100字范文 > 农业保险经营组织 agricultural insurance operation organization英语短句 例句大全

农业保险经营组织 agricultural insurance operation organization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-20 20:38:52


农业保险经营组织 agricultural insurance operation organization英语短句 例句大全

农业保险经营组织,agricultural insurance operation organization

1)agricultural insurance operation organization农业保险经营组织

1.The systems ofagricultural insurance operation organizations comprise policy-oriented agricultural insurance companies,private insurance companies,agricultural insurance cooperatives,agricultural mutual insurance society and agricultural mutual insurance companies in foreign countries.国外农业保险经营组织体系的构成包括政策性农业保险机构、商业保险公司、农业保险合作社及其联合社、农业相互保险社、农业相互保险公司等。


1.Thoughts on the Construction and Perfection of Systems of Agricultural Insurance Operation Organizations构建我国农业保险经营组织体系的思考

2.No organization or individual may force any agricultural labourer or agricultural production and operation organization to take out agricultural insurance.任何组织和个人不得强制农业劳动者和农业生产经营组织参加农业保险。

3.Our country " insurance law " the legal form that formulary insurance company is management organization of commercial insurance business.我国《保险法》规定的保险公司是商业保险业务经营组织的法定形式。

4.The Research on Legal System of Original Agricultural Insurance Organization for Commercial Purpose商业性农业原保险组织法律制度研究

5.Article 17 The State shall protect the lawful properties of peasants or agricultural production and operation organizations from violation.第十七条 国家保护农民和农业生产经营组织的合法财产不受侵犯。

6.A Study on Jiuquan Agricultural Integration Organizational Models;酒泉市农业产业化经营组织模式研究

7.The Studies on Innovation of Chinese Agricultural Industrialization Operational Organization;我国农业产业化经营组织的创新研究

8.Innovation Research in Organization Form of Agricultural Industrial Production Management;农业产业化经营中组织形式创新研究

9.A New Organizational System in the Industrialized Management in Guangxi Agriculture;广西农业产业化经营组织的机制创新

10.Demanding Analysis of Agricultural Insurance in Agricultural Industrialization;农业产业化经营中对农业保险的需求分析

11.Thinking on Innovating the Production and Management Organizations of Agricultural Products in China and Their Insurance System;我国农业生产经营组织创新的基本思路与保障体系

parison on Organizations of Agriculture Industrialization & Construction and Operation of Farmer Cooperatives;农业产业化经营组织比较及农民专业合作经济组织的构建与运行

13.The Business Mode of Agricultural Medi-Market Organization in the West China;西部农业市场中介组织经营模式研究

14.The Formation of Agricultural Co-management Organizations andIts Principles of Development;农业共同经营组织形成与发展之原理

15.An Appraisal on Business Efficiency of Zhuzhou farmer professional cooperative organization株洲农民专业合作组织经营效率评价

16.Developing Rural Cooperative Organization to Innovate Agricultural Management System;发展农村合作经济组织创新农业经营体制

17.Adverse Selection,Moral Hazard and Innovation on Agricultural Insurance Administrative Organization逆选择、道德风险与农业保险经营主体创新

18.Research on the Superiority and Organization Model of Enterprise Management of Farmers Agricultural Production;农户农业企业化经营的优势与组织形式研究


agricultural insurance operation农业保险经营

1.Therefore,in the course ofagricultural insurance operation,the common property insurance operation techniques couldn t work well.由于农业风险可保性差、风险单位大、区域性强等特点,在农业保险经营中,厘定保险费率、界定保险责任、防范道德风险、定损理赔以及分散巨灾损失等方面都存在特殊的技术障碍,普通财产保险经营技术难以奏效。

3)agricultural operation organization农业经营组织

1.The performance evaluation of our country sagricultural operation organizations is carried out based on the performance evaluation system of industrial corporations.我国农业经营组织的绩效评估是借鉴工业企业的绩效评估体系进行的,工业企业绩效评估理论先天的不足——对社会绩效评估研究的空白导致农业经营组织绩效评估理论的残缺。

2.For driving theagricultural operation organizations to the direction that is helpful to eco-environment,based on the analysis of the factors which influenceagricultural operation organizations ecologic performance,an ecologic performance evaluation system is designed and applied to calculate general performance by general method of point rating and analytic hierarchy process.为使农业经营组织向着有利于生态环境的方向发展,在剖析农业经营组织生态绩效因子的基础上,设计一套生态绩效评估体系,并利用综合评分法和层次分析法计算综合绩效。

4)Systematism of Agriculture Management农业经营组织化

5)Original Agricultural Insurance Organization for Commercial Purpose商业性农业原保险组织

6)Agricultural industrialization management organization农业产业化经营组织


