100字范文 > 层流病房 laminar flow ward英语短句 例句大全

层流病房 laminar flow ward英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-18 08:08:35


层流病房 laminar flow ward英语短句 例句大全

层流病房,laminar flow ward

1)laminar flow ward层流病房

1.Study on the nursing cost of skin and mucosa care inlaminar flow wards;我院层流病房皮肤黏膜护理项目的成本研究

2.Describes the development and application of the temperature auto-control system and in thelaminar flow ward in our hospital under the various climate conditions in four seasons.本文介绍我院层流病房温度自动控制系统的研制和应用。


1.Nursing management in the laminar air flow units for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation层流病房造血干细胞移植的护理组织管理

2.Analysis on 2 Cases of Neuroses Syndrome in the Laminar Air Flow Ward and Nursing Care2例入住层流病房致神经症性综合征患者的护理

3.Study on the result of germ monitoring before and after lamina flow used in newborn nursery新生儿层流病房应用前后的微生物监测结果比较

4.Investigation and analysis on under respiratory way infection in the ICU of laminar air flow层流重症监护病房下呼吸道感染调查分析

5.Setting and use of the high-level in hospital sickroom"s emergency lighting system高层住院病房应急照明的设置与使用

6.Survey on Epidemiology of Cow Mastitis in the Changchun Region;长春地区奶牛乳房炎的流行病学调查

7.Numerical study of air distribution in door opening process of isolation wards隔离病房开门过程中气流的数值研究

8.Epidemiological Investigation and the Study of Cow Mastitis in Taian;泰安地区奶牛乳房炎致病菌流行病学调查研究

9.Study on Epidemiology of Bacteremia in Intensive Care Unit in the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University浙一医院重症监护病房菌血症流行病学调查

10.Incidence and pathogens of bloodstream infections in ICU重症监护病房连续3年血流感染的病原分析

11.Application of level management in combination with APN duty arrangement in ward of intensive care unit层级管理结合APN排班在重症监护病房中的应用

12.A story in a house.一层楼房房屋内的一层

13.The Study of Heat Transfer and Flow in Greenhouse, Heat Storage Layer and Heating Room;温室-蓄热层-采暖房系统中的传热与流动研究

14."The halls are nothing but rooms, and it is with difficulty that the air can be changed in them."“那些病房都只是一些小间,里面的空气很难流通。”

15.Research of Airflow Pattern Optimization in a Negative Pressure Isolation Ward;负压隔离病房室内气流组织的优化研究

16.Investigation of Epidemiology of Bovine Mastitis in Private Dairy Farms in Some Regions in China;我国部分地区个体奶牛场乳房炎流行病学调查

17.Conditions in the maternity wards of hos2 pitals were almost as bad as in the surgical wards. There were constant epidemics. The mother often became feverish and died.医院产科病房的条件几乎与外科病房一样差,经常发生流行病,产妇常发热、亡。

18.Conditions in the maternity wards of hos2pitals were almost as bad as in the surgical wards. There were constant epidemics. The mother often became feverish and died.医院产科病房的条件几乎与外科病房一样差,经常发生流行病,产妇常发热、死亡。


ICU lamina flow wardICU层流病房

1.The investigation and administration of the influencing factors of air quality inICU lamina flow ward;ICU层流病房空气质量影响因素的探讨与管理

3)Administration for lamina flow ward层流病房管理

4)laminar flow ward层流洁净病房

1.Nosocomial infection control in patients inlaminar flow ward;层流洁净病房患者的医院感染控制

5)laminar flow sterile ward层流无菌病房

1.Air distribution simulation and air conditioning scheme analysis of alaminar flow sterile ward;某层流无菌病房气流组织模拟及空调方案分析

6)class 100 laminar ward百级层流病房


