100字范文 > 城郊小学 suburb elementary school英语短句 例句大全

城郊小学 suburb elementary school英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-17 14:06:54


城郊小学 suburb elementary school英语短句 例句大全

城郊小学,suburb elementary school

1)suburb elementary school城郊小学


1.Haibowan Area Suburb Elementary School Campus Cultural Reconstruction Investigation and Study海勃湾地区城郊小学校园文化建设调查研究

2.Kinetics of Adsorption of Pb~(2+) onto Small River Sediment城郊小河流沉积物吸附Pb~(2+)的动力学过程

3.Investigation and Consideration on Chinese Teaching Status Quo of Suburb Middle Schools;城郊中学语文教学现状的调查与思考

4.Study on Social Stratification in Middle Suburban Rural Areas in the Period of Transition;转型期中部小城市城郊农村社会分层研究

5.Some Reflections on Community Tourism Development in Suburb Towns;对城市郊区小城镇开展社区旅游的思考

6.Language Anxiety of Suburban Senior Middle School Students and Its Countermeasures;城郊高中学生语言焦虑及其对策研究

7.On Suburb Recreation Product Development Facing Student"s Market--Taking Jiufeng Mountain Jinhua City As a Case浅论学生市场城郊游憩产品的开发——以金华市郊九峰山为例

8.An Investigation into the Learning Psychology of Students from the Suburb Junior Middle School;城郊初级中学学生学习心理的调查与分析

9.Rural and New Town Planning Committee [RNTPC] [Town Planning Board]乡郊及新市镇规划小组委员会〔城市规划委员会〕

10.On Present Status and Development Direction of Environmental Art Design of the Small Towns in Suburbs of Beijing;论京郊小城镇环境艺术设计的现状与发展方向

11.Study on the Planning of Low-Density Residential Area of the Small Town in the Suburb of Beijing;京郊小城镇低密度住宅区规划设计研究

12.Studies on Greening Design of Urban New Residential District in Shanghai Suburbs;上海郊区城镇新建居住小区绿化设计研究

13.A Study on Harmonious Development between the Industrial Estates and Small Towns in the Suburbs of Wuhan City武汉郊区工业园与小城镇和谐发展研究

14.Test scores are high in suburban schools and low in city schools.郊区学校学生的考试成绩高,城里的则低。

15.Characteristic analysis on the mental quality of the students in Grade 1 of both junior and senior middle school in suburb城郊中学初一、高一学生心理素质对照研究

16.A " small city " means one which has a non-agricultural population of less than 200,000 in its urban and inner suburban districts.小城市是指市区和近郊区非农业人口不满二十万的城市。

17.Study on the Development of Function & Structure of Small Towns in Megapolis Outskirts of Yangtze Delta;长江三角洲大城市近郊小城镇职能与结构的发展研究

18.The Location Analysis and the Optimization of Landscape Pattern of the Small Towns System during the Suburbanization of Metropolis;大城市郊区化过程中小城镇的区位分析与景观格局优化


Suburb Middle School城郊中学

1.Investigation and Consideration on Chinese Teaching Status Quo ofSuburb Middle Schools;城郊中学语文教学现状的调查与思考

3)Small towns in Beijing suburbs京郊小城镇

4)small towns suburb big cities近郊小城镇

5)watershed of outskirts城郊小流域

6)Small Town in Suburbs郊区小城镇


