100字范文 > 多发骨折 multiple fractures英语短句 例句大全

多发骨折 multiple fractures英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-21 09:01:13


多发骨折 multiple fractures英语短句 例句大全

多发骨折,multiple fractures

1)multiple fractures多发骨折

1.Objective To investigate the diagnosis and treatment of femoral artery injury associated withmultiple fractures.结论下肢多发骨折伴发股血管损伤一般位于收肌裂孔附近,需手术探查血管移植修复;对>24h甚至6d的股动脉损伤患者积极手术修复仍可挽救部分功能。


1.The Operative Treatment of Limbs Long Cannon Bone Multipile Fracture Accompanied with the Internal Organs Injury伴有内脏伤四肢长管骨多发骨折的手术治疗

2.Experimental Study on the Mechanism of Acute Lung Injury after Multiple Fracture;多发骨折并发急性肺损伤发生机制的实验研究

3.Anatomical Locking Plate Internal Fixation and Bone Grafting for the Treatment of Complex Multiple Fractures in the Extremities解剖型锁定接骨板内固定加植骨术治疗四肢复杂性多发骨折

4.Experience about treatment of segmental and comminuted femoral fractures in multiple injuries多发股骨干多段粉碎骨折的治疗体会

5.Internal Fixation of Absorbable Rib-connecting-pins for Multiple Rib Fractures(A Report of 116 Cases)可吸收肋骨钉治疗多发性肋骨骨折116例

6.First aid and Early Treatment in Multi-injuries Accompany with Fracture多发性损伤伴骨折的急救与早期处理

7.Treatment of multi-metatarsal fractures by mini-plate screw fixation微型钢板螺钉内固定治疗跖骨多发复杂性骨折

8.Expandable Intramedullary Nail for Treating Humeral Shaft Fractures in Patients with Multiple Injuries可膨胀髓内钉治疗多发伤合并肱骨干骨折

9.Treatment for multiple rib fractures by surgical fixation手术固定治疗多发性肋骨骨折的临床应用

10.The second period-treatment for mandible multiple outmoded fracture after operation failure下颌骨多发性骨折一期手术失败后的二期治疗

11.There were more complication, the main were fracture ( rib, cranial bone and clavicle), shock, pneumoatothorax, pneu-mohydrothorax, hydropneumothorax.本病并发症较多,以骨折(肋骨、颅骨、锁骨)、休克、气胸、液气胸为主。

bined use of artificial synthetic resin bone and claw-like rib bone plate for treating multiple ribs fracture联合应用合成树脂人工骨和肋骨爪形钢板治疗多发性肋骨骨折

13.Multi-factors Analysis of Avascular Necrosis of Femoral Head after Operation of Femoral Neck Fractures;股骨颈骨折术后发生股骨头缺血性坏死的多因素分析

14.Treatment of fracture of multiple ribs with absorbable rib fixed nail and dacron flap in 12 patients可吸收肋骨固定钉加涤纶补片治疗多发性肋骨骨折12例

15.Still another kind is a boing bowing fracture. This happens with a bone that bands bends but does not break. It happens mostly in children.还有一种弓状骨折,发生在骨头已经弯曲但还没有断裂的情况,这种骨折多出现在孩子身上。

16.Methods Ninety two cases with multiple injuries were treated by immediatesurgical fixation.方法对92例多发伤骨折行急诊手术治疗。

17.Improving the remedy level in severe multiple fractures进一步提高严重多发性骨折的救治水平

18.Application of damage control strategy to treat multiple fractures in lower limb应用损害控制策略治疗下肢多发性骨折


multiple fracture多发性骨折

1.Monitor of systemic inflammatory response syndrome aftermultiple fracture;多发性骨折后全身炎症反应综合征的监控

2.Application of damage control strategy to treatmultiple fractures in lower limb应用损害控制策略治疗下肢多发性骨折

3.Objective To investigate the effect of injury control methods in curing the patients with multiple injury complicatingmultiple fracture.目的总结严重多发伤合并多发性骨折病人的救治和应用伤害控制策略的治疗效果。

3)Multiple rib fractures多发肋骨骨折

4)Sending rib bone fracture多发性肋骨骨折

5)Nasal complex fracture鼻部多发性骨折

6)Multiple fractures in low extremities下肢多发骨折


多苯基多亚甲基多异氰酸酯 多苯基多亚甲基多异氰酸酯,简称PAPI,或称粗MDI,浅黄色至褐色粘稠液体.有刺激性气味。相对密度(20℃/20 ℃)1.2,燃点218℃。PAPI实际上是由50%MDI与50%官能度大于2以上的多异氰酸酯组成的混合物。升温时能发生自聚作用。溶于氯苯、邻二氯苯、甲苯等。PAPI的活性低,蒸气压低,只是TDI的百分之一,故毒性很低。 用于制造聚氨脂胶粘剂。也可直接加入橡胶胶粘剂中,改善橡胶与尼龙或聚酯线的粘接性能。贮存于阴凉、通风、干燥的库房内,远离火种、热源。严格防水、防潮,避免光照。
