100字范文 > 地区农业保险 group agricultural insurance for a district英语短句 例句大全

地区农业保险 group agricultural insurance for a district英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-07 01:59:29


地区农业保险 group agricultural insurance for a district英语短句 例句大全

地区农业保险,group agricultural insurance for a district

1)group agricultural insurance for a district地区农业保险


1.The Current Situation of the Agricultural Insurance Market and Its Countermeasures in the Western Poor Areas of China;西部贫困地区农业保险市场现状及对策

2.The Present Situation Characteristic and Analysis of Agricultural Insurance Development of China"s Eastern Coastal Areas东部沿海地区农业保险发展现状特点评析

3.An exploration on the model of policy-oriented agricultural insurance company in the Pearl River Delta珠江三角洲地区政策性农业保险公司模式探讨

4.On Boosting Agricultural Insurance by Government of Underdeveloped Minority Areas;欠发达少数民族地区政府助推农业保险的实践考证及启示

5.A Comparison of Policy Agricultural Insurance Systems in China s Better-developed Regions;我国发达地区政策性农业保险试验的比较制度分析

6.The Cause Analysis and Soluting Countermeasure on Commercial Insurance Consumption Lag of Peasant In the Northwest Area of Shandong Province;鲁西北地区农民商业保险消费滞后的原因与解决对策

7.Construction of Commercial Endowment Insurance System of Land-expropriated Peasants被征地农民商业养老保险体系的构建

8.Analysis on Determinants of the Demand of Social Endowment Insurance of the Western Employed Migrant Workers--Based on the investigation of Migrant Workers in Xi an;西部地区从业农民工社会养老保险需求的影响因素分析——基于西安市农民工的调查

9.To Set up a Social Security System for the Farmers who Lose Land with the Commercial Insurance;建立有商业保险参与的失地农民社会保障体系

10.On the Development and the Investigation of Insurance Industry in West China;西部地区保险业现状考察与发展研究

11.Development Strategies and Tactics of Insurance in West China;论西部地区保险业的发展战略与策略

12.Analysis on the International Competitiveness of the Insurance Services Sector in Taiwan台湾地区保险服务业国际竞争力分析

13.Policy Support Research on Agricultural Insurance of Heilongjiang Reclamation;黑龙江垦区农业保险政策性支持问题研究

14.On Mechanism and Developing Mode of Regional Agriculture Insurance;区域农业保险形成机理及发展模式研究

15.The Application Research of Policy Managing Style of Agricultural Insurance in Weifang Fangzi District潍坊市坊子区政策性农业保险的应用研究

16.On Agricultural Risk Evasion and Agricultural Insurance in the New Period农业风险的规避与农业保险运行机制

17.Study on Social Pension System in Western Regions;西部地区农村社会养老保险制度的研究

18.Study on the Insurance System for the Aged of the Rural Society in the Northwest of Anhui Province;皖西北地区农村社会养老保险制度研究


regional agriculture insurance区域农业保险

1.A study on the mode of the development ofregional agriculture insurance based on the farmer theory;基于农户理论视角的区域农业保险发展模式分析

2.On Mechanism and Developing Mode of Regional Agriculture Insurance;区域农业保险形成机理及发展模式研究

3)Agricultural insurance农业保险

1.An analysis on the system of financial support for agricultural insurance in China;对我国农业保险补贴制度的思考

2.Sustainable development of agricultural insurance in Shanghai responding to WTO;应对WTO,实现上海农业保险业持续发展

3.Analysis on China s Agricultural Insurance Based on Positive Externality;基于正外部性的我国农业保险问题透析

4)Crop insurance农业保险

1.A Theoretical and Positive Study on the Demand of Crop Insurance;农业保险需求问题的一个理论研究及实证分析

2.Quasi-Public Goods, External Effect and the Character of Crop Insurance——Discussion about the theory of policy subsidy of crop insurance;准公共品、外部性与农业保险的性质——对农业保险政策性补贴理论的探讨

3.Crop insurance knowledge,trust on government and demand for crop insurance-an empirical study of peasant households willingness-to-pay in Huai an,Jiangsu Province;保险认知、政府公信度与农业保险的需求——江苏省淮安农户农业保险支付意愿的实证检验

5)agriculture insurance农业保险

1.Thinking of legislation ofagriculture insurance in our country;对我国农业保险立法的思考

2.Development of Agriculture Insurance in China: Review, Present Conditions and Outlook;我国农业保险的发展:回顾、现状与展望

3.Consideration about the Reform of Agriculture Insurance in View of Economic Law;关于农业保险改革的经济法思考

6)agricultural reinsurance农业再保险

1.Research on the Legal System of Agricultural Reinsurance;农业再保险法律制度研究

2.China sagricultural reinsurance needs the government support,for instance,to make laws in this regard,establish fund and companies,etc.农业保险是一种准公共产品,美国、法国、日本及亚洲的一些农业保险发达的国家,都有一套行之有效的农业再保险运行模式。

3.The paper points out that one of the most important ways is to establishagricultural reinsurance system, which will not only support the development of agricultural insurance industry but also works as an institutional arrangement to improve the industry.本文认为,建立中国农业再保险体系是改变我国农业保险窘况的重要举措。


