100字范文 > 行业文化建设 cultivation of the culture of the industry英语短句 例句大全

行业文化建设 cultivation of the culture of the industry英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-01 03:43:22


行业文化建设 cultivation of the culture of the industry英语短句 例句大全

行业文化建设,cultivation of the culture of the industry

1)cultivation of the culture of the industry行业文化建设


1.Strengthening Professional Construction and Reestablishing Accountant Image;加强行业文化建设 重塑会计职业形象

2.The Innovation Research on Enterprise Culture Construction of China Construction Bank, Yu Hang Branch, Hang Zhou建设银行杭州余杭支行企业文化建设创新研究

3.On the Corporate Cultural Construction of the Banking Outlets商业银行基层网点企业文化建设研究

4.Service Culture in Corporate Culture Construction by Commercial Banks;简论商业银行企业文化建设中的服务文化

5.Construction of Corporate Culture in Tobacco Industry关于烟草行业推进企业文化建设的几点思考

6.(4) Essential cultural work should be carried out.(4)实行必要的文化建设。

7.The Building of the Travel Agency s Enterprise Culture Based on Social Responsibility;基于社会责任的旅行社企业文化建设研究

8.Function of motivation mechanism in corporation execution power culture building;激励机制对企业执行力文化建设的作用

9.Building of School Spirit:the Key to the Building of Behavioural Culture in Colleges and Universities;校风建设是大学行为文化建设的关键

10.Citizen Qualities and Enterprise Culture in Urban Cultural Construction;城市文化建设中的市民素质与企业文化建设

11.To Construct Harmonious Enterprise Must Strengthen the Enterprise Culture Construction;构建和谐企业必须加强企业文化建设

12.Raising Tea Culture, Promoting Tea Cultural Industry;弘扬茶文化 推动茶文化产业建设

13.Drawing the cream of our national culture & cultivating the culture of postal enterprises;汲取传统文化精华 建设邮政企业文化

14.Study on Cultural Construction of the Cross-cultural Korean-invested Company-JDBSJDBS公司(韩资)跨文化企业文化建设研究

15.Analyzing of National Culture Impact on Corporate Culture Construction民族文化对企业文化建设的影响探析

16.Enriching the Carriers of the Cultural Construction and Creating the Harmonious Enterprise Culture丰富文化建设载体 打造和谐企业文化

17.A Study on Organization Culture Construction of the Commercial Bank: Current Situation and Some Suggestions;我国商业银行企业文化建设现状与发展对策研究

18.Construction of Corporate Culture in Financial Enterprises:A New Breakthrough for Development of Commercial Banks in China;金融企业文化建设——我国商业银行发展的新突破口


Medicine Enterprise Construction医药行业企业文化建设

3)administrative cultural construction行政文化建设

1.This paper tries to illustrate his concepts of "rites" and "law" so as to reveal the modern enlightenment and value of his idea never vanished so far on the contemporaryadministrative cultural construction.本文试图通过对荀子的"礼"、"法"思想的阐释,揭示出其中所蕴含的至今不泯的对于我国行政文化建设的现代启示和时代价值。

4)corporation culture construction企业文化建设

1.Research on the Corporation Culture Construction of Energy Group Ltd. of Anhui;皖能集团企业文化建设研究

2.Strengthencorporation culture construction,have to hold scientifically function and meaning of that,come out from mistake area aboutcorporation culture construction understanding,study measure and path ofcorporation culture construction.加强企业文化建设,必须科学地把握企业文化建设的作用和意义,走出对企业文化建设认识上的误区,探讨企业文化建设的措施和途径。

5)enterprise culture construction企业文化建设

1.Enterprise Culture Construction and Human Resource Management with Chinese Characteristics;有中国特色的企业文化建设与人力资源管理

2.The thought education work should be integrated with theenterprise culture construction思想教育工作应同企业文化建设紧密结合

3.In terms of combining history with reality and theory with practice,the history,characteristics and problems ofenterprise culture construction are elaborated and analyzed under the background of globalization and institutional restructuring of to CBMI,so as to provide reference significance for the other state-owned enterprises that are confronted with institutional restructuring.从历史与现实、理论与实践相结合的角度,对中材建设在全球化和国企转制背景下,企业文化建设的历史、特色和面临的问题进行阐述和分析。

6)construction of corporate culture企业文化建设

1.To give full play to the corporate culture in salt-making industry,relevant principles must be followed in theconstruction of corporate culture.为了充分发挥盐业企业文化的作用,在进行盐业企业文化建设时应遵循相应的原则。

2.thinks that the groundwork for theconstruction of corporate culture is establishing trust and enhancing communication,so as to inspire the corporate centripetal force as well as the sense of cohesion and belonging which can create a harmonious and positive enterprise culture atmosphere.沙河抽水蓄能发电有限公司企业文化建设重视"打地基",即建立信任感和增强沟通力,在员工内心深处激发起对企业的向心力、凝聚力和归属感,创造一种和谐的积极向上的企业文化氛围。

3.In light of the economic laws in the construction course of the corporate culture and the ultimate effects, this papers attempts to shed some light on theconstruction of corporate culture in China after making analysis of the games between enterprise and its members as well as among the members.本文针对企业文化建设过程和最终效果要把握的经济规律,结合企业与企业成员、企业成员之间的博弈分析,获得一些我国企业文化建设的启示,主要包括:一、建设企业文化不能脱离市场和企业内部的实际情况;二、要提倡企业利益相关者多赢;三、要追求最佳工作效益;四、要鼓励企业成员工作的长期化;五、整个过程开头要强化、过程要学习、始终要坚持;六、要发挥制度和契约的作用;七、要重视满足企业成员多层次和多元化的需要等。


