100字范文 > 预应力张弦梁 prestressed beam string structure英语短句 例句大全

预应力张弦梁 prestressed beam string structure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-15 00:23:13


预应力张弦梁 prestressed beam string structure英语短句 例句大全

预应力张弦梁,prestressed beam string structure

1)prestressed beam string structure预应力张弦梁

1.Study on construction control technologies for long-spanprestressed beam string structure大跨度预应力张弦梁施工控制技术研究

2.Deformation and internal force analysis ofprestressed beam string structure based on Rayleigh-Ritz method基于瑞利-里兹法的预应力张弦梁变形与内力分析

3.0,full-range construction finite element simulation was conducted forprestressed beam string structure of Shanghai Yuanshen Arena.0,对上海源深体育馆预应力张弦梁进行了施工全过程有限元模拟,并采用位移传感器、振弦式应变计和索力动测仪等较先进的传感测量仪器对施工过程中的结构变形与构件截面应力进行了实时监测。


1.Construction Technology of Prestressed Steel Beam String Structure in Hohhot New Railway Station呼和浩特新火车站预应力张弦梁施工技术

2.Study on construction control technologies for long-span prestressed beam string structure大跨度预应力张弦梁施工控制技术研究

3.Deformation and internal force analysis of prestressed beam string structure based on Rayleigh-Ritz method基于瑞利-里兹法的预应力张弦梁变形与内力分析

4.The comparison of simulation method of prestressing force tension procedure of BBS by FEA张弦梁结构预应力张拉有限元模拟方法比较

5.Construction Technology of Prestressed Cable of Beam String Structure in Yantai World Commercial Center烟台世界贸易中心张弦梁预应力拉索施工技术

6.The Initial Strain Method to Simulate Prestress Tension Procedure to Solve the Forming Finding Problem of BSS初应变法模拟预应力张拉解决张弦梁结构找形问题的方法

7.Study on Dynamic Property and Dynamic Responses of Beam String Structure with Double-layer Strings;双层弦张弦梁结构的动力特性及动力响应研究

8.Stretching analysis on 126m beam string girder crossing prestressing lanyard126m跨张弦桁架预应力拉索张拉分析

9.post-tensioned prestressing concrete beam后张法预应力混凝土梁

10.Prestress Loss Induced by Friction in Suspendome Construction弦支穹顶结构预应力张拉的摩擦损失

11.Study on Form Fingding and Wind-Induced Dynamic Response for Beam String Structures;张弦梁结构的找形和风振动力响应分析

12.Dynamic Response Analysis and Study on the Seismic Characteristics of the Bidirectional Beam String Structure;双向张弦梁动力响应分析与抗震性能研究

13.Dynamic Response Analysis and Study on the Seismic Characteristics of the Beam String Structure;张弦梁结构动力反应分析及抗震性能研究

14.Stress Analysis of T-shaped Beam during the Procession of Tensioning Tendons;张拉预应力筋阶段的T型梁应力分析

15.Post-tensioning Producing Method of the Prefabrication of 40 m Prestress Box后张法40m预应力箱梁预制施工技术

16.Study on Cable Prestress for Large-scale Reticulated Shell Structure张弦双层网壳结构环向拉索预应力研究

17.Important point description of prestressing extension construction on the prestressing continuous bridge预应力连续梁桥预应力张拉施工的要点简述

18.The post tensioned prestressed construction control points of prestressed concrete box beam预应力混凝土箱梁后张法预应力施工控制要点


string prestressed张弦预应力

3)post-tensioned prestressed beam后张法预应力梁

4)post-stressing box girder后张预应力箱梁

5)prestressed beam string pipe预应力张弦式管道

1.Optimization design of a 100 m-spanprestressed beam string pipe;100m跨预应力张弦式管道优化设计研究

6)T-beam prestessed by post-tensioning method后张法预应力T梁


