100字范文 > 幂函数模型 power function model英语短句 例句大全

幂函数模型 power function model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-13 01:47:01


幂函数模型 power function model英语短句 例句大全

幂函数模型,power function model

1)power function model幂函数模型

1.apower function model,was established to r.建立了以不同有效压力为基准的异常高压油气藏储层孔隙度和渗透率随有效压力变化的通用数学模型,即幂函数模型,并在渤中25-1油田某油井射孔段进行了实际应用。

2.In combination with field data of in situ static load test of AB pipe piles in Dongguan city,several common predicting models used to depict load-displacement curves of uplift piles such as hyperbolic model,power function model,exponent function model and modified GM(1,1) are analyzed and contrasted in this paper.结合东莞市实测的AB型管桩静载荷试验资料,对常用的描述抗拔桩荷载-位移曲线的非线性数学模型如双曲线模型、幂函数模型、指数函数模型和修正的GM(1,1)模型作了比较分析。


1.Research of asphalt mixtures" parameter under repeated load based on power model重复荷载下沥青混合料幂函数模型参数研究

2.Power function model for elastic curve of multi-roller cold rolling mill多辊冷轧机弹性曲线的幂函数模型研究

3.On the basis of analyzing hyperbola and exponent models in common use, the power function model of shear deformation is presented for rock joints.在分析了岩体节理剪切变形常用双曲线模型和指数模型的基础上,提出了一种幂函数模型。

4.On the basis of analyzing hyperbola and exponent models in common use, the power function model is presented.在分析了岩体节理法向变形的对数模型、曲线模型的基础上,提出了一种幂函数模型。

5.The errors are less as comparing the test data with regressive curve and simulative curve from test parameters using the power function model.用幂函数模型描述的回归曲线以及根据试验参数得到模拟曲线与试验值比较误差均较小。

6.Another is a power function equation for the dynamic attenuation of flux, which shows the real varying process of flux with time and fits the experimental data better than the existed linear one.后者是一个幂函数模型,比原有的线性模型更贴近渗透通量随时间变化的实际过程。

7.Unbiased Estimation and Application of Parameters of Powerand Exponential Functions;幂函数和指数函数回归模型参数的无偏估计及应用

8.Pricing Formulas for Power-function Options with No Risk-Neutral Valuation;非风险中性定价意义下幂函数族期权定价模型

9.The formula suggests that blood stasis degree(BSD) changes with power- function.该模型显示,从内皮素、一氧化氮角度建模,血瘀度呈幂函数形势变化。

10.As For Two Important Functions Type Compounded Power-Exponent Of Further Study;关于两个重要的幂指型复合函数探讨

11.Study on Roll Contour with Power Function Curve in 2800mm Plate Rolling Mill2800mm中板轧机幂函数曲线辊型的研究

12.Popular choices are the exponential and inverse power functions typically used in entropy models, and the gamma function often recommended in US planning practice.大多数的选择是指数和熵模型中常用的反幂函数,在美国的计划编制中通常建议采用γ数。

13.The Solution of the Interlace Series Type Linear Even Differential Equation of Contain Negative One Number of Times Power Function;负线性幂函数交错级数型线性齐次微分方程

14.Power-function representation of particle size distribution for dispersed phase in water modeling of converter转炉水模分散相粒度分布的幂函数表征

15.Power Function to Reset the Exchange Rate-based Pricing of Options幂函数重设型汇率连动股票期权的定价

16.This model leads to a conclusion that these generalized collaboration networks usually have a degree distribution between the power law and the exponential function.这个模型显示这类广义的合作网络一般具有处于幂函数和指数函数这两种极端情况之间的度分布.

17.Random earthquake response of shearing beam structure on the stratified foundations with power function modulus幂函数模量成层土上剪切梁式结构的随机地震反应

18.Solution of the High-grade Gentle Lack One Type and Positive Power Function Linear Differential Equation;高阶和式差一型与正幂函数线性微分方程的解法


power-exponent function model幂指函数模型

1.Based on power transformation methods, it advances apower-exponent function model for LCF life prediction with a better residual plot and life prediction precision.从塑性应变幅与疲劳失效反向数在双对数坐标系下的二次曲线特征及残差稳定化角度考虑,基于幂变换方法构造了低周疲劳寿命预测的幂指函数模型,来改善残差图性态及模型预测精度。

3)combined-power model复合幂函数模型

1.A three-parametercombined-power model was proposed by curve fitting of the test data recording from the pullout tests on shaft anchor used in different geotechnical engineering.通过拟合不同工程类型的锚杆的拉拔试验实测数据,提出了锚固段轴力分布的三参数复合幂函数模型及锚索锚固段轴力分布的两参数复合幂函数模型,由静力平衡条件建立了剪应力沿其锚固长度的分布规律。

4)Power time-series model幂函数时序模型

5)power-law model幂(函数规)律模型

6)power function mode幂函数模式


