100字范文 > 家庭害虫 Household pests英语短句 例句大全

家庭害虫 Household pests英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-17 06:30:56


家庭害虫 Household pests英语短句 例句大全

家庭害虫,Household pests

1)Household pests家庭害虫


1.any of numerous chiefly nocturnal insects; some are domestic pests.主要在夜间活动的各种昆虫;一些为家庭害虫。

2.small red ant of warm regions; a common household pest.温暖地区的红色小蚂蚁;一种常见的家庭害虫。

3.small light-brown cockroach brought to United States from Europe; a common household pest.浅褐色的小蟑螂,从欧洲传入美国;一种常见的家庭害虫。

4.Any of numerous oval, flat - bodied insects of the family Blattidae, including several species that are common household pests.蟑螂一种椭圆形扁平体蜚蠊科昆虫,包括几种家庭常见害虫

5.Panel of Experts on Integrated Pest Control虫害综合防治专家小组

6.web-spinning mite that attacks garden plants and fruit trees.织网的螨虫,损害庭园植物和果树。

7.small beetle whose larvae are household pests feeding on woolen fabrics.吃羊毛纤维的小型甲虫,是家中的害虫。

8.Establishment of Expert System on Forest Diseases and Insect Pests Diagnosis and Pests Forecast森林病虫害诊断及害虫预报专家系统的研建

9.The Establishment of Non-nuisance Rapeseed Diseases and Insect Pests Controlling Expert System;无公害油菜病虫害防治专家系统构建

10.State Key Laboratory of integrated management of pest insects and rodents农业虫害鼠害综合治理研究国家重点实验室

11.The Studies on Ornamental Trees Pests and Expert System in Suzhou;苏州市花木害虫及专家管理系统研究

12.Study on the Key Technology of Soybean Pest and Insect Disease Expert System Based on ASP基于WEB的大豆病虫害专家系统构建

13.Agriculture disease and pest diagnosis expert system based on fuzzy reasoning基于模糊推理的农业病虫害专家系统

14.The Application of Ontology in Forest Pests Expert System本体在森林病虫害专家系统中的应用

15.The govemment dispensed help to the families involved in the accident.政府给事故中受害家庭援助。

16.Centro de Atencion Integral a Victimas de Violencia Intrafamiliar家庭暴力受害者综合照料中心

17.The organization helps victims of domestic tyranny.这个组织帮助那些家庭暴虐的受害者。

18.Domestic Violence Advice Card家庭暴力事件受害人忠告卡


offence against the family妨害家庭罪

3)Family violence invasion家庭暴力侵害

4)family violence victim家庭暴力受害人

5)domestic insecticide家庭卫生杀虫剂

6)riddance of household pests.除掉家里的害虫


妨害有害于:吸烟~健康 ㄧ雨水过多,会~大豆生长。
