100字范文 > 色坐标 color coordinate英语短句 例句大全

色坐标 color coordinate英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-24 04:24:48


色坐标 color coordinate英语短句 例句大全

色坐标,color coordinate

1)color coordinate色坐标

1.The luminous intensity,luminous flux andcolor coordinate of high-power white LED have relations with different place.分析了大功率白色发光二极管的发光强度(即光强)、光通量和色坐标与测量位置的关系,提出了解决的方法。

2.Under certain ideal condition,we have rough estimated thecolor coordinates and the luminous flux about the white light LEDs with the new method.研究了在蓝光芯片加黄色荧光粉制备白光LED方法中,色坐标位置对光通量的影响。

3.Thecolor coordinate and color index are very important for lighting source.白色发光二极管在制备过程中与其他颜色发光二极管不同的是它需要加上涂粉工艺 ,涂粉的一致性对白色发光二极管的色坐标和显色指数的影响非常大 ,而色坐标和显色指数是照明光源的重要技术指标。


1.The locus of points in a chromaticity diagram that represents chromaticities of the radiation of Planckian radiators at different temperatures.色度图中,表征不同温度下黑体辐射的色坐标的点的轨迹。

2.chromaticity coordinate色品坐标,色度坐标

plementary chromaticity coordinates补色色度坐标《测色》

4.Test method of three primary colors chromaticity coordinates for TVGB/T3948-1983电视三基色色度坐标测试方法

5.areal coordinates重心坐标, 面坐标

6." Rare-earth phosphorus with red, green, blue luminescence for fluorescent lamp--Measuring method of chromaticity coordinates"GB/T14634.2-1993灯用稀土红色、绿色、蓝色荧光粉试验方法色品坐标测试方法

7.Together, a and b give the coordinate o fthe colour in the chromaticity chart so that hue and chroma can be calculated accordingly.和一起构成该色在彩度图内的坐标,从而可计算该色的色相和纯度。

8.revolution of polar to Cartesian极坐标-直角坐标旋转

9.resolution of polar to cartesian极坐标-直角坐标转换

10.The foreground color of the cells defined by the cell coordinates and condition.由单元坐标和条件所定义的单元的前景颜色。

11.The background color of the cells defined by the cell coordinates and condition.由单元坐标和条件所定义的单元的背景颜色。

12.Gait Detection Based on Gaussian Mixture Model of Chromaticity Coordinates基于色度坐标高斯混合模型的步态检测

13.Sets the pixel at the specified coordinates to the color at the specified index of the palette.设置指定坐标的像素为调色板中指定索引的颜色值。

14.The Sampler Info node provides the world space coordinates of the point being shaded within the sphere.第一,在球上的被着色点需要去从世界坐标转换到相对于球体的物体空间坐标。

15.It takes an input( flexible) vertex which has properties like position, normal, color, texture co-ordinates and outputs the vertex in the CLIP space.它由输入(定)点的属性:象坐标、线、色、理坐标,然后输出置向CLIP空间的顶点。

16.The New Coordinates of Video Representation for the Themes of Revolutionary History--Decodes the Red Youth Idol Script"Just When We Were Young Pioneers";革命历史题材影像表达的新坐标——解读红色青春偶像剧《恰同学少年》

17.Beijing geodetic coordinate system 19541954年北京坐标系

18.The value of the new Cordinate Systems and surfaces is twofold.新坐标系和坐标曲面的价值是双重的。


chromaticity coordinate色坐标

1.In order to improve the traditional inefficient method of measuring the color uniformity of liquid crystal display(LCD)projector,a system of measuring two dimensionalchromaticity coordinate distribution was set up.为改进传统液晶投影显示色均匀性测量方法效率低的缺点,建立了一套对二维平面上色坐标分布进行快速测量的系统。

3)chromaticity coordinates色坐标

1.Thechromaticity coordinates of YP1.我们计算了不同样品的色坐标,发现均在白光范围内,可见该体系样品有希望成为一种全色发射的白光LED用荧光粉。

2.Thechromaticity coordinates of.本文以应用在固态体积式真三维立体显示系统中的图像投影速率达到480帧/秒的应用为例,在色度学的基础上,分析了RGBRGB六段4倍速色轮的色度学特性,结合投影光源给出了经过色轮分色的红、绿、兰三色的色坐标。

4)CIE coordinates色坐标

1.AndCIE coordinates of the device vary from (0.7lm/W,最大亮度达27525cd/m2,当电压从4V变化到12V时,色坐标从(0。

5)chromatic coordinates色坐标

6)color coordinate色度坐标


