其中应遵循的方法论原则主要有主体性原则、人本性原则、整体性原则、持续性原则、前瞻性原则。

8.The basic principles mainly co ist of legality and reasonablene.基本原则主要包括合法性原则和合理性原则。

9.There are two basic principles, the principle of democracy and the principle of socialism.原则基本上是两个:民主原则和社会主义原则。

10.Tolerancing principleGB/T4249-1996公差原则

11.ne impediatur officia不妨碍公务(原则)

12.4. Carrying out the principle of openness.四、贯彻开放原则。

13.pleasure principle快乐原则(心理学)


15.Broadly-defined Principle of proportion includes appropriate principle, necessity principle and narrowly-defined Principle of proportion.广义的比例原则包括适当性原则、要性原则和狭义的比例原则。

16.establish a principle确定原则,形成原理

17.principle of accounting会计原理,会计原则

18.On the Maxims of Tact and Generosity of the Politeness Principle;论礼貌原则中的策略准则和慷慨准则


Box-Pierce testBox-Pierce检验

3)Pierce idealPierce理想

1.An ideal P of a ring R is said to be aPierce ideal provided that R/P is a Pierce stalk of R.环R的理想P称为Pierce理想,如果R/P是R的Pierce茎。


1.The Principles of Design Urban Outdoor Furniture;论城市户外家具的设计原则

2.A Discussion On the Significance and the Principles of Furniture Color Design;家具色彩设计的意义和原则探析

3.Principle of Legal Remedy for Environment Tort;环境侵权的法律救济原则


1.Discussion onprinciples of river ecological restoration planning;试论河流生态修复规划的原则

2.The public" s participation in the sustainable development: significance, condition andprinciples;公众参与可持续发展:意义、条件与原则

3.Principles and Framework for Cumulative Effects Assessment;累积影响评价的原则和框架


1.The Identification,Rule and Orientation of Modification of the Agriculture Structure;农业结构调整的特点、原则和方向

2.The re-strictions and mechanism of environment binding factors on sustainable development are analysed, andthe restricted rules of binding factors are suggested.本文讨论了区域可持续发展模式对环境变化的影响,阐述了可持续发展与环境变化的关系,并在此基础上分析了各种环境制约因子对可持续发展的制约作用及约束机制,论述了制约因子制约作用原则,指出环境约束与区域可持续发展之间的关系是建立在约束与反约束基础上的共轭演进关系。


PI 聚酰亚胺是由4,4’-二氨基二苯醚与均苯四甲酸酐反应先得到高分子量且能溶于极性溶剂的预聚体——聚酰胺酸,然后在高温下脱水环化制得。不溶性聚合物.淡黄色粉末,细度<250um,表观密度0.35。耐高低温,性能优异.在-269~400 ℃范围内保持较高的机械性能,热变形温度360℃(1.82MPa)。使用温度-240~260℃。耐辐射性极好。耐磨性良好,能耐大多数溶剂,但易被浓酸、浓碱水解。在沸水和蒸汽的长时间作用下能被破坏。
