100字范文 > 东海争端 Dispute over East China Sea英语短句 例句大全

东海争端 Dispute over East China Sea英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-11 09:55:25


东海争端 Dispute over East China Sea英语短句 例句大全

东海争端,Dispute over East China Sea

1)Dispute over East China Sea东海争端

1.Sino-JapanDispute over East China Sea is an unsettled issue of long standing, and it is typical among various boundary disputes between China and her neighboring countries in term of the disputing content and settlement-seeking process.中日两国在东海问题上争议良久,不论从双方产生争议的内容上看,还是从谋求争端解决的过程来看,中日东海争端都算是中国与周边国家领海争端的典型案例。


1.An Analysis of Sino-Japanese East China Sea Dispute and Prospect of Solution中日东海争端的现状与解决前景路径探析

2.A Discussion on the Application of Medium Line in the Dispute of East China Sea--In View of International Law;论中间线原则在中日东海争端中之适用——以国际法为视角

3.Time Factor in the Sino-Japanese Dispute over East China Sea: the Critical Date and Inter-temporal Law法律适用中的时间要素——中日东海争端关键日期和时际法问题考察

4.The Significance of Natural Prolongation Principle in the East China Sea Dispute between China and Japan--Perspective from the Relationship between Institution of Right and Rule of Delimitation;中日东海争端中自然延伸原则的重要地位——基于权利和划界规则之间关系的视角

5.The International Legal Basis on the Delimitation of the Continental Shelf of East China Sea东海大陆架划界争端国际法依据辨证

6.Sion-Japan Diaoyu Islands Dispute and the Delimitation of East China Sea Continental Shelf中日钓鱼岛争端与东海大陆架划界

7.The Principles of the International Ocean Delimitation and the Solution of the Dispute in East China Sea;国际海洋划界原则与中日东海划界争端的解决

8.The Legal Analysis of East Sea Boundary Dispute between China and Japan and Solution of China;中日东海划界争端的法理分析及中国的对策

9.On East Sea Oil and Natural Gas Dispute between China and Japan and the Effective Approach to Settlement;论中日东海油气争端及其有效解决途径

10.On The Jointly-Exploited Solution To Sino-Japanese Disputation About The Oil And Gas In East China Sea;论中日东海油气争端的共同开发解决方案

11.On the Sea Boundary Dispute and the Development of International Law of the Sea--Proposals on resolving Gas Dispute between China and Japan in the East Sea;论海洋边界争端与国际海洋法的发展——兼谈中日东海油气争端的解决

12.Because the vista of oil and gas resources in continental shelf of the East China Sea is promising, the dispute on this issue between two sides became increasingly heated.由于东海大陆架油气资源前景看好,双方在此问题上争端日趋激烈。

13.Monophysite Movement and Conflict in Eastern Mediterranean World in 5th-7th Century;5-7世纪基督一性论宗教争端与东地中海世界的社会冲突

14.Proceedings before the Sea-Bed Disputes Chamber海底争端分庭的程序

15.ad hoc chamber of the Sea-Bed Dispute Chamber海底争端分庭专案分庭

16.Host Organization [ICSID]东道组织 [解决投资争端国际中心]

17.Caption:ASEAN s Intra-dispute Management:Principle,Channel and Ways;东盟处理内部争端的原则、渠道和方式

18.The Solution of Territorial Disputes among ASEAN Members--the Method,Debate and Inspiration;东盟国家间领土争端的解决:做法、争论与启示


the settlement of disputes on the East China Sea东海争端解决

3)East sea boundary dispute东海划界争端

1.Under this background, theEast sea boundary dispute between China and Japan emerged the water surface, and became quite important and the thorny question.本文以中国的海洋权益为视角,介绍了海洋权益的概念和我国海洋权益的现状及面临的挑战,阐述了中日东海划界争端的由来,揭示了中日东海划界争端的实质。

4)East China Sea dispute东海之争

5)marginal sea dispute海洋争端

6)the dispute over the South China Sea南海争端

1.An Analysis of the UNCLOS pertaining tothe dispute over the South China Sea对南海争端的国际海洋法分析


