100字范文 > 监测基准 monitoring datum英语短句 例句大全

监测基准 monitoring datum英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-10 03:44:12


监测基准 monitoring datum英语短句 例句大全

监测基准,monitoring datum

1)monitoring datum监测基准

1.It is proposed that only when themonitoring datum of ground displacement is properly selected and monitoring scheme,monitoring stations arrangement and monitoring period are optimized.本文探讨了影响边坡位移监测精度的若干主要技术问题,认为只有选择恰当的地表位移监测基准,并对监测方案、监测站的布设和监测周期的设计等技术问题进行优化,才能满足边坡变形监测的要求。

2.This paper analyses some problems of deformation monitoring, example of themonitoring datum, monitoring method and precision, deformation analysis and prediction, etc.主要对大堤施工期的变形监测问题 ,如监测基准、监测方法与精度、变形分析与预报等进行分

2)modification monitor变形监测基准网

1.Adopting rank shortage free net adjustment and stable assessment analysis,the stability of themodification monitor base net for one landslide is analysed.采用秩亏自由网平差和稳健估计方法分别对某滑坡变形监测基准网的稳定性进行了分析,通过比较研究认为,稳健估计方法在监测基准网稳定性分析中较秩亏自由网平差能有效的显示点位的真实位移,是进行基准网分析的一种较好方法。

3)monitoring standard监测标准

1.When analyzing the monitoring data of Shanghai Zhadian Gas Turbine Power Plant,we found it hard to define themonitoring standardsline of thermal parameters as the atmospheric temperature and power load varied during the whole year.通过分析上海闸电燃机发电厂监测数据,发现一年中大气温度和功率的变化使得热参数监测标准难以选取。

2.When analyzing the monitoring data of Shanghai Zhadian Gas Turbine Power Plant,it is hard to define themonitoring standardsline of thermal parameters as the atmospheric temperature and power load vary during the whole year.通过分析上海闸北电厂燃气轮机监测数据发现,1年中大气温度和功率的变化使得热参数监测标准难以选取。


1.Subcommittee on Standards of Training and Watchkeeping训练和监测标准小组委员会

2.tautline position-reference system紧绳监测定位标准系统

3.Integration Study of Intelligent Monitoring System Based IEEE Standard基于IEEE标准的智能监测系统集成研究

4.IEC 61850-based on-line monitoring device for circuit breakers基于IEC61850标准的断路器在线监测装置

5.Study of Dynamotor Intelligent Monitoring System Based on IEEE1451 Standards基于IEEE1451标准的电机智能监测系统研究


7.Working Group on Monitoring the Implementation of the Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities残疾人机会均等标准规则执行情况监测工作组

8.The Approach to the Evaluation Standards and Monitoring Methodology of “Well-off” Society Statistics关于小康社会的统计评价标准和监测方法探讨

9.Studies on the Standarization of ELISA for Mornitoring Infectious Bursal Disease;鸡传染性法氏囊病ELISA监测方法的标准化研究

10.Calculating methods on information system engineering surveillance rates;信息系统工程监理取费标准测算的方法

11.Research on Standard-plot Based Monitoring and Early-warning of Arable Land Quality;用标准样地进行耕地质量动态监测与预警探讨

12.Discusses on Application of the Environment Standard in the Environmental Monitoring浅议环境标准在环境监测工作中的应用

13.Discussion on settlement standard of ground surface during tunnelling隧道施工时地表沉降监测控制标准探讨

14.The Quality Assessment of Gas Standard Materials in The Field of Automobile Exhaust Monitoring汽车排气监测领域气体标准物质质量的评估

15.Selecting and Standardization Construction of Soil and Water Conservation Monitoring Sites水土保持监测点选址与标准化建设初探

16.Stability control standard for seawall engineering on soft ground软土地基海堤工程监测稳定控制标准探讨

17.Preparation of Gas Reference Material of Carbon Dioxide in Air For Environmental Monitoring环境监测用空气中二氧化碳标准气体的研制

18.Analysis of drought monitoring on Hainan Island from standardized precipitation index标准化降水指标在海南岛干旱监测中的应用分析


modification monitor变形监测基准网

1.Adopting rank shortage free net adjustment and stable assessment analysis,the stability of themodification monitor base net for one landslide is analysed.采用秩亏自由网平差和稳健估计方法分别对某滑坡变形监测基准网的稳定性进行了分析,通过比较研究认为,稳健估计方法在监测基准网稳定性分析中较秩亏自由网平差能有效的显示点位的真实位移,是进行基准网分析的一种较好方法。

3)monitoring standard监测标准

1.When analyzing the monitoring data of Shanghai Zhadian Gas Turbine Power Plant,we found it hard to define themonitoring standardsline of thermal parameters as the atmospheric temperature and power load varied during the whole year.通过分析上海闸电燃机发电厂监测数据,发现一年中大气温度和功率的变化使得热参数监测标准难以选取。

2.When analyzing the monitoring data of Shanghai Zhadian Gas Turbine Power Plant,it is hard to define themonitoring standardsline of thermal parameters as the atmospheric temperature and power load vary during the whole year.通过分析上海闸北电厂燃气轮机监测数据发现,1年中大气温度和功率的变化使得热参数监测标准难以选取。

4)precise monitoring精准监测

1.As a method of forest volume measurement, 3P sampling technology has been accepted in forestry field, but for the reason that two critical problems,precise monitoring of stand volume and fast generation of random data can t be solved well in traditional forestry resources monitoring, the technology has not been used widely for a long time.3P抽样是在林业界较早得到认可的一种森林蓄积量调查手段,但由于传统的森林资源监测技术不能解决立木材积精准监测及快速生成随机数这两个关键问题而未能得到广泛应用。

5)monitoring standard value监测标准值

6)collimation monitoring视准线监测


