100字范文 > 小学英语课程资源 English curriculum resources in primary school英语短句 例句大全

小学英语课程资源 English curriculum resources in primary school英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-20 01:51:50


小学英语课程资源 English curriculum resources in primary school英语短句 例句大全

小学英语课程资源,English curriculum resources in primary school

1)English curriculum resources in primary school小学英语课程资源

1.Teachers\" quality is the deciding factor of the cultivating ofEnglish curriculum resources in primary school.师资质量决定小学英语课程资源的开发与利用的成败。

2)English Curriculum Resources英语课程资源

1.On Development and Utilization of theEnglish Curriculum Resources under the New Curriculum Idea;论新课程理念下英语课程资源的开发与利用

2.Developing and using English curriculum resources is one of the important ideas advocated in the new curriculum reform.开发、利用英语课程资源是新课程改革所倡导的重要理念之一。

3.Development and using of English curriculum resources should be based on scientific curriculum resources.英语课程资源的开发与利用必须以科学的课程资源理论为依据。


1.Practice and Study on the Development and Utilization of English Curriculum Resources;英语课程资源开发利用的实践与研究

2.The exploitation of life-related course system in college English teaching;“生活化”高职英语课程资源的开发

3.Writing Practice for English Majors by Using the Resources of Comprehensive English Course;综合英语课程资源在专业英语写作实践的应用

4.On Development and Utilization of the English Curriculum Resources under the New Curriculum Idea;论新课程理念下英语课程资源的开发与利用

5.The Systematic Development and Utilization of the English Curriculum Resources and the Construction of Curriculum Resource Bank at Senior High School高中英语课程资源的系统性开发利用及课程资源库的建设

6.A Study on Development and Utilization of English Curriculum Resources in Rural Middle Schools;农村中学英语课程资源现状与开发研究

7.The Development and Exploitation of English Web Course Resources in Elementary Education;基础教育中网络英语课程资源的开发与利用

8.A Case Study on Development and Utilization of English Curriculum Resources in a Junior High School;初中英语课程资源开发与利用的个案研究

9.Study On the Connotation of Professional English Curriculum Resource and its Exploitation;高职英语课程资源内涵及其开发问题探讨

10.The Exploitation of Extramural English Curriculum Resources in Higher Vocational Schools;立足高职高专特色 开发校外英语课程资源

11.Reflections on the Development and Exploitation of the Curriculum Resources in College English Teaching;对大学英语课程资源开发与利用的反思

12.A Study on Problems and Countermeasures in Development of Curriculum Resources in Junior English初中英语课程资源开发问题及对策研究

13.Developing and Utilizing English Curriculum Resources in the Context of Learner Autonomy;自主学习背景下中学英语课程资源的开发和利用

14.The Investigation Research on Senior English Curriculum Resources Development and Use in the High Schools in the City of Lanzhou;兰州市高中英语课程资源开发与利用的现状调研

15.An Investigation on Development and Utilization of English Curriculum Resources in Junior Middle Schools of Longsheng Minority Autonomous County;龙胜各族自治县初中英语课程资源的开发与利用之调查研究

16.The Investigation and Analysis on the Use of English Curriculum Resources in Secondary Schools in Western China--Take Gansu Province as An Example;西部中学生英语课程资源利用情况调查分析——以甘肃省为例

17.On Exploration and Utilization of Curriculum Resources in College Spoken English;大学英语口语的课程资源开发与利用

18.The Development and Utilization of English Reading Curriculum Resources in High School;中学英语阅读课程资源的开发与应用


English Curriculum Resources英语课程资源

1.On Development and Utilization of theEnglish Curriculum Resources under the New Curriculum Idea;论新课程理念下英语课程资源的开发与利用

2.Developing and using English curriculum resources is one of the important ideas advocated in the new curriculum reform.开发、利用英语课程资源是新课程改革所倡导的重要理念之一。

3.Development and using of English curriculum resources should be based on scientific curriculum resources.英语课程资源的开发与利用必须以科学的课程资源理论为依据。

3)extramural English curriculum resources校外英语课程资源

1.Based on the introduction of the concept and the classification of curriculum resources,this paper discusses the importance of the exploitation of curriculum resources and how to exploit theextramural English curriculum resources in higher vocational schools.本文在简要介绍课程资源的概念和分类的基础上,阐述了开发课程资源的重要性,然后重点论述了作为高职高专院校怎样结合自身特色开发校外英语课程资源。

4)Senior English curriculum resources高中英语课程资源

5)the primary English course小学英语课

6)new English curriculum standards for elementary school小学英语新课程标准


