100字范文 > 壮族地区 Zhuang minority region英语短句 例句大全

壮族地区 Zhuang minority region英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-08 05:00:06


壮族地区 Zhuang minority region英语短句 例句大全

壮族地区,Zhuang minority region

1)Zhuang minority region壮族地区

1.Try to discuss immigration of Chinese in the past and the social change of Guangxi inZhuang minority region;试析历代汉族移民与广西壮族地区的社会变迁


1.Try to discuss immigration of Chinese in the past and the social change of Guangxi in Zhuang minority region;试析历代汉族移民与广西壮族地区的社会变迁

2.On the Differences of Word Order between Chinese and the Zhuang Language;壮汉语序的差异研究——兼论壮族地区双语教学问题

3.The Spreading and Variation of Liang-Zhu Legend in Zhuang-Inhabitated Region;梁祝传说在壮族地区的流传与变异研究

4.The Study of Growth Strategy to the Rural Junior History Teachers of Zhuang Region;壮族地区农村初中历史教师成长对策探究

5.The Investigation and Study of the Grammar Mistakes Phenomenon in the Middle-school Student s Composition in Zhuang Ethnic Language Area;壮族地区中学生作文语病现象调查研究

6.A Brief Discussion of Teaching and Training Common Spoken-Chinese to the Students of Normal Colleges in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region;浅谈壮族地区师范生普通话教学与培训

7.Analysis on the Reason for Social Harmony and Stableness of Zhuang People in the Boundary Area of Southwestern China西南边疆壮族地区社会和谐稳定的原因分析

8.Circumstances Analysis About the Thalassemia Prenatal Screening in the Region of Minority Nationality in Lianshan Area of Guangdong Province广东连山壮族地区地中海贫血产前筛查情况分析

9.Evaluation of the Land Sustainable Use for Zhuang Culture Preserves;左江壮族文化保护区土地可持续利用评价

10.Boosting Rapid Economic Development of National County by the Views of Scientific Development;坚持科学发展观 壮大民族地区县域经济

11.Research on the Spatial-temporal Change Characteristics of Land-cover in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region广西壮族自治区土地覆盖时空变化特点研究

12.Permanent teeth morphology of Zhuang Nationality in Guangxi Autonomous Region广西地区693颗壮族人恒牙解剖形态测量

13.Field Survey and Investigation on Rural Labor Emigration in Minority Areas--A Case of Guangxi,China;少数民族地区农村劳动力转移的调查研究——以广西壮族自治区为例

14.Museum of Zhuang Nationality Autonomous Region, Guangxi广西壮族自治区博物馆

15.Library of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region广西壮族自治区图书馆

16.Polymorphism of the transforming growth factor-β_1 gene of Zhuang population in Guangxi Bama area and Hezhou area广西巴马地区与贺州地区壮族人群TGF-β_1基因多态性分析

17.Relationship of HLA-DR Gene and IgA Nephropathy in Guangxi Han and Zhuang Population;HLA-DR基因与广西地区壮族、汉族IgA肾病相关性的研究

18.On the Overlapping Boundaries of Ethnic Groups in the Tusi Area and its Maintenance: A Case Study of the Tusi of the Zhuang Nationality in Guangxi;论土司地区族群边界的交错与维持——以广西壮族土司为例


place names in the zhuang lang uage壮族地名

3)Guangxi Zhuangzu Zizhiqu广西壮族自治区

4)Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region广西壮族自治区

1.Analysis of endemic situation of schistosomiasis inGuangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,-;~广西壮族自治区血吸虫病疫情分析

2.Surveillance of schistosomiasis inGuangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,2002-;2002~广西壮族自治区血吸虫病监测结果分析

3.Research on the Spatial-temporal Change Characteristics of Land-cover inGuangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region广西壮族自治区土地覆盖时空变化特点研究


1.The Statistical Analysis of the Papers on Library Science Published between 2000 and by Authors Working inGuangxi;2000—广西壮族自治区作者图书馆学研究论文统计分析

6)Zhuang nationality壮族

1.Quality of life of female schizophrenics ofZhuang nationality in countryside of Guang Xi;广西农村壮族妇女精神分裂症患者生活质量状况调查

2.Distribution of gene polymotphisms of interleukin-1α and β inZhuang nationality in Guangxi;广西壮族人群白细胞介素-1α与β的基因多态性分布

3.A study on the characters of the hands ofZhuang nationality in Guangxi;广西壮族人手特征的研究


太平洋地区标准会议标准(见太平洋地区标准会议)太平洋地区标准会议标准(见太平洋地区标准会议)standards of PASC: see Pacific Area Standards Congress; PASCTa iPingyang Diqu Bioozhun Hu呼ib沁幻Zhun太平洋地区标准会议标准(s切md田心sofR巧C)见太平洋地区标准会议。
