100字范文 > 水泥 cement英语短句 例句大全

水泥 cement英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-26 05:17:17


水泥 cement英语短句 例句大全



1.Scientific selection and application ofcement grinding aids;科学选择与使用水泥助磨剂

2.A standard addition method for differential spectrophotometric determination of magnesium oxide incement;差示光度法中的标准加入法测定水泥中的MgO

3.Control methods of compatibility ofcement and water reducer;水泥与减水剂相容性控制方法


1.hydraulic cement [mortar]水硬水泥 [灰泥]

2.Wet plaster, mortar, or cement.灰泥湿灰泥、灰浆或水泥

3.cover or coat with cement.用水泥覆盖或涂水泥。

4.8.7 Displace cement with the mud pumps!用泥浆泵替水泥浆。

5.gutter of asbestos-cement or cellulose fibrecement水槽,石棉水泥或纤维素水泥制

6.testing method for mechanical mixing of hydraulic cement pastes and mortars of plastic consistency水凝水泥膏和水泥浆的机械搅拌方法

7.Sacks for packing cementGB9774-1996水泥包装袋

8.unsound cement变质[不安定]水泥

9.manufacture shoes, cement, cookers制造鞋、水泥、 炉具

10.A cement enterprise group has been established with Huaxin cement, Xiushan cement and Huaxiang cement as pillars.形成了以华新水泥、山水泥、祥水泥为主的水泥企业集群。

11.joint for tube of asbestos-cement or cellulose fibre cement石棉水泥或纤维素水泥制的管接头

12.number of asbestos-cement or cellulose fibre-cement构件,石棉水泥或纤维素水泥制

13.Portland cement and ordinary portland cementGB175-1992硅酸盐水泥、普通硅酸盐水泥

14.floor slaB(铺设水泥楼面、地面的)水泥板

15.cable conduct of asbestos cement or cellulose fibre cement石棉水泥或纤维素水泥制电缆管道

16.like or relevant to or having the properties of cement.具有水泥特性,类似于水泥或与之相关。

17.chimmey cowl, of asbestos-cement or cellulose fibre cement烟囱帽,石棉水泥或纤维素水泥制

18.letter of asbestos cement or cellulose fibre cement字版,石棉水泥或纤维素水泥制



1.The research on the cold recycling on old pavement sites withconcrete as its stabilizer;以水泥为稳定剂的旧路面现场冷再生技术探讨

2.Construction technology of filling with modifyingconcrete水泥改良土填筑施工技术总结

3.Making full use of solid discarded objects and developingconcrete using environmental material综合利用固体废弃物 发展环境材料型水泥

3)Portland cement水泥

1.Hydration process ofPortland cement-fly ash pastes;水泥-粉煤灰浆体的水化反应进程

2.Hydration kinetics model studies of portland cement-fly ash pastes;粉煤灰-水泥浆体水化动力学模型

4)cement made from red mud赤泥水泥

1.The levels of radioactivity in the red mud, the wastes of aluminium related industry, and in thecement made from red mud were measured and reported in this paper.本文报道了铝企业中的工业废渣——赤泥及赤泥水泥的天然放射性水平。

5)cement slurry水泥泥浆

6)cement plaster水泥灰泥


