100字范文 > 瓦斯地质类比法 Gas geology anglogy method英语短句 例句大全

瓦斯地质类比法 Gas geology anglogy method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-18 00:56:37


瓦斯地质类比法 Gas geology anglogy method英语短句 例句大全

瓦斯地质类比法,Gas geology anglogy method

1)Gas geology anglogy method瓦斯地质类比法

2)coalbed gas geology瓦斯地质法

3)gas geology瓦斯地质

1.Research ongas geology applied to production of No.1 Mine,Pingdingshan;瓦斯地质研究在平顶山一矿生产中的应用

2.Strengtheninggas geology work and ensuring coal mine safe production;加强瓦斯地质工作 确保煤矿安全生产

3.The design of mathematical model software forgas geology;瓦斯地质数学模型软件的开发


1.Research on Gas Geologic Characteristics and Prevention and Cure of Gas in Lishu Coal Mine梨树煤矿瓦斯地质特征与防治瓦斯研究

2.Application of Gas Geology Qualification Technology in the Prediction of Gas Emission瓦斯地质量化技术在瓦斯涌出预测中应用

3.Analysis of Geological Law of Coal and Gas Outburst in Huainan Mining Area淮北矿区煤与瓦斯突出的瓦斯地质规律分析

4.A tentative analysis of the mine gas geology of #31 mining district of Chaohua Coal Mine超化煤矿31采区瓦斯地质规律浅析

5.Digitalization Technology of Mine Gas Geology Based on GIS基于GIS的矿井瓦斯地质数字化技术

6.Study on Gas-geology and Gas Prediction in the Coal-oil-gas Association Mining Area of Southern Jiaoping;焦坪南部煤油气共生矿区的瓦斯地质特征及瓦斯预测研究

7.Development of Multi-scale Gas Geological Map Compiling and Drawing and Gas Hazard Zone Prediction System多尺度瓦斯地质编图和瓦斯灾害危险区预测系统开发

8.The Gas Geological Characteristics of Coal-bed No.13-1 in Panyi Coal Mining, Huainan Coal Feild;淮南煤田潘一井田13-1煤层瓦斯地质特征

9.The Gas-geological Map Protraction and Assistant System Exploitation Based on GIS of Weicun Coal Mine位村煤矿瓦斯地质编图与GIS辅助系统开发

10.Study on the Influence of Geological Structure to Coal and Gas Outburst;地质构造对煤与瓦斯突出的影响研究

11.Analysis on Geological Factors of Coal and Gas Outburst Zhongmacun Coal Mine中马村矿煤与瓦斯突出地质因素分析

12.Study on Coal and Gas Outburst Regional Prediction Based on Geological Structure;基于地质构造的煤与瓦斯突出预测研究

13.Control of Geological Strcures on Gas Storage and Distrbution of Coal Seams;地质构造对煤层瓦斯赋存与分布的控制作用

14.The Analysis of Geological Factors to the Existence of Coal Gas in the Sunan Coal Mining Area and Xutuan Coal Field;浅析宿南矿区和许疃井田瓦斯赋存的地质因素

15.The Study on the Influence of Geologic Structure on Gas Outburst in Qidong Coal Mine祁东煤矿地质构造对煤与瓦斯突出的影响研究

16.Applications Research of Geological Indexes in Coal and Gas Outburst Prediction地质指标在煤与瓦斯突出预测中的应用研究

17.Analysis on Geological Structure Features and Gas Deposit Law in Lüshuidong Mine绿水洞矿井地质构造特征与瓦斯赋存规律分析

18.Impact of Geological Structure to Gas Occurrence Regularity of Peigou Coal Mine地质构造对裴沟矿煤层瓦斯赋存规律的影响


coalbed gas geology瓦斯地质法

3)gas geology瓦斯地质

1.Research ongas geology applied to production of No.1 Mine,Pingdingshan;瓦斯地质研究在平顶山一矿生产中的应用

2.Strengtheninggas geology work and ensuring coal mine safe production;加强瓦斯地质工作 确保煤矿安全生产

3.The design of mathematical model software forgas geology;瓦斯地质数学模型软件的开发


1.Investigation into coal-gas outburst occurred in Daping Coalmine, by using theories ofgas-geology;大平煤矿特大型煤与瓦斯突出瓦斯地质分析

2.In order to reduce and avoid accidents raised by gas gush, it is necessary to strengthen the analysis ofgas-geology in the supplementary exploration .为了保证煤矿安全生产,减少和避免瓦斯事故的发生以及合理地进行通风设计,在生产矿并补充勘探中必须加强瓦斯地质的分析研究工作。

5)geological analogy地质类比法

1.5 billion tons by means ofgeological analogy.用地质类比法预测渤海矿区内已发现圈闭的总资源量为31亿~35亿t,除去已找到的12亿t油气地质储量,起码还有19亿~23亿t资源量有待发现。

6)gas geology prediction methods瓦斯地质预测方法


