100字范文 > 碳纤维连续抽油杆 carbon fiber continuous sucker rod英语短句 例句大全

碳纤维连续抽油杆 carbon fiber continuous sucker rod英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-13 04:16:28


碳纤维连续抽油杆 carbon fiber continuous sucker rod英语短句 例句大全

碳纤维连续抽油杆,carbon fiber continuous sucker rod

1)carbon fiber continuous sucker rod碳纤维连续抽油杆

1.Investigation in the characteristics ofcarbon fiber continuous sucker rod with phenolic resin as matrix;酚醛树脂基碳纤维连续抽油杆特性研究

2.The matching analysis ofcarbon fiber continuous sucker rod and conventional pumping unit;碳纤维连续抽油杆与常规抽油机的匹配分析

2)carbon fiber sucker rod碳纤维抽油杆

1.Carbon fiber coiled sucker rod vehicle is professional equipment designed for thecarbon fiber sucker rod, it is very important to measure the operation condition and control the suspending weight and length of the sucker rod in the process of working.碳纤维连续抽油杆作业车是设计用于碳纤维抽油杆的配套专业作业设备,作业过程中碳纤维连续抽油杆的悬重、下杆杆长是非常重要的作业工矿测量和控制参数。

2.Carbon fiber sucker rod is a new type of flexible sucker rod, which uses unsaturated resin as matrix and carbon fiber as reinforcement material.本文首先对前人关于拉挤模具内热传导和固化反应动力学理论进行了分析、比较,在合理的假设的基础上,建立了适合碳纤维抽油杆拉挤模具内温度场和固化度分布的数学模型。


1.The High-Temp Resistant Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic Continuous Sucker Rod Produced by Pultrusion Process;耐高温碳纤维抽油杆工艺与性能研究

2.fiberglass-reinforced polyester sucker rod玻璃纤维增强的聚酯抽油杆

3.Design of Novel Strength-tester for Carbon Fiber Badminton Sticks新型碳纤维羽球杆强度检测仪器设计

4.cospinning fibre共纺纤维(亦称混抽纤维)

5.Study on 3-D Vibrations of Sucker Rod String Based on the Elastic Body Vibration Theory基于弹性体振动理论的抽油杆柱三维振动分析

6.carbon-glass-hybrid tape碳纤维-玻璃纤维混纺带

7.The Application of Carbon Fiber Composite Materials in Subsea Oilfileld碳纤维复合材料在海底油田领域中的应用

8.back-side-crank pumping unit单拐多连杆抽油设备

9.air lift rod transfer elevator气动抽油杆运移吊卡

10.mule-head hanger驴头上挂抽油杆的装置

11.air-balanced sucker-rod pumping unit气动平衡泵杆抽油机

12.double pin sucker rod两头阳螺纹的抽油杆

13.Crack Failure Analysis on Oil Sucker Rods of 20CrMoA Steel抽油杆20CrMoA断裂失效分析

14.Studies on New Cellulosic Fiber for the Precursor of Carbon Fiber;碳纤维用新型纤维素纤维原丝的研制

15.The Detection and Research of Carbon Fiber and Carbon Fiber Composites;碳纤维、碳纤维复合材料的检测和研究

16.Preparation of Low-Cost Substrate Carbon Sources and High-Yield Acetobacter Xylinum Strains for Bacterial Cellulose Production;低成本培养基碳源的制备及高产纤维素木醋杆菌的诱变选育

17.Study on Preparation of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Nylon 6 Composite by Twin Screw Reactive Extrusion双螺杆反应挤出制备碳纤维增强尼龙6复合材料的研究(英文)

18.lubricating agent of fibre纤维润滑剂,纤维油剂


carbon fiber sucker rod碳纤维抽油杆

1.Carbon fiber coiled sucker rod vehicle is professional equipment designed for thecarbon fiber sucker rod, it is very important to measure the operation condition and control the suspending weight and length of the sucker rod in the process of working.碳纤维连续抽油杆作业车是设计用于碳纤维抽油杆的配套专业作业设备,作业过程中碳纤维连续抽油杆的悬重、下杆杆长是非常重要的作业工矿测量和控制参数。

