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试验研究 Experimental Study英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-07 12:38:53


试验研究 Experimental Study英语短句 例句大全

试验研究,Experimental Study

1)Experimental Study试验研究

1.Experimental study and analysis of the temperature change on vacuum storage of food;食品真空贮藏温度变化的试验研究与分析

2.An experimental study on limit moment of hot tapping pipelines;带压开孔管道极限弯矩的试验研究

3.An experimental study on emission characteristics of combustion pollutants in 440 t/h CFB boiler;440t/h CFB锅炉污染物排放特性的试验研究


1.Develop and Experimental Study in the Motorcycle ABC Experimental Platform;摩托车ABS试验台研制及试验研究


3.CFD Analyze of Flow Field and Test Research of Test-bed on Blower;风机试验台的CFD流场分析与试验研究

4.Experimental investigation on improvement of refrigeration system for low temperature experimental cold storage低温试验冷库制冷系统完善试验研究

5.Experimental research on interface friction in granular materials粗粒料试验中界面摩阻力的试验研究

6.Electronic Road Pricing Pilot Study电子道路收费试验研究

7.The Develop and Research of the Sucker Rod Pump Experimental System That is Simulation Lift;有杆泵举升模拟试验系统研制及试验研究

8.Design and Research of Refrigeration System for Cold and Hot Airflow Shock Chamber;冷热气流冲击试验箱制冷系统研制与试验研究

9.Development and Experiment Research of Test Unit of a Impeller-blower叶片式抛送装置试验台的研制与试验研究

10.Study on Municipal Wastewater by BCFS in Pilot Plant;BCFS工艺处理城市污水中试试验研究

11.Pilot Study on Coagulation/Ultrafiltration and Analysis of Membrane Fouling;混凝/超滤中试试验研究及膜污染分析

12.CEPE (Central Experimental and Proving Establishment)中心试验与测验研究所

13.Study on Virtual Test Technology in Tractor Test虚拟试验技术在拖拉机试验中的研究

14.Study on Test Ability of UHV Transmission Tower Test Base特高压杆塔试验基地试验能力的研究

15.The Research of Testand Fault Diagnosis System for Engine Cold Test Station发动机冷试试验台测试诊断系统研究

16.RDTE (Research,Development,Test and Evaluation)研究、发展、试验与鉴定

17.advanced research environmental test satellite高级环境研究试验卫星

18.S.M.R.T.B. = Safety in Mines Research and Testing Branch矿山安全研究试验所


experimental research试验研究

1.Experimental Research on Comprehensive Recovery of Gold from Cyanided Gold Tailings;某氰化提金尾矿综合回收金的试验研究

2.Design and Experimental Research on Fast Hydraulic Driving System for CNC Punch Press;数控压力机快速液压驱动系统的设计分析与试验研究

3.Theexperimental research on dust-collecting and desulfurizing integrated techn ology in coal fired power plant;电厂烟气脱硫除尘一体化试验研究

3)experimental investigation试验研究

1.An Experimental Investigation on the Pressure Drop Ratio Characteristics of Oil-Removing Cyclones;除油型旋流器压降比特性试验研究

2.In-Situ Experimental Investigations on the Dewatering of Fine Particle Impurities Using Hydrocyclones;细颗粒杂质旋流脱水油田现场试验研究

3.Experimental Investigation for Dissimilarity of SensingProperties of NiTi Ultra-Elastic Wire in Compound Structures;不同埋设条件下复合结构中NiTi超弹丝传感差异性试验研究

4)experiment research试验研究

1.Experiment Research of Thermofatigue Performanceabout Alloy Made form Ti-22Al-27Nb Sinter;Ti-22Al-27Nb粉末烧结合金热疲劳性能的试验研究

2.Breachexperiment research of vessel element structure models subjected to underwater contact explosion;舰船单元结构模型水下接触爆炸破口试验研究

3.In the present paperexperiment research on grinding features in two-dimensional ultrasonic grinding of nano-complex ceramics were carried out.本文通过对二维超声磨削纳米复相陶瓷和普通磨削进行对比试验研究,分析了磨削深度、工件速度、砂轮粒度对工件表面质量的影响。

5)test research试验研究

1.Summary of casing wear mechanism andtest research in deep & ultra-deep well;深井 超深井中套管磨损机理及试验研究发展综述

2.Establishment andtest research of experiment system for seawater desalination based on ocean thermal energy;基于海洋温差能的海水淡化小试系统的建立及试验研究

3.Test Research on Temperature Field of Railway Hollow Bridge Pier;铁路空心桥墩温度场试验研究

6)Test study试验研究

1.On test study of door type formwork support limit bearing capacity关于门式支模架极限承载力的试验研究

2.Results of test study proved that,different dry density;the variation tendencies are same.试验研究证明,试样土体干密度不同,其渗气系数变化趋势相同;干密度的变化对土体渗气、渗水系数的影响较大,土体渗气系数和渗水系数均随干密度增大而减小;土体干密度减小,渗水系数随渗气系数的增大而增大。

3.With reference to the BS 5400 and the relevant research findings of fatigue and in accordance with the theory of fatigue accumulative damage,the fatigue test study for the high-strength SSWMC deck pavement of Xinhe River Bridge was made.研究高强弹簧钢丝网在水泥混凝土桥面铺装层中的应用,参考英国桥梁规范BS 5400和疲劳研究成果,根据疲劳积累损伤理论,对新河特大桥铺装层进行疲劳试验研究。


高速铣削刀具悬伸量的试验研究1.引言 高速切削刀具技术是实现高速加工的关键技术之一。在高速铣削中,刀具悬伸量即刀尖到主轴伸出端的长度对加工过程的影响很大,并且直接影响刀具磨损。传统上认为,增大刀具的悬伸量势必会造成刀具刚度降低,特别是在加工淬硬钢等硬度比较高的难加工材料时,习惯于选择小的刀具悬伸量。刀具安装时尽量多夹持刀柄部分,可以提高刀具的刚度,减小振动,使切削过程更加稳定,刀具磨损更小,从而使得模具深腔必须采用电火花加工,加工时间长,效率低。因此刀具悬伸量对加工过程的影响逐渐引起关注。 国外通过刀具刚度对刀具寿命影响的研究表明,球头立铣刀两切削刃上的受力不均使刀具寿命急剧下降,适当改变铣刀悬伸长度,可以改善铣刀两切削刃上刀具磨损不平衡,从而延长刀具寿命。S Smith也提出高速铣削中刀具长径比对金属切除率影响很大,并以稳定的最大金属切除率为目标,通过直径12.7mm端铣刀高速铣削实验测量的加工稳定性耳垂图,证明不同刀具悬伸量的稳定切削范围有明显变化。目前国内尚无这方面的试验研究报道。 2.试验 试验在Gentiger105立式高速加工机床上进行。YDM-III99型整体式三向压电式测力平台和YD-8型压电式加速度传感器分别测量切削力和振动。XT53022-CTV高倍连续变倍摄影体视显微镜采集刀具后刀面磨损,TR100表面粗糙度仪测量工件表面粗糙度。工件材料为塑料模具钢S136H,淬火后硬度为51HRC。刀具选择STANA直径2mm的AlTiN涂层硬质合金4刃铣刀,根据铣刀的长度选取了生产中的悬伸量13mm、15mm和刀杆长度的1/2即19mm进行比较。通过改变不同的刀具悬伸量,测量和记录加工过程中的切削力、切削振动、刀具后刀面磨损面积和表面粗糙度。
