100字范文 > 虚心 an open mind英语短句 例句大全

虚心 an open mind英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-06 18:10:21


虚心 an open mind英语短句 例句大全

虚心,an open mind

1)an open mind虚心


1.an open minded person is accessible to reasons.虚心的人易于服理。

2.His modesty is all put on.他的虚心是假装出来的。

3.She was modest and full of sympathy, but she was far from weak.她虚心,富于同情心,但她决非弱者。

4.a telltale Blush(做贼心虚的)脸红

5.A guilty conscience is a self-accuser做贼心虚,良心自诛

6.Vain, ostentatious display.极度虚荣心爱虚荣地,铺张地显示

7.Hurrah for Zero which leaves me in peace!虚空万岁,虚空才能叫人安心。

8.The man is never sincere, he is always pretending此人从不真心诚意,老是虚虚假假的。

9.Virtual Price:the Core Category of Virtual Economy论虚拟经济的核心范畴——虚拟价格

10.So I"m not worried now.因此,我现在并不心虚。

11.He has now got above the vanity他现在已克服了虚荣心。

12.a blatant appeal to vanity;无耻的虚荣心的要求;

13.His vanity egged him on他的虚荣心鼓动着他。

14.To please or gratify the vanity of使愉快或满足虚荣心.

15.Truly, as it was written long ago: "The wicked flee when no man pursueth."古语说得好:“作贼心虚。”

16.overweening ambition, vanity, pride etc自负的雄心、 虚荣、 骄傲等.

17.insincere, calculated modesty.不诚心的,做作的谦虚

18.His vanity was his downfall.他因虚荣心太重而垮台.


Heart deficiency心虚

3)Heart blood deficiency心血虚

4)heart-Qi deficiency syndrome心气虚证

1.Echocardiography evaluation about the heart function change on rat models ofheart-Qi deficiency syndrome;心气虚证大鼠模型心功能变化的超声评价

5)deficiency of heart Qi心气虚

1.Objective: to research the mechanisim of "Deficiency of Heart Qi" syndrome in TCM on CHF rat model.目的:进行充血性心力衰竭(CHF)人群中医证候调查,并在此基础上研究CHF大鼠模型的“心气虚”证候特性,揭示其现代生物学基础,并试图找到一种以特定的疾病动物模型为平台对中医证候的生物学基础进行研究的新方法。

6)insufficiency of the heart-yin心阴亏虚


