100字范文 > 小额林权抵押贷款 small forestry property rights mortgage loan英语短句 例句大全

小额林权抵押贷款 small forestry property rights mortgage loan英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-24 04:14:44


小额林权抵押贷款 small forestry property rights mortgage loan英语短句 例句大全

小额林权抵押贷款,small forestry property rights mortgage loan

1)small forestry property rights mortgage loan小额林权抵押贷款

1.It is of great importance to promotesmall forestry property rights mortgage loan.开展小额林权抵押贷款是维护农村金融稳定、积极扩大内需、推动社会主义新农村建设的重要举措,意义重大。


1.On How to Promote Small Forestry Property Rights Mortgage Loan关于开展小额林权抵押贷款的政策建议

2.The Central Government "New Deal" to Promote Economic Growth--Review of Small Loan for Forestry Property Rights Mortgage and Forestry Insurance Policy Forum落实中央“新政”促进经济增长——小额林权抵押贷款和森林保险政策座谈会综述

3.Obstacles and Measures of Mortgage Loan by Forest Property Certificate in Fujian;福建省林业小额抵押贷款的障碍与对策

4.Report on Jiangxi Forestry Property Rights Mortgage Loan关于江西省林权抵押贷款的调研报告

5.Survey on Forestry Property Rights Mortgage Loan in Liaoning关于辽宁省林权抵押贷款的调查报告

6.On Implementing The Hypothecating Right in The Loan of Personal Tenement Hypothecating;论个人住房抵押贷款中抵押权的实现

7.Study on the Problems and Solutions of China"s Forest Tenure Mortgage Loan中国林权抵押贷款制度中的问题及对策研究

8.Exploration and Recommendations of Rural Credit Cooperatives Forestry Right Mortgage Loan in Fujian福建省农村信用社林权抵押贷款探索与建议

9.(3) The amount of the mortgage loan and the method of payment;(三)抵押贷款数额和付款办法;

10.Discussion on the Methods of the Forest Guaranty Supervision in the Forest Assets Mortgage;森林资产抵押贷款中抵押林木的监管方法探讨

11.A type of acceleration clause requiring full payment of the balance of a mortgage upon the transfer of title of the mortgaged property.一种加速条款,要求在转让抵押财产所有权时,完全偿还抵押贷款余额。

12.Study on the Behavior of Debtor and Lender in Forestry Property Mortgage--Case of Yong an county;林权抵押贷款借贷双方的行为分析——以福建省永安市为例

13.They have burdened themselves with a high mortgage.他们肩负着高额抵押贷款的重担。

14.(5) The schedule and amounts of the mortgagor"s repayment of the loan;(五)抵押人偿还贷款的时间和数额;

15.In bank lending, the difference between the value of the collateral on a loan and the actual amount lent.在银行借贷中指贷款抵押品的价值与实际贷出款额之间的差额。

16."Forest Tenure Reform-IC Card"Longgong Model and Its Mortgage Innovation in Qingyuan County of Lishui City, Zhejiang Province浙江省丽水市庆元县隆宫乡“林权IC卡”及其抵押贷款模式创新

17.Study on Risk Supervision for Forest Resource Assets Mortgage Loan;森林资源资产抵押贷款风险监管研究

18.Are you through with our mortgage loan booklet?你看完关于抵押贷款的小册子了吗?


forest right mortgage loan guarantees林权抵押贷款担保

3)unpaid mortgage balance抵押贷款欠额

4)dry mortgage产权抵押贷款

5)leasehold mortgage使用权抵押贷款

6)leasehold mortgage租赁权抵押贷款


