100字范文 > 单相 single-phase英语短句 例句大全

单相 single-phase英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-22 02:59:08


单相 single-phase英语短句 例句大全



1.Research on application ofsingle-phase active multi-tariff watt-hour meter in its practical application;单相电子式防窃电电能表的实际应用探讨

2.CPS-SPWM technique for asingle-phase multilevel current source inverter;单相电流型多电平逆变器的CPS-SPWM技术

3.Analysis of pressure drop characteristics ofsingle-phase flowing through vertical rolling pipes;摇摆状态下竖直管内单相水摩擦压降特性分析


1.Single-phase adaptive reclosing based on phase angle of fault基于故障相相角的单相自适应重合闸

2.single-phase motor, of an output exceeding 37.5单相电动机,功率超过37.5w

3.ectrodynamic type single phase power relay电动式单相功率继电器

4.single-phase AC synchronous alternator单相交流同步发电机

5.single-phase selsyn. motor单相自动同步电动机

6.small single-phase induction motor小型单相感应电动机

7.alternating current single phase induction motor交流单相感应电动机

8.single-phase induction voltage regulator单相感应电压调节器

9.single phase compensated series motor单相补偿串激电动机

10.single-phase commutator induction motor单相整流子感应电动机

11.repulsion and induction type single phase motor推斥感应型单相电动机

12.single phase brushless alternator单相无刷交流发电机

13.single-phase directional short circuit relay单相定向短路继电器

14.single phase double insulation buffing machine单相双连绝缘抛光机

15.single-phase static type automatic voltage regulator单相静电式自动稳压器

16.series conduction motor单相串励换向器电动机

17.single-phase series commutator motor单相串激换向器电动机

18.single-phase shunt commutator motor单相并激换向器电动机


single phase单相

1.Damper winding in smallsingle phase synchronous generators小型单相同步发电机阻尼绕组作用分析

2.In the experiment of determination of flow resistance ofsingle phase,one of the experiments of chemical theory,there were two methods to determine the pressure drop.在化工原理实验单相流体阻力测定实验中,压差的测定方法一般有两种。

3.Batsed on the cite investigation and theory calculation,the paper indicates that6kV electric nets with non-earth-connection oeutral point for coal mines exist serious safity prob-lems,and the earth connection pattern ofsingle phase is not suitable to some electric nets in coalmines.根据现场调查,结合理论计算分析得出,煤矿应用的中性点不接地6kV电网安全状况极差,单相接地方式不适合某些煤矿电网。


1.The preparation ofmonophase Tl_2Ba_2Ca_2Cu_3O_x bulk materials was investigated.本文研究了Tl_2Ba_2Ca_2Cu_3O_x(简称2223)单相超导块材的制备工艺。

2.The results reveal that the preparation of the γ′-(Fe1-xNix)4Nmonophase powder is related to NH3/H2 gas flow ratio,heat treatment temperature and time.结果表明:制备单相γ′-(Fe1-xNix)4N粉末与NH3/H2气流比、热处理温度以及时间有关。

3.This article introduces the technical principle and the application ofmonophase prefabricated substation, analyses the technical characteristic of the product and raises some practical problems that should be considered in order that the power loss can be reduced and the reliability of power supply can be increased further.介绍了单相箱变的技术原理及其应用,分析了该产品的技术特点,提出了在使用中应注意的问题,以进一步降低电能损耗,提高供电可靠性。


5)single phase单相/单相位



