100字范文 > 能源主权 Energy Sovereignty英语短句 例句大全

能源主权 Energy Sovereignty英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-05 04:46:41


能源主权 Energy Sovereignty英语短句 例句大全

能源主权,Energy Sovereignty

1)Energy Sovereignty能源主权

2)Active Capability主动权能

3)main source of energy主能源

4)principal energy主体能源

5)Energy and Democracy能源与民主

6)Environment resources sovereignty环境资源主权


1.National Environment Resources Sovereignty without Impairing Foreign Environment Principle;论国家环境资源主权与不损害国外环境原则

2.Analysis on the Influence of Environmental Accounting Entity to Environmental Resource Property Right;环境资源产权对环境会计主体的影响分析

3.Establishment of China s environment resource property right system and the environmental protection;环境资源产权制度的构建与环境保护

4.Settlement of the Difficulty of Standard of Right in Legislation for the Resources and Environment;资源环境立法的权利本位困境与出路

5.The federal government has addressed environmental or land resource issues largely through its regulatory power.联邦政府主要通过其制定规章的权力来处理环境和土地资源问题。

6.Society, Environment, Resources, Power and Rural Development;社会、环境、资源、权力与乡村发展

7.Protection of Title to Environmental and Resource Property in the Conflict Between "Self-care" and "Rarity";“两性”碰撞下的环境资源产权保护

8.Real Laws Regulation on National Natural Resources;《物权法》对国家环境资源的法律规制

9.American Environmental Literature:The Theme of Environmental Justice and Its Sources美国环境文学中的环境正义主题及其思想资源

10.Environmental Rights in Tragic Choices of Resource Allocation--Interest nature of environmental rights from environmental resource allocation资源分配悲剧性选择中的环境权——从环境资源分配角度看环境权的利益属性

11.On Relation and Coalition of Environmental Rights and Natural Resources Rights;环境权与自然资源权的关系及其合并问题研究

12.Researches on the Supporting Capacity Indicator and Weight of Every Regional,State and City in Xinjiang;新疆各地州市资源环境承载力指标及其权重研究——基于目标一致性的主客观综合赋权法

13.SERA (Socialist Environment and Resources Association)社会主义环境及资源协会

14.Environmental Fairness and Environmental Democracy-the Third Comment on the Basic Idea of Legal Science of Environment and Resources Law;环境公平与环境民主——三论环境资源法学的基本理念

15.Law and Economics Study on China s Property Rights Institution of Environmental Resources;中国环境资源产权制度的法经济学研究

16.Analysis of Property Rights Institution Toward Sustainable Utilization of Environmental Resource in Chinese Rural Area;我国农村环境资源可持续利用的产权制度分析

17.On Enlarging the Applicable Scope of Environmental Resources Administrative Prosecution;论环境资源行政起诉权适用范围的扩大

18.New progress of negative externality of environment resources and ownership theory;环境资源负外部性与产权理论的新进展


Active Capability主动权能

3)main source of energy主能源

4)principal energy主体能源

5)Energy and Democracy能源与民主

6)Environment resources sovereignty环境资源主权


