100字范文 > 日干 heavenly stems of date英语短句 例句大全

日干 heavenly stems of date英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-23 00:35:10


日干 heavenly stems of date英语短句 例句大全

日干,heavenly stems of date

1)heavenly stems of date日干

1.The incidence of statistics at the time of seasons,solar terms,the Five Movements and Six Climates the main transportation,passenger,heavenly stems of date and the extent of full moon.目的和意义:探讨时间、气温、月相及日干等与上消化道出血(upper gastrointestinalbleeding UGB)之间的规律,以期为临床对UGB实施应时辨证、择时用药,以及预测疾病转归、预后,提供具有重要实践价值的理论基础。


1.answered Defarge, drily.德伐日干巴巴地回答。

2.She works an eight-hour day.她干的是八小时工作日。

3.They kept plugging away at their job day and night.他们日以继夜地干着。

4.days after sight见票后若干日(付款)

5.They worked in the broiling sun.他们在酷日下干活。

6.Make hay while the sun shines .烈日当空照,勿忘晒干草。

7.calendar converter公元干支纪日速查盘

8.a certain time after date出票后若干日付款汇票

9.My days are like a shade which is stretched out; I am dry like the grass.我的年日,如日影偏斜。我也如草枯干。

10.I get so tired of slaving at this work day after day.对日复一日拼命干这种工作我厌烦透了。

11.He gets so tired of slaving at this work day after day.他非常厌倦日复一日地拼命干这件工作。

12.He goes on working day after day, week after week without any change.他日复一日,周复一周地干下去,毫无变化。

13.[KJV] My days are like a shadow that declineth; and I am withered like grass.我的年日好像日影偏斜,我也好像草一般枯干。

14.Resumption of Japan s Economic Development and Several Problems About Its Economic Structure;日本景气恢复及若干日本经济结构性问题

15.Effects of different insecticides against Matsucoccus matsumurae by trunk injection不同药剂树干施药对日本松干蚧的防治效果

16.In the enemy"s rear area,the cadres"s education was offered at school and in work.敌后抗日根据地干部教育分为在职干部教育与学校干部教育。

17.USD/JPY INTERVENTION CONCERN TRADING RANGE JPY 102.70 - 103.80美元兑日圆干预忧虑预期波幅102.70–103.80

18.(S Africa) meat that is salted and cut into strips and dried in the sun.(南非)腌渍后切成片在日下晒干的肉。


stationary Gaussian Markov process干日

1.In this pater,the forecast models of persistence probability are applied for dry - day or rainy day at Foshan,based onstationary Gaussian Markov process and the probability distribution function of the maximum over an interval.本文利用静态马尔可夫过程和一定时段内随机变量极值的概率分布,给出了干日和雨日持续回数概率的预报模型,并对佛山市进行了预报试验。


4)the Heavenly Stems and the Earthly Branches日干支

1.Zhangyunhe Rizhu Formula——Mathematical Formula to Convert a Certain Day from the Gregorian calendar intothe Heavenly Stems and the Earthly Branches(Zhangyunhe Riganzhi Formula);张云鹤日柱公式——求解公历任一日干支的数学公式(张云鹤日干支公式)

5)dates designated by Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branchesra干支纪日

6)solar radiating disturbance日凌干扰

1.A new model of dealing withsolar radiating disturbance is put forward and a systematic explanation to the antenna noise temperature analysis in case ofsolar radiating disturbance is made.在提出日凌干扰处理新模型的基础上,根据太阳视面与天线主瓣半功率点截面的相对运动关系,系统阐述了日凌时天线噪声温度的分析方法。