2.Carbon fiber sucker rod is a new type of flexible sucker rod, which uses unsaturated resin as matrix and carbon fiber as reinforcement material.本文首先对前人关于拉挤模具内热传导和固化反应动力学理论进行了分析、比较,在合理的假设的基础上,建立了适合碳纤维抽油杆拉挤模具内温度场和固化度分布的数学模型。

3)Continuous Sucker Rod连续抽油杆

1.Analyses and comparisons of several kinds the continuous sucker rods;几种连续抽油杆的分析与比较

2.Based on characteristics of Pucheng Oilfield reservoir and production status,the continuous sucker rod techonology was used to reduce the development cost.针对濮城油田油藏特点及生产现状 ,为降低油田开发成本 ,试用了连续抽油杆抽油技术。

3.Since 1999, the research of carbon fiber reinforced plastic continuous sucker rod(CFRPC sucker rod) has been started in China.1999年我国开始研制碳纤维复合材料连续抽油杆 (简称碳纤维抽油杆 ) ,现有四个制造厂研制成功碳纤维抽油杆、配套设备和碳纤维抽油杆—钢抽油杆混合抽油杆柱设计软件 ,研制成功的碳纤维抽油杆具有较高的抗疲劳强度 ,最高许用工作温度达 1 5 0℃ ,产品质量符合SY/T6 5 85 - 2 0 0 3《碳纤维复合材料连续抽油杆》的要求。

4)coiled rod连续抽油杆

1.Supporting technique and application ofcoiled rod in oil production;连续抽油杆采油配套技术及应用

2.The pilot test ofcoiled rod pumping technology;连续抽油杆抽油技术试验

pared with normal rods, the carbon fibrecoiled rod behaves much more advantages, such as lighter weight, better elasticity, resisting corrosion, higher fatigue limit, etc.碳纤维连续抽油杆与普通抽油杆相比具有质量轻、弹性好、抗腐蚀、耐疲劳等优点。

5)continuous carbon fiber连续碳纤维

1.Effect of strain on the electrical resistance ofcontinuous carbon fiber monofilament;连续碳纤维单丝的应变电阻效应

2.At first, this paper introduces carbon fiber"s properties and structure, then it introduces the preparation of short carbon fiber reinforced cement andcontinuous carbon fiber reinforced cement.本文首先介绍了碳纤维的性质和结构,然后介绍了短切碳纤维增强水泥和连续碳纤维增强水泥的制备方法。

3.The carbon nanotube andcontinuous carbon fiber (T300) reinforced unidirectional epoxy resin matrix composites was fabricated.用T300连续碳纤维和多壁碳纳米管为增强体、环氧树脂为基体,制备了单向碳纤维与碳纳米管增强的树脂基复合材料,并研究了复合材料的力学性能,碳纤维的体积分数为60%。

6)the flexible continuous sucker rod柔性连续抽油杆

1.The friction and wear properties of the nylon coating,used to protect the surface ofthe flexible continuous sucker rod were studied by using a pin-on-disc wear tester in the simulated oil well environment.用销-盘式磨损试验机在模拟油田环境的条件下对柔性连续抽油杆表面防护尼龙涂层材料JKPA和自制的ZZ7024B进行了摩擦磨损对比试验研究。

2.A new type of petroleum equipment,the flexible continuous sucker rod, highly appraised by the oil experts, has a very good application prospect because it can fully exhibit its unique excellence on machine oil extraction.柔性连续抽油杆作为一种新型的有杆泵抽油的泵杆,在试用阶段就显示出了极强的优越性,倍受石油专家的好评。


聚丙烯腈碳纤维增强体(见聚丙烯腈碳纤维)聚丙烯腈碳纤维增强体(见聚丙烯腈碳纤维)carbon fibre reinforcements made of polyacrylonitrile佩八饰”.限沂维用通体carbon fibre reinforce.ments made of polyaerylonitrile以聚丙烯睛纤维为原料制成的、角于复合材料中起承载增强作用和改善性能的碳纤维(见朵丙烯睛碳纤维).
