100字范文 > 节能监测 energy conservation monitoring英语短句 例句大全

节能监测 energy conservation monitoring英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-16 15:01:18


节能监测 energy conservation monitoring英语短句 例句大全

节能监测,energy conservation monitoring

1)energy conservation monitoring节能监测

1.The function ofenergy conservation monitoring is to super- vise enterprises to reduce its energy consumption.企业节能降耗关键在于节能技术改造,节能技术改造离不开节能监测前期工作,节能监测的作用就是强化和督促企业节能降耗。

2.In this paper,the status and deficiencies ofenergy conservation monitoring are introduced firstly and the importance of HVAC monitoring is pointed out.介绍了我国节能监测(监察)的现状和不足,指出了空调系统节能监测的重要性。


1.Strengthens the energy-conservation monitor,raises the energy-conservation level;加强节能监测 提高企业节能水平


3.How to Cut Down Energy Consumption in Reheating Furnace;武钢轧钢加热炉节能监测实践与节能对策分析

4.Monitoring and testing method for energy saving of electroheat device in industryGB/T15911-1995工业电热设备节能监测方法

5.Monitoring and testing method for energy saving of industrial boilersGB/T15317-1994工业锅炉节能监测方法

6.Monitoring and testing method for energy saving of power supply distribution system of industrial enterpriseGB/T16664-1996企业供配电系统节能监测方法

7.Monitoring and testing method for energy saving of heat transmission and distribution systemGB/T15910-1995热力输送系统节能监测方法

8.Monitoring and testing method for energy saving of flame heating furnaceGB/T15319-1994火焰加热炉节能监测方法

9.Monitoring and testing method for energy saving of steam heating equipmentsGB/T15914-1995蒸汽加热设备节能监测方法

10.Monitoring and testing method for energy saving of electrical welding installationGB/T16667-1996电焊设备节能监测方法

11.General principles for monitoring and testing of energy conservationGB/T15316-1994节能监测技术通则

12.Monitoring and Testing Analyze for Energy Saving of Industrial Water Pump and Usage of Instrument工业水泵节能监测分析和仪器的运用

13.Energy Conservation Monitoring and Enterprise Energy Utilization Credibility节能监测与企业能源利用真实状况评估

14.Monitoring and testing method for energy saving of motor-pump liquid transport systemGB/T16666-1996泵机组液体输送系统节能监测方法

15.Mornitoring and testing method for energy saving of air compressor unit and air distribution systemGB/T16665-1996空气压缩机组及供气系统节能监测方法

16.Monitoring and testing method for energy saving of fan unit and distribution tube systemGB/T15913-1995风机机组与管网系统节能监测方法

17.Countermeasure and Necessity of Energy Monitoring Service System;建设节能监测与技术服务体系的必要性及对策

18.Developing Energy Saving Supervision Promoting Enterprise Reduction in Energy Consumption;开展节能监察监测 促进企业降低能耗


energy saving supervision节能监察监测

1.By analyzing energy state and utilizing general situation in our country and Jiangxi province,the importance of developingenergy saving supervision is explained in this paper.本文根据全国和江西的能源形势及能源利用概况,阐述了节能及开展节能监察监测的必要性和重要性,介绍了江西省开展节能监察监测工作情况,分析了节能监察监测面临的新形势,明确了今后的任务。

3)energy efficiency supervision节能监管

1.Design ofenergy efficiency supervision system for large-scale public buildings;大型公共建筑节能监管制度设计研究

2.Technological line of theenergy efficiency supervision system for large-scale public buildings;大型公共建筑节能监管体系技术实现路线研究

3.Government regulation and its innovation for large-scale public buildingenergy efficiency supervision systems under market economy;市场经济中大型公共建筑节能监管体系的政府规制及其创新

4)energy conservation supervision节能监察

1.Based on theenergy conservation supervision for 34 large shopping malls in Shanghai, the current energy consumption and existing problems of energy management and utilization of these shopping malls were analyzed.通过对上海34家大型商场的节能监察,从企业内部的管理体系和制度、商场的中央空调系统、电气照明系统及热工系统等方面分析了目前上海大型商场能源利用的现状及存在问题,并提出了相应的解决对策。

2.Theenergy conservation supervision effort, after several years of development, has become increasing mature, and the operation of many energy centers has transformed to web supervision from previous manual operation.节能监察工作经过短短几年的发展日臻成熟,各地节能监察中心的业务也由人工操作日渐转化为网络监察。

5)energy-saving supervision节能监督

1.It has become a concerned topic for professionals to analyze and improve the key points,interrelation and energy-saving potential of energy losses reduction,to ensure theenergy-saving supervision in a closed-loop management.节能监督是目前火电厂节能降耗的重点工作和主要监控手段,如何对火电厂各环节中能耗损失的关键点和相互关系、节能潜力部位等进行分析和改善,确保节能监督闭环化管理,一直是相关人员研究的课题。

6)Energy-saving Monitor节能监控


