100字范文 > 咨询企业 consulting corporation英语短句 例句大全

咨询企业 consulting corporation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-21 22:55:07


咨询企业 consulting corporation英语短句 例句大全

咨询企业,consulting corporation

1)consulting corporation咨询企业

1.Though analyzing the necessary and the function ofconsulting corporation management information system,the collectivity frame of the MIS was designed.通过对咨询企业管理信息系统的需求和功能分析,设计了咨询企业管理信息系统的总体框架结构。

2.Proceeding from the ideology of value chain,this paper discusses the characteristics and content of the value chain in theconsulting corporations,and proposes that we should implement the value chain strategy from the angle of the internal and external value chain in theconsulting corporations so as to strengthen their core competence.本文从价值链思想出发,探讨了咨询企业的价值链特点、内容,提出了从咨询企业内部和外部价值链入手来实施价值链战略,以增强咨询企业的核心竞争力。


1.A comparison on reference between libraries and consulting firms;图书馆参考咨询和咨询企业之比较分析

2.Preliminary Exploration of the Construction of a Risk Control Mechanism in the Consulting Company in China;构建我国咨询企业风险约束机制初探

3.Human resources development and management in supervision and consultant enterprises;监理咨询企业的人力资源开发与管理

4.The Application Research of CRM Idea in Chinese Conswltation Industry;中国咨询企业CRM思想的运用研究

5.Research on Strategic Alliance of International and Native Management Consultation Companies中外管理咨询企业战略联盟构建初探

6.An Investigation on the Transformation from Engineering Consulting Company to Project Management Enterprise;工程咨询企业向项目管理企业转型的探讨

7.The Influence of Enterpris Theory in Allocating Property Right of Design and Consulting Enterprises;企业理论对设计咨询企业产权配置的影响

8.Research on Business Process Re-engineering in Cost Engineering Consulting Company Based on LCC基于LCC的工程造价咨询企业业务流程再造

pany s Organizational Innovation and Development of Management Consultancy Industry;企业组织结构创新与管理咨询业发展

10.Discussion on the Competitiveness of the State-owned Enterprises in IT Consulting Industry国有企业在IT咨询业中的竞争力论述

11.Echelon Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd is a headhunting &consulting company specializing in executive search and providing total recruitment solution to multinational companies.上海易仕隆企业管理咨询有限公司专业从事于中高级人才咨询。

12.Study on Applying the Whole Process Consultant for Consultant and Design Enterprises of the Water Transportation水运工程咨询设计企业开展全过程咨询业务研究

13.Deloitte Consulting德勒企业管理咨询有限公司

14.Pre-Evaluation of Management Consultation for Computer Integrated Manufacturing System Project in Manufacturing Enterprises;制造企业CIMS工程项目管理咨询预评价

15.Construct "Family Culture" to Promote Consult and Design Corporate Larger and Stronger构建“家文化”助咨询设计企业做大做强

16.Case Analysis of Competitive Intelligence Consulting in Automobile Sales Enterprises汽车零售企业竞争情报咨询案例分析

17.It usually hires expert advice from outside consultants and bureaux.这通常要向企业外的咨询公司和机构聘请专家来提供咨询。

18.Mr. Lu is a senior consultant of Heal-All Consulting Inc.陆先生现为慧澳企业管理咨询有限公司咨询顾问。


consulting firms咨询企业

1.This paper starts from enterprise resource theory,combining with thought of strategy management and resources characteristics ofconsulting firms,and offers countermeasure of developing core competence amongconsulting firms.本文以企业资源基础理论为出发点,结合战略管理思想和咨询企业的资源特点,提出培育我国咨询企业核心能力的建设措施。

2.This paper discusses the knowledge characteristics and the knowledge level ofconsulting firms.介绍了咨询企业的知识特性,分析了咨询企业的知识层次,指出咨询企业应努力将咨询企业的隐性知识转化为显性知识,有效利用多元化的外部知识,更好地构建自己的独特能力,形成企业竞争优势。

3)consulting enterprise咨询企业

1.This paper expounds the functions,procedures,principles and three stages of the cost control in theconsulting enterprise,and expounds that the enterprise should establish the financial early-warning system.阐述了成本控制在咨询企业中的作用、程序、原则及3个阶段,进一步论述了咨询企业应构建财务预警系统。

2.Consulting enterprise is a typical knowledge based service enterprises with the knowledge at the core characteristics.咨询企业作为典型的知识型服务企业,具有以知识为核心的特点。

3.Based on the discussion on the core competency of theconsulting enterprise,this paper thinks that core technologies,enterprise resources,the organization and management system and the enterprise culture are the basic framework of constructing the core competency of theconsulting enterprise.在探讨咨询企业核心竞争力的基础上,提出核心技术、企业资源、组织管理体系和企业文化是构建咨询企业核心竞争力的基本框架,核心技术是核心竞争力的本质,并通过调查分析得出我国咨询企业核心竞争力现状,提出构建核心竞争力的对策和建议。

4)consulting firm咨询企业

1.A comparison on reference between libraries andconsulting firms;图书馆参考咨询和咨询企业之比较分析

5)enterprise consultation企业咨询

6)consulting & design enterprises咨询设计企业


