100字范文 > 粘结退化 bond deterioration英语短句 例句大全

粘结退化 bond deterioration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-18 23:56:11


粘结退化 bond deterioration英语短句 例句大全

粘结退化,bond deterioration

1)bond deterioration粘结退化


1.Deterioration characteristics of the bond between reinforcement and concrete subjected to freezing-thawing cycles and steel corrosion锈蚀与冻融循环下钢筋与混凝土粘结退化性能

2.Experimental Research on Bond Deterioration of Beam Bar of the Interior Joint in Earthquake-resistant Frames;抗震框架中间层中节点梁筋粘结退化性能试验研究

3.Bond Deterioration of Corroded Reinforced Concrete Members and Its Effects on Bearing Capacity;锈蚀钢筋混凝土构件粘结力的退化及其对承载力的影响

4.Created Causes and Controlling measures of the Bond Defect for Cold Rolled Strip in Bell-type Annealing Furnace罩式退火带钢粘结缺陷的产生原因及控制措施

5.Bonder and Optimized Investigation on Preparation Process of the Bonded NdFeB MagnetsNdFeB粘结磁体的粘结剂及制备工艺优化研究

6.Be prepared to install the glass immediately after applying the adhesive, as the adhesive will begin to cure in less than 10 minutes.在应用粘结剂之后准备安装玻璃,因为粘结剂开始固化至少10分钟。

7.The Properties of Adhesive and Damp & Heat Aging of Special Adhesive for Plastic Cooling fillers塑料淋水填料专用粘结剂及其粘结和湿热老化性能

8.In Vitro Study of Shear Bond Strength with Resin-modified Glass Ionomer Cement for Bonding Orthodontic Brackets树脂修饰化玻璃离子托槽粘结剂粘结强度的体外研究

9.Concretion properties of organic-binder oxidate pellets and strengthen measures有机粘结剂氧化球团固结特性及强化措施

10.Brazing alloys will not flow over or bond to oxides.铜焊合金不能流经或粘结在氧化物上。

11.Only the nonagglomerating coal can be used in this kind of gasifier.这类气化炉只能使用非粘结性的煤。

12.To be or become bound together by adhesion.混合,化合通过粘着结合到一起

13.Degradation of Soil Structure and Anisotropic Plasticity Evolution of Natural Clay;软粘土结构性、塑性各向异性及其演化

14.Study on Ester-Cured Montmorillonite Mordified Resol Phenol-Formaldehyde Resin Binder;酯固化MMT/PF树脂粘结剂的研究

15.Experimental Study on Agglomeration of Fluidized Bed with Biomass Combustion;生物质流化床燃烧粘结机理实验研究

16.Optimum Design and Verification for Structural Seismic Based on the Viscous Damper结构抗震粘滞阻尼器优化设计及验证

17.Application of Shear Test Model in Optimization of Adhesives剪切测试模型在粘结剂优化中的应用

18.A shear bond strength study of Carisolv chemomechanical caries removal伢典化学机械去龋法的粘结性能研究


decending of bonding capacity粘结性能退化

3)Degenerate viscosity退化粘性

1.We study the stability problem of the planar waves to the n-dimensional viscousconservation laws with degenerate viscosity in the half spacewith the initial datawhere the boundary condition is prescribed asin which u_- is a constant andAssume that there exists aconstant u_+ such that the initial data satisfyingand the compatibility conditionFurthermore, we assume that the equation (4.本文分为两个大部分来讨论在多维空间中带退化粘性项的单个守恒律方程的平面粘性稀疏波的衰减估计,一部分是半空间中的初边值问题,另一部分是全空间中的Cauchy问题。

4)mucous degeneration粘液退化

5)coil stick ing rate罩退粘结率

6)deteriorating structure退化结构

1.Time-dependent reliability analysis ofdeteriorating structures;退化结构时变可靠度分析


