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人文社科 humanities and social sciences英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-20 03:05:11


人文社科 humanities and social sciences英语短句 例句大全

人文社科,humanities and social sciences

1)humanities and social sciences人文社科

1.There are more than 100humanities and social sciences edition of journals by the universities of science and engineering in China.目前全国理工院校主办的人文社科学报已达100多家,在我国高校人文社会科学学报序列中具有举足轻重的地位。


1.Construction of Engineering School Humanities Courses System;工科大学生人文社科课程体系的构建

2.Paying Attention to the Laboratory Construction of Liberal Arts Accelerate an Advance in Humane Social Sciences;注重文科实验室建设,促进人文社科发展

3.Cooperation of Researches for Humanity Studies in Our Province Inspired by CSSCI Theses with Collaborative Authors从CSSCI合著论文看我省人文社科研究的科研合作

4.Synopsis of the Humanitics & Social Sciences人文,社会学科简介

5.Social and Human Sciences Sector社会和人文科学部门

6.interdisciplinary programs in the humanities and social sciences跨学科的人文学科和社会科学

7.The term“ arts” usually refers to humanities and social sciences.文科”这个词通常指人文和社会科学。

8.The term “arts” usually refers to humanities and social sciences.“文科”这个词通常指人文和社会科学。

9.On the Development of Humanities and Social Sciences to the Science and Technology University;理工科大学发展人文社会科学的思考

10.Scientific Development Concept and Evaluation of the Achievements in the Humanities and Social Sciences;科学发展观与人文社会科学成果评价

11.On the Possibility of "Scientific Nature" in Humanities and Social Scientific Research Fields;人文社会学科研究的“科学性”何以可能

12.On Coordinated Development of Humanities and Social Sciences in Institutions of Science and Engineering;论人文社会科学在理工科院校的发展

13.Interpreting Humane Science--Charles Taylor ;解释性的人文科学——泰勒的社会科学观

14.Brief Exposition of Humane Science,the Basis of PE Humane Social Science;体育人文社会科学的人文科学基础简说

mission for Social Sciences, Humanities and Culture社会科学、人文学和文化委员会

16.Ternary System of Knowledge;知识三元系 自然科学——社会科学——人文学科三元系

17.On the trinity of natural sciences, social sciencesand the humanities and its co-ordinated development;论自然科学、社会科学、人文科学的三位一体关系

18.College Liberal Arts Journals in the Context of Historical Transition of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies;人文社会科学研究历史转折中的高校文科学报


humanities and social science人文社会科学

1.The progression of the curriculum reform on the courses ofhumanities and social science in advanced nursing education in China;我国高等护理教育中人文社会科学课程改革的进展

2.Analysis of Realistic Ground of Humanities and Social Science Research Evaluation in China;我国人文社会科学研究评价的现实背景分析

3.Survey on the Editorial Normalization of Academic Journals of Humanities and Social Science in China;中国人文社会科学学术期刊编辑出版规范的调查分析

3)the knowledge of humanities and social sciences人文社科知识

1.The higher vocational education should cultivate student the value,innovation and cooperative consciousness through initiatingthe knowledge of humanities and social sciences.从高等职业教育的社会经济价值和个人需求价值出发,通过分析二个依靠自身的努力和科学的价值观支撑成长起来的典型人物,指出应通过人文社科知识教育加强学生道德价值观念、创新意识,合作意识的培养。


1.A brief discussion on the government s duty in encouraging the study of thehumanities;略论人文社会科学研究激励机制中的政府职责

2.In 1992, the France Education Department and the Public Health Department jointly issue the Direction Documents on the strengthen ofhumanities curriculums establishment and implement.1992年 ,法国教育部和卫生部首次联合颁布了在医学院校加强人文社会科学课程的建设和开展相关教学的指导性文件。

3.Now, much emphasis, for journals ofhumanities, is being laid on such theoretical problems of importance as relevance of the editing of works of humane sciences to the latest development of such sciences against the background of globalization; the.对于人文社科学术理论刊物,现在更多的是在关注人文社会科学的编辑出版与全球化背境下当代人文社会科学发展的关联性;当代学术批评与编辑的选择性思维方式;当代学术期刊的编辑过程及编辑活动与学术评价的关系;当代网络化条件下的学术活动与编辑活动的关联研究等与文科期刊相关的更为重大的理论课题。

5)Social and human studies人文社科化发展

6)Social Sciences Database人文社科数据库


