100字范文 > 地域穷竭 regional exhaustion英语短句 例句大全

地域穷竭 regional exhaustion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-26 01:14:49


地域穷竭 regional exhaustion英语短句 例句大全

地域穷竭,regional exhaustion

1)regional exhaustion地域穷竭

1.Theoretical field divides it intoregional exhaustion and international exhaustion and takes it as the theoretical basis of parallel import.权利穷竭的空间效力范围是知识产权领域争论的问题之一,理论界将权利穷竭的空间效力范围划分为地域穷竭和国际穷竭两种,并将权利穷竭作为平行进口的理论基础。

2)the locality of exhausted of right权利穷竭的地域性


1.Mediation Effect ofRumination on Relationship Between Locus of Control and Depression Among Adolescents;青少年心理控制源与抑郁:穷思竭虑的中介作用


1.Mediation Effect of Rumination on Relationship Between Locus of Control and Depression Among Adolescents;青少年心理控制源与抑郁:穷思竭虑的中介作用

2.We were at the end of our resources. = No resource was left us.我们已经智穷虑竭 [才尽] 。

3.A Consideration of the Problem Related to Parallel Importation and Intellectual Property Right Exhaustion;平行进口与知识产权权利穷竭问题思考

4.A fool"s bolt is soon shot.愚者易于智穷力竭。

5.I was now at the end of my tether.这时我已智穷力竭。

6.The (or A) beggar may sing before the thief (or footbad)既是穷光蛋,何虑窃贼偷

7.Indirect tactics, efficiently applied, are inexhaustible as Heaven and Earth, unending as the flow of rivers and streams;故善出奇者,无穷如天地,不竭如江海。

8.Research on the Exhaustion Doctrine──Comment on the parallel imports;权利穷竭原则探究——兼论平行进口问题

9.Spatial Effect Scope of the Exhaustion of Intellectual Property Rights论知识产权权利穷竭的空间效力范围

10.That which ends in exhaustion is death, but the perfect ending is in the endless.终止于衰竭是“死亡”,但“圆满”却终止于无穷。

11.The Review of the Legal Issue on the Exhaustion and Parallel Imports of the Trade Mark s Right;商标权权利穷竭与平行进口法律问题研究

12.Copyright Exhaustion:Space Validity Scope And Parallel Import;版权穷竭的空间效力范围与平行进口问题研究

13.On the System of the Exhaustion of Copyright;对数字化条件下版权穷竭制度的再探讨

14.Rights exhausted of intellectual property and its significance in law;知识产权的权利一次穷竭及其法律意义

ponents and Jurisprudential Analysis of the Systemof Patent Exhaustion;专利权穷竭制度的构成及其法理学分析

16.put one"s thinking cap on = put on one"s thinking cap((口语))深思熟虑,仔细考虑

17.Effort is the gist of it.殚精竭虑就是全力以赴的精要所在。

18.The inability to transcend from the cycle of birth, death and rebirth creates endless suffering.又说:「有道的人时时忧虑道不能成,从不忧虑处境的贫穷。」


the locality of exhausted of right权利穷竭的地域性


1.Mediation Effect ofRumination on Relationship Between Locus of Control and Depression Among Adolescents;青少年心理控制源与抑郁:穷思竭虑的中介作用

4)right exhaustion权利穷竭

1.The purpose of Right Exhaustion Doctrine is to reach a balance between the society benefits and the personal benefits.权利穷竭制度的设定就是基于现代知识产权制度所要实现的社会利益与知识产权人私人利益衡平的目标,其实质是在知识产权权利人的垄断权和社会公众对知识产品载体的事实占有权这两种权利发生冲突时,通过限制知识产权人的垄断权从而在双方之间达成一种均衡的权利义务状态。

2.It believes thatright exhaustion can not be the theoretical basis of parallel import.权利穷竭的空间效力范围是知识产权领域争论的问题之一,理论界将权利穷竭的空间效力范围划分为地域穷竭和国际穷竭两种,并将权利穷竭作为平行进口的理论基础。

5)Exhaustion of right权利穷竭

1.The exhaustion of right is a method of limiting the rights of intellectual property.权利穷竭是对知识产权权利限制的方式之一。

6)exhaustion function穷竭函数

1.This paper introduces Busemann functions on Riemannian manifold with nonnegative curvature and gives the construction ofexhaustion functions.文中介绍了非负曲率黎曼流形上的布瑟曼函数,并以此为工具给出了穷竭函数的构造,利用构造测地全凸集的技巧和测地全凸集的性质,重点给出了函数穷竭性的证明。

2.Using the properties of Busemann functions andexhaustion functions on non- negative curvature manifolds,the author gets the result of this paper:If M~n is a com- plete noncompact complex n-dimensional K■hler manifold satisfies certain nonnegative curvature conditions,then the volume growth of M satisfying:Vol (B(x_0,r))≥Cr~n.本文利用非负曲率流形上的Busemann函数和穷竭函数的性质,得出了在某紧致子集外满足一定非负曲率条件的完备非紧的(复) n维K■hler流形的体积增长至少是n次的。


连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-
