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药 drugs英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-05 06:03:33


药 drugs英语短句 例句大全




1.A medicine or drug, especially a cathartic.药,药剂药或药剂,尤指泻药

2.To tincture or permeate with a medicinal substance.加药于,敷药于使含有药物,使充满药物

3.The science of preparing and dispensing drugs.制药学,药剂学制药和配药的科学

4.Gunpowder, dynamite and gun cotton are explosives.黑色火药、甘油炸药和强棉药都是炸药。

5.Chinese herbal medicine, Chinese medicine Yinpian, proprietary Chinese medicines, antibiotics, chemical medicine preparations, biochemical drugs retail.中药材、药饮片、成药、生素、学药制剂、化药品零售。

6.N: I"ll go and get you some cough mixture( a sleeping pill, a laxative, a tranquilizer, a pain-killer).我去给你拿点咳嗽药(眠药,泻药,安定药,止疼药)。

7.A pharmacological agent added to a drug to increase or aid its effect.辅药,佐药加到药物中以提高或辅助药效的药理学药剂

8.pharmaceutical chemistry制药化学,药物化学

9.And you give it to the pharmacist to get your medicine.然后你到药房去拿药。

10.Please take it to the dispensary .你把它拿到药房去取药。

11.air-dropped munitions (or submunitions)空投弹药(或子弹药)

12.a capful of medicine(药瓶等的) 一瓶盖的药

13.Shake the bottle before taking the medicine.服药前先将药瓶摇一摇.

14.This is for oral administration, and that"s for external use.这是口服药,那是外用药。

15.tricyclic antidepressantph.1. 【药】三环抗抑郁药

16.the pharmacological determination of appropriate doses of drugs and medicines.用药份量的药理决定。

17.these drugs act insidiously.这些药的药效不明显。

18.Pharmacopoeia Commission of People"s Republic of China; Chinese Pharmacopoeia Commission; ChPC国家药典委员会(药典会)



1.Deep Implication of “Medicine”, Seen from the Vantage-point of Comparative Literature;从比较文学角度谈《药》的深刻意蕴

2.Research on the Reading History of the Theme ofMedicine;《药》主题的解读历程研究

3.The view concerning the effects of medicine and alcohol on physical bodies in the eyes of Weijin scholars has been a hot topic for discussion in the research field of Weijin culture since the publication of The connection between the Weijin scholars style and their writing and medicine and alcohol by Luxun.自从鲁迅的《魏晋风度及文章与药及酒之关系》发表后,药、酒与魏晋士人的关系一直是魏晋文化研究中一个不断被重提的话题。


1.Drug-delivery lipid microbubbles have been one of the investigative hot spots nowadays, and as results both micrometer and nanometerdrug-delivery lipid microbubbles have been prepared.载药脂质微泡是近年来国内外研究的热点之一,目前已制备出微米级及纳米级载药脂质微泡,本文就载药脂质超声微泡造影剂的特点、制备、应用、现存的问题及发展前景做一综述。

4)medicine for medicated diets药膳用药

5)multidrug resistance多药耐药

1.Function and mechanism of Baihua Sheshecao Injection reversingmultidrug resistance of K562/ADM cells;白花蛇舌草注射液逆转K562/ADM细胞多药耐药的作用和机制

2.In Vitro study of the effect of cyclosporine A,tetrandrine and their combination on the reversion ofmultidrug resistance in leukemia cell line;环孢菌素A、汉防己甲素及两者联合逆转K562/A02细胞的多药耐药

3.Reversal ofmultidrug resistance of hepatocellular carcinoma by siRNA/mdr1;RNA干扰逆转肝细胞癌多药耐药

6)pesticide solution农药药液


药药 药 ①药物。《素问·经脉别论》:“调食和药,治在下俞。” ②用药治疗。《素问·四气调神大论》:“夫病已成而后药之,乱已成而后治之。”《素问·玉机真脏论》:“当此之时,可按可药可浴。”
