100字范文 > 防火墙 firewall英语短句 例句大全

防火墙 firewall英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-29 20:02:23


防火墙 firewall英语短句 例句大全



1.The design of intelligentfirewall based on machine learning;基于机器学习的智能防火墙设计

2.Allocation and implementation on iptables and Linuxfirewall;基于iptables的Linux防火墙的配置和实现

3.The application offirewall to defending LAN against being attacked;防火墙在防范局域网内外部攻击中的应用


1.Firewalls and Proxies (2)防火墙与代理(2)

2.Firewalls and Proxies (1)防火墙和代理(1)

3.The first line is the firewall.第一道防线是防火墙。

4.A fireproof wall used as a barrier to prevent the spread of fire.防火墙,隔火墙作为一道屏障阻止火蔓延的防火的墙

5.Design and Implementation of ISDNIAD Firewall;ISDNIAD防火墙的设计与实现

6.Packet Filter Firewall with Iptables;基于iptables的包过滤防火墙

7.Deep Exploration of Firewall of Windows XP;Windows XP防火墙深层探析

8.The Application Based on Smooth Wall;Smooth Wall防火墙的应用

9.Fireproof Wall--Safty Equipment of Internet;防火墙—一Intranet的安全设备

work s Safe and Internet Fireware;网络安全与Internet防火墙

11.Internet Sacurity And Firewall Technology;Internet安全和防火墙技术

12.On the Teaching of the Course Firewall Technology: Based on Cisco PIX Firewall《防火墙技术》课程教学探讨——基于Cisco PIX防火墙

13.In addition, firewalls are no defence against internal hackers.此外,防火墙无法防御内部黑客。

14.Design and Realization of the Simulation Platform of Network Attacking and Defense and Firewall;网络攻防平台及防火墙的设计与实现

15.Research on Firewall Based on the Protected Host;基于主机防护策略的防火墙技术研究

16.The Design and Implementation of Linux Firewall Defense;Linux下防火墙防御功能的设计与实现

17.Improvement of Firewall Technology to Defensing TCP SYN Flood Attack防御TCP SYN Flood攻击的防火墙技术改进

18.Design of Defensive Characteristics of Anti-ARP-attacking Based on Netfilter FirewallNetfilter防火墙抗ARP攻击的防御特性设计


fire wall防火墙

1.Formwork construction technique of fair-faced concretefire wall;清水混凝土防火墙模板施工技术

2.Basic Analysis of the Fire Wall and Safe Technique in Network;浅析防火墙与网络安全技术


1.Implementation of traversingfirewalls and NATs in H.323 based on tunnel mechanism;基于隧道机制实现H.323中防火墙和NAT的穿越

2.The Application of Distributed Firewalls Technology;分布式防火墙技术及应用

3.Design and Realization of Firewalls Based on Gateway;基于网关的防火墙的设计与实现

4)fireproof wall防火墙

1.The height of thefireproof wall should be increased and painted steel screen should be added on the exterior wall to prevent fillets in the wall from flying off in the case of an explosion.对变电所土建防火及安全设计改造中,对电力生产建筑屋面造型装饰材料要选择得当;防火油池应进行双池设计,两池中进油口和出水口不应同高或进口低于出口,这样才能形成虹吸排水贮油现象;对防火墙的设计,应该加高墙体高度,防火墙表面应加钢丝网粉刷层,以防爆炸发生时墙体填充物飞出。

2.And it also analyses the installment schemes of variousfireproof walls and attempts to ensure the balance between the cost and efficiency under specific conditions so as to enable the system to operate in a safe, stable and effective way.本文介绍了校园网的安全问题及常用防火墙技术,提出了校园网安全解决方案与措施。

3.In this paper,the author,by drawing up the hardware conditions and software conditions,gives some specific proposals in dealing the management of campus network function,net security andfireproof wall,etc.针对现实情况,本文从校园网络的硬件环境设置、校园网络的日常管理、网络安全、防火墙的使用等方面论述了校园网络运行管理与安全维护的具体办法。


1.During Huaxin stationfire-wall construction in Sanhu power transmission and distribution project, to control construction technology, certain measures have been adopted in exterior concrete construction to reach as-cast finish standard.在三沪输变电工程华新站防火墙的施工过程中,为了控制施工工艺,采取了一些措施,使外露混凝土达到清水混凝土标准。

6)SOCKS firewallSOCKS防火墙


