100字范文 > 原型制版技术 Technology of prototype pattern-making英语短句 例句大全

原型制版技术 Technology of prototype pattern-making英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-12 05:28:29


原型制版技术 Technology of prototype pattern-making英语短句 例句大全

原型制版技术,Technology of prototype pattern-making

1)Technology of prototype pattern-making原型制版技术

2)the technology of platemaking制版技术


1.On the Development and Trends of CTP Technology计算机直接制版技术的发展问题及动向

2.photogelatin process【刷】珂罗版制版术

3.Terminology of printing technology-Terms for image reproductioGB/T9851.3-1990印刷技术术语图象制版术语

4.Development Trends of UV-CTP Graphic Arts System TechnologyUV-CTP制版系统技术发展动向

5.With the adoption of metal printing and some new printing technology, woodblock printing gradually declined.在近代金属制版和新的印制技术出现以后,木版年画又随之衰落。

6."monotype, or monoprint .In art printmaking, a technique prized because of its unique textural qualities. "独幅版画 亦作monoprint 是一种版画制作技术,因其独特的材料而很昂贵。

7.In printing, a duplicate letterpress plate made from an original by electroplating.在印刷技术中,一种用电镀方法从原版复制成的印刷版。

8.The Achievement of Chinese Publishing Industry Reform;我国出版业改革的主要成就——技术、制度和产业

9."The major techniques are relief printing, intaglio printing, surface printing such as lithography, and stencil printing."主要技术包括凸版、凹版和平版(如平印和孔版版画)。

10.Technical Operations and Publications Service技术业务和出版物处

11.quality assurance technical publications质量保证技术出版物

12.A print made by this process.柯罗版由此制版术制成的印刷品

13.The Whole Story Of " Technological History " That Translate And Publish Oxford Edition;翻译出版牛津版《技术史》的前前后后

14.On the Limits of the Provision of Anti-circumvention to Fair Use of Copyright;论反规避技术措施条款对版权合理使用制度的限制

15.The High-Technical Challenge to the System of the Reasonable Copyright Using -A Comment on the Duplication Royalty and Record Royalty;高新技术对著作权合理使用制度的冲击——关于复印版税和录制版税的思考和对策

16.(3)In art, an intaglio process of making prints from an etched plate.(3)在美术方面,用蚀刻版和 版方式制作的版画。

17.The process of engraving zinc printing plates.制锌版术雕刻锌印刷版的过程

18.To produce by lithography.用石(平)版印刷用平版印刷术来制作


the technology of platemaking制版技术

3)prototype technology原型技术

1.Gives a detailed introduction to analysis for the transportation manage-ment information system(TMIS),and also deals with theprototype technology,as well as its application to development of TMIS.在城市交通运输管理现状分析和可行性论证的基础上,对运输管理信息系统(TMIS)作详尽的系统分析,并讨论快速原型技术在TMIS开发中的应用。

4)rapid prototyping technology快速原型制造技术

1.Developments of metal powderrapid prototyping technology at home and abroad,two kinds of methods for selective laser sintering,progress and problems in this domain,and prospects of metalrapid prototyping technology are presented.快速原型制造技术是一种新型的、适合生产小批量多品种的先进制造技术,是传统制造技术的重要补充。

5)RP techniques快速原型制造技术

1.The analysis indicates that design and manufacture industrial products by theRP techniques can improve design and manufacture quality,reduce period and production costs.介绍了快速原型制造技术的原理、工艺、优点等,并对比分析了传统的工业产品造型设计及制造方法,通过对比分析说明利用此项技术进行工业产品造型设计及制造能大幅度提高设计及制造水平、缩短设计制造周期、降低设计制造成本,具有广泛的应用前景。

6)virtual rapid prototype manufacturing虚拟原型制造技术

1.The applications of rapid manufacturing technologies such asvirtual rapid prototype manufacturing, rapid prototype manufacturing and rapid tooling manufacturing in mould making are summarized.综述快速制造技术如虚拟原型制造技术、快速原型制造技术及快速模具制造技术在模具制造中的应用。


