100字范文 > 不规则振子 irregular resonator英语短句 例句大全

不规则振子 irregular resonator英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-23 11:53:42


不规则振子 irregular resonator英语短句 例句大全

不规则振子,irregular resonator

1)irregular resonator不规则振子

2)irregular oscillation不规则振荡,不规则振动

3)irregular oscillation不规则振荡;不规则振动

4)random vibration,Gaussian random vibrator不规则振动

5)hunting motion不规则振荡

6)irregular subarray不规则子阵

1.Low sidelobe design of solid-state active phased array withirregular subarrays;含不规则子阵的阵列低副瓣特性研究

2.In this paper,the theoretic research on multistep amplitude quantization for a solid-state active phased array withirregular subarrays is presented,and the designing principle and approach are given.对不规则子阵固态有源相控阵多阶振幅量化进行理论研究,给出其设计原理与途径。


1.Lastly, an example is put up for validating the method.文中给出设计实例,验证了不规则子阵多阶振幅量化的正确性。

2.irregular ripening of endometrium子宫内膜不规则成熟

3.irregular shedding of endometrium子宫内膜不规则脱落

4.irregular rabbit piece plate不规则兔皮材料褥子

5.the regular [irregular] conjugation规则 [不规则] 变化

6.Irregular-Closed Graphic Recognition Based on Contour Measurement Matrix基于等高测度矩阵辨识不规则封闭图形

7.Sound Field Analysis for Transducer and Array With Erose Radiating Face不规则辐射面换能器及基阵辐射声场分析

8.Occurring in or characterized by intermittent bursts, as of activity;irregular.间歇的,不规则的以间歇性阵发为特征的或阵发性活动的

9.An irregular fold, crease, or wrinkle.不规则折痕,不规则皱折,不规则皱纹

10.Extracting Rules for Fault Diagnosis from Incomplete Data Based on Discernibility Matrix Primitive基于分辨矩阵基元的不完备故障诊断系统的规则提取技术

11.Analyse on the Influences of the Irregular Surface of Electro-fusion Joint When Tested by Phased Array Ultrasonic Technique聚乙烯电熔接头表面不规则对超声相控阵检测的影响分析

12.Abort microspore in crescent or irregular shape.26.月牙形和不规则形的败育小孢子。

13.variety of endive having leaves with irregular frilled edges.一种菊苣菜,叶子边缘呈不规则形状。

14.This rule does not refer to girls.这项规则不适用于女孩子。

15.That is not a grammatical sentence.那句句子不符合语法规则。

16.Model Research of Irregular Scenerie Based on Particle System基于粒子系统的不规则景物建模研究

17.Collation conflict caused by collate clauses with different collation "%.*ls" and "%.*ls".排序规则冲突,原因为排序子句采用不同的排序规则""%1!""和""%3!""。

18.A regular, periodic configuration of points, particles, or objects throughout an area or a space, especially the arrangement of ions or molecules in a crystalline solid.点阵一定范围内由点、微粒或物体组成的规则的有周期的结构,尤指结晶体的离子或原子排列


irregular oscillation不规则振荡,不规则振动

3)irregular oscillation不规则振荡;不规则振动

4)random vibration,Gaussian random vibrator不规则振动

5)hunting motion不规则振荡

6)irregular subarray不规则子阵

1.Low sidelobe design of solid-state active phased array withirregular subarrays;含不规则子阵的阵列低副瓣特性研究

2.In this paper,the theoretic research on multistep amplitude quantization for a solid-state active phased array withirregular subarrays is presented,and the designing principle and approach are given.对不规则子阵固态有源相控阵多阶振幅量化进行理论研究,给出其设计原理与途径。


