100字范文 > 转移支付 transfer payment英语短句 例句大全

转移支付 transfer payment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-24 06:55:32


转移支付 transfer payment英语短句 例句大全

转移支付,transfer payment

1)transfer payment转移支付

1.An Analysis of the Effect of Transfer Payments on China Income Distribution Differences;转移支付缩小中国收入分配差距的效果分析

2.An Empirical Study on the Fiscal Transfer Payment Scale of the Compulsory Education Equalization in the Rural Areas;农村义务教育均等化转移支付规模研究:基于财政需要的实证分析

3.Transfer Payment System and Restructuring Fiscal System at County and Township Level;转移支付制度与县乡财政体制构建


1.The Ministry of Finance will increase its overall fund allocation to the region.加大财政转移支付力度。

2.Improving transfer payment,enhance expenditure efficiency;完善转移支付制度 提高财政支出效益

3.The Theory of the Fiscal Transfer System and the Fiscal Transfer System of Zhejiang;财政转移支付理论及浙江省财政转移支付实践的探讨

4.Building China′s Transfer Payment System in a Harmonious Society--The Enlightenment of Japanese Transfer Payment System to China;构建和谐社会的转移支付制度——日本转移支付制度对我国的借鉴

5.Research on How to Improve the System of Fiscal Transfer Payment;规范和完善政府间转移支付制度研究

6.Study on the Impact of the Financial Transfer Payment on Farmers Gaining;财政转移支付对农民收入的影响研究

7.Incentives with Transferable Payoff in R&D Policy;可转移支付条件下R&D政策中的激励

8.A Study of the Fiscal Transfer Payment System under Province Level;省以下政府间财政转移支付制度研究

9.Research on the Financial Transfer Payment on the Basis of the Harmonious Society Concept;和谐社会理念下的财政转移支付研究

10.A Study of the Fiscal Transfer Payment System under Province Level in Hubei Province;湖北省省以下财政转移支付制度研究

11.The Effect of Fiscal Transfer on Regional Inequality;财政转移支付对地区差距的影响研究

12.For Perfection of the Chinese Intergovernmental Financil Transference System;论完善我国政府间财政转移支付制度

13.Coordination of Vendor Managed Inventory Based on Transfer Payment in Newsvendor;报童环境下基于转移支付的VMI协调

14.Analysis on the Equalization Effect of Fiscal Transfer Payment in China;我国财政转移支付的均等化效应分析

15.Analysis on the Transfer Payment of Rural Compulsory Education in China;我国农村义务教育转移支付问题分析

16.Reforming Special Subsidy and Perfecting Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfer payment system;改革专项补助完善中国转移支付制度

17.Target and Mode of China s Legislation of Financial Transfer Payment;我国财政转移支付法立法目标与模式

18.An Analysis on the Usefulness of Intergovernmental Transfer System in China;我国政府间转移支付制度有效性分析


transfer payments转移支付

1.The paper takes to examine the west areas dependence on central government s fiscaltransfer payments before and after West Development.为考察国家实行西部大开发前后西部12省对中央财政依赖性的变动情况,把中央对西部12省的转移支付以及西部上缴中央的税收构建一个依赖指数,对依赖指数的组成部分的分析,可发现:西部地区从中央获得的转移支付逐渐减低而地区上缴中央的税收逐步增加,综合作用的结果是西部对中央财政的依赖性日渐改善。


1.Probing into China s perfecting finance transferring payment;关于完善我国财政转移支付的探讨

2.The Quantity Analysis of Taxation-transfer System and Income Distribution in Guangdong;广东省税收、转移支付与收入分配的定量研究

3.The transfer model based on law of base figure can not meet the need of national and western economic development any more.建立在基数法框架上的转移支付模式越来越不能适应全国经济发展以及西部开发的需要,公式化、规范化是转移支付的必然方向。

4)fiscal transfer转移支付

1.The Theory of the Fiscal Transfer System and the Fiscal Transfer System of Zhejiang;财政转移支付理论及浙江省财政转移支付实践的探讨

2.General purposefiscal transfer from the central government significantly affects county-level public expenditure in education and administration, but it does not change the amount of expenditure appropriated by the county government in those two areas.财力性转移支付对教育支出和行政管理费的影响非常显著,尽管它没有显著改变县本级财政对教育和行政管理费的投入,但它自身却被更多地用于行政管理费,而不是教育,说明县级政府还是更偏好优先满足自身消费,维持政府机构的运转仍然是政府支出的首要选择。

3.Employed quantitative research method,based on the county level data in Guangdong province,the paper argue thatfiscal transfer significantly stimulate the county level finance to increase the expenditure on the education and administration.通过对广东省分县数据的定量研究发现,转移支付显著地刺激了县级财政增加对教育和行政管理费的投入,产生了收入效应。

5)Payment Transfer转移支付

1.Payment Transfer, Regional Disparities and Economic Development:An Empirical Analysis Based on Panel Data;转移支付、地区发展差距与经济增长——基于面板数据的实证检验

2.The system of payment transfer following reform on tax distribution aims at checking the unsymmetrical situation between powers of capital and responsibilities offered by local government when supplying public articles.认为实行分税制改革后,我国转移支付制度的功能就在于平抑地方政府在社会保障等公共品供给方面的财权与事权非对称格局,并能够支持地方财政对社会保障类公共品的财力供给。



