100字范文 > 新生儿游泳 Neonatal Swimming英语短句 例句大全

新生儿游泳 Neonatal Swimming英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-19 19:53:51


新生儿游泳 Neonatal Swimming英语短句 例句大全

新生儿游泳,Neonatal Swimming

1)Neonatal Swimming新生儿游泳

1.Conclusion:Neonatal swimming can accelerate the babies\" growth and decreace TCB in the early stage.方法:将我院新生儿泳疗资料,随机分为两组,正常新生儿单纯沐浴组(对照组)700例,其中,顺产550例,剖宫产150例;正常新生儿游泳组(研究组)1100例,其中,顺产850例、剖宫产250例。


1.Effect of neonatal swimming on infant nerve system and growth and development新生儿游泳对新生儿神经和生长发育的影响

2.Study on the cost of neonatal swimming care services新生儿游泳护理服务项目的成本研究

parative study on the different swimming times and time in newborn infants不同新生儿游泳次数及时间的比较研究

4.Probe into clinical effect of background music to enhance neonatal swimming背景音乐对提高新生儿游泳临床效果的探讨

5.Effects of neonatal swimming on its growth and development“游泳”对新生儿生长发育影响的探讨

6.The Influence of Bathing in Traditional Chinese Medicine Water and Massage on Neonatal Jaundice中药游泳加抚触对新生儿黄疸的影响

7.Clinical survey of the effects of swim training on neonatus" physiologic icterus and psychology indexes探讨游泳对新生儿生理指标及黄疸的影响

8.Study on influence of swimming in warm water and dipping with traditional Chinese medicine on newborns with neonatal jaundice温中药水中游泳对新生儿黄疸影响的研究

9.The young swimmer has set up a new world record for the backstroke.这位年轻的游泳健儿刷新了仰泳的世界纪录。

10.Clinical Study on Effect of Swimming and Touching on Neonatal Behavioral Neurological Development游泳和抚触对新生儿行为神经发育影响的临床研究

11.Clinical research of water therapy in growth and development of neonatal泳疗在新生儿生长发育中的临床研究

12.The Effect of Neonatal Swimming Therapy on Growth and Development for Premature Infants and Low Birth Infants during Perinatal Period;新生儿泳疗对早产及低体重围生儿的影响

13.children frolicking about in the swimming-pool在游泳池里嬉戏的儿童.

14.Let"s go and have a swim.咱们去游一会儿泳吧。

15.How to increase the results of children free swimming;如何提高少儿游泳运动员自由泳成绩

16.The Study of Effeicy of the Treatment of Neonatal Swimming on the Physiological Targets of Newborns泳疗对新生儿基本生理指标影响的研究

17.Probing the Training Courses Set-up for the Public Swimming Lifeguards in New Period in China新时期我国大众游泳救生员培训课程设置探讨

18.Their swimming pool is somewhat deeper than ours .他们的游泳池比我们的游泳池稍微深一点儿。


neonatal swimming therapy新生儿泳疗

1.The effect ofneonatal swimming therapy on growth and development for premature infants and low birth weight infants during perinatal period.;新生儿泳疗对早产及低出生体重围生儿的影响

3)child swimming儿童游泳

1.This paper analyses the characteristic of child interest and its function in swimming teaching, puts forward method and the principle of how to develop interest in swimming enlightenment teaching and train, aims at raisingchild swimming enlightenment teaching and the effect of training and quality, making positive contribution for the development ofchild swimming.分析了儿童兴趣的特点及其在游泳教学与训练中的作用,提出了在游泳启蒙教学与训练中培养兴趣的原则和方法,旨在提高儿童游泳启蒙教学与训练的效果和质量,为儿童游泳的发展做出积极的贡献。

4)children"s swimming少儿游泳

5)The fish is swimming.鱼儿在游泳。

6)children"s learning swimming少儿学游泳


