100字范文 > 卫生服务 health service英语短句 例句大全

卫生服务 health service英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-26 18:29:56


卫生服务 health service英语短句 例句大全

卫生服务,health service

1)health service卫生服务

1.Effect ofhealth service and its influence factors in flood disaster areas;洪灾地区卫生服务供给效果及其影响因素分析

2.Study on the requirement, utilization and cost ofhealth service of HIV- infected patients in rural areas;农村地区艾滋病病毒感染者卫生服务需求、利用及医疗费用的研究

3.Investigation onhealth service requirement and utilization in a county medical organization of Chongqing;重庆市某县县级医疗机构住院患者卫生服务利用与需求调查


1.health manpower survey医疗卫生服务人力调查

2.New Public Health Initiatives公众卫生服务新措施。

munity Health Service:Carrier of Improving Equity of Health Service;社区卫生服务:实现卫生服务公平性的有效途径

4.Main content of community health services and its basic health services;社区卫生服务及基本卫生服务主要内容探讨

5.Discussion on Pharmacy Service in Community Health-care Centers社区卫生服务站药学服务工作的探讨

6.Research on Health Services Supply of Migrant Workers;进城务工人员卫生服务供给机制研究

7.Research on Health Service of Migrant Workers" Medical Insurance in Shenzhen深圳市劳务工医疗保险卫生服务研究

8.Developing Community Health Services,Revitalizing Urban Primary Health Care发展社区卫生服务,振兴城市初级卫生保健

9.The Study on Strategy of Improving on CHS Public Health Function;完善社区卫生服务公共卫生功能策略研究

10.Study of Health Resource and Rural Medical Service in Shanxi Province;山西省农村卫生服务及卫生资源配置研究

11.Research on Evaluation about the Capacity of Health Services of Township Hospitals in Jiangxi Province江西省乡镇卫生院卫生服务能力评价研究

12.Health Services Product Property,Health Service Supply and Health Policy卫生服务产品性质、提供方式与卫生政策

13.Development of systemaic evaluation indicators for health service capacity of village clinic in China western areas西部地区村卫生室卫生服务能力评价指标体系

14.Objective To understand the health service demand in rural area of Anhui province.目的了解安徽省农村卫生服务需求及卫生服务利用情况。

15.A Study on Medical Service Needed and Health Care Utilization in Zhungeer County of Inner Mongolia准格尔旗居民卫生服务需求及卫生服务利用调查分析


17.Conclusion It is urgent to strengthen the propaganda of CHS and to improve the service quality of CHS.结论加强社区卫生服务宣传,提高社区卫生服务质量刻不容缓。

18.Study on the Financing of Public Health Care Services in Community of Shanghai上海市社区卫生服务中心政府公共卫生服务经费投入研究


health services卫生服务

1.The comparison of ruralhealth services between towns in the health Ⅷ project and towns not in the project in Qinghai province;青海省卫Ⅷ项目县与非卫Ⅷ项目县农村卫生服务比较研究

2.Investigation on village clinics andhealth services in rural area of Yi Chang city;宜昌市农村卫生室现状及卫生服务的调查分析

3.Culture variance among different population inhealth services;卫生服务中不同人群的文化差异分析

3)Health care卫生服务

1.Investigation on Pregnant Women"s Health Care in Weifang in 潍坊市部分孕妇利用卫生服务状况调查

2.Recognizing the potential of purchasing,WHO put forward strategic purchasing as a major option for improving performance of health care systems.结合国际卫生服务领域改革与发展的趋势,并根据 WHO 提出的将战略性购买作为主要的改革策略,从消极性购买转移到战略性购买的发展过程,系统阐述了卫生服务购买的基本概念、理论基础与模式,以及改革成功的经验与发展趋势,为深化我国卫生服务体制改革提供了一个全新的理念与路径选择模式。

3.Based on community health nursing, health care professionals were closer to the community, the families, and the common population.通过社区护理工作 ,使卫生服务更加贴近社区、贴近家庭、贴近百姓、贴近生活。

4)medical service卫生服务

1.Hospice care was a new mode of“biology-society-psychology”medical service.临终关怀作为一种新的卫生服务提供方式,是适应“生物—社会—心理”模式的服务行为之一。

2.As market economy is fostering further, the frame of the medical system in the era of planned economy fails to meet the needs of market economy inmedical service field.随着市场经济的进一步发展 ,建立于计划经济时代的卫生服务体系愈来愈显得不能适应市场经济的发展和社会的需求。

3.This article first probes the connections betweenmedical service equality and the realization of harmonious society,then analyses the economic,social reasons ofmedical service in equality and ethical consideration,finally proposes the way to the realization ofmedical service equality in harmonious society.探讨了卫生改革中公正性缺失的基本状况,分析了卫生服务不公正的经济、社会原因及伦理思考,提出了在构建和谐社会中实现卫生服务公正的途径。

5)village health service村卫生服务

6)health service station卫生服务站

1.[Methods] 166 patients in the comprehensive hospital and 215 patients in the communityhealth service station were investigated and the course of seeing a doctor was analyzed.[方法 ]分别在综合性大医院和社区卫生服务站随机抽取就诊病人 166名和 2 15名作为研究对象 ,对其就诊过程进行调查分析。


