100字范文 > 标题童趣度 interesting degree of the title英语短句 例句大全

标题童趣度 interesting degree of the title英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-02 09:56:07


标题童趣度 interesting degree of the title英语短句 例句大全

标题童趣度,interesting degree of the title

1)interesting degree of the title标题童趣度



1.The heart,the gusto and the language of children--On Li Jianshu s and Yang Minghuo s invention of children literature;童心·童趣·童言——李建树、杨明火儿童文学创作论

2.Childlike Happiness-Aesthetic Characteristics of A Journey to the West;“童趣”——《西游记》的审美品格

3.Strange Talent"s "Child Enjoyment" -Impression of Li Pengcheng"s Sculpture Works怪才的“童趣”——李鹏程雕塑作品印象

4.Playing the Piccolo at Will without Melody--On Children’s Interest Depicted in Ancient Poetries;短笛无腔信口吹——论古诗中的童趣

5.Childish Er-tail Dialect in Pilgrimage to the West《西游记》中富有童趣的“儿尾”方言

6.Totally Involved in it, the Unfeigned Pleasure--A review on "100 poems about children . with pictures;此中有真趣 欲辨已忘言——评《童趣诗词一百首·插图本》

7.Inspiration of“ Summer Night” comes from a story of the childhood, which makes the film show a happy Walt.夏夜来源于一个童年的故事,故此本片洋溢着一派童趣。

8.Arouse Childlike Innocence Discover Children s Fun Transmit Aesthetic Feeling --On Appreciation and Direction of Reading of Children s Literature;唤醒童心·发掘童趣·传达美感——谈幼儿文学的欣赏和阅读指导

9.ICW Interest Record儿童福利机构的孩童兴趣纪录

10.Fairy-tales intrigued most children.多数儿童对童话故事感兴趣。

11.the unfailing childlike appetite of what"s next and the joy of the game of living.寻根问底、追求人生乐趣的不泯童心。

12.an interesting story Book for children一本有趣味的儿童故事书

13.Most children are intrigued with fary-tales.大多数孩子都对童话故事感兴趣。

14.We entered into all the fun of a children"s party.我们领略到儿童聚会的一切乐趣。

15.Ever since she was a child, she has been bitten with a love of music.自童年时代起,她对音乐就有浓厚兴趣。

16.It is an interesting book for children.那是一本有趣的儿童读物。

17.Make teaching fun and interesting in the education of hearing-impaired children;把握听障儿童特点 实施兴趣教学

18.Happy Volleyball Is the Basic Way to Train Children s Interest;快乐排球是培养儿童兴趣的基本途径



3)childish heart and taste童心童趣

1.Zhou Zuoren gives his attention to children and children s literature all his life : his so many the theories of children s literature , Prose and poems withchildish heart and taste, and the translations of children s stories , naturally , show his children consciousness latently and obviously.对儿童、儿童文学的翻译研究,对童心童趣的倾心描绘,是作者的童心意识在文本中提供的直观、具体的童心世界。

4)children"s simplicity童真童趣

5)poems with childish interest童趣诗

6)the enjoyment of children童趣化


