100字范文 > 疲劳对策 countermeasures against fatigue英语短句 例句大全

疲劳对策 countermeasures against fatigue英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-10 05:58:26


疲劳对策 countermeasures against fatigue英语短句 例句大全

疲劳对策,countermeasures against fatigue

1)countermeasures against fatigue疲劳对策

2)fatigue comparison test疲劳对比试验

1.The results about thefatigue comparison test of welded heavy plate is analyzed and it is found that the maximum residual stress is cle arly reduced and the distribution of residual stress on sectioned surface tends to being even along thickness after low-stress fatigue.通过对厚板焊接压杆疲劳对比试验结果进行分析 ,发现厚板焊接压杆在经过一段低应力疲劳之后 ,焊接残余应力峰值明显降低 ,并且残余应力沿板厚方向分布趋于均匀化。

3)logarithmic fatigue life对数疲劳寿命

1.On the basis of the statistic analysis of the constant amplitude fatigue life, thelogarithmic fatigue life probability density function is deduced under arbitrary stress level and then the probability failure accumulative method is used to predict the fatigue life.该方法在对等幅疲劳寿命统计分析的基础上,推导出任意应力下对数疲劳寿命的概率密度函数,从而利用累积破坏概率估算谱载下构件的疲劳寿命。

4)Unsymmetrical cyclic fatigue非对称循环疲劳


1.Research on Fatigue Property of Annular Specimen of ABS/SBS under Different Stress by Extrapolation Method;不同应力条件下环状ABS/SBS疲劳性比较及外推法求出疲劳极限

2.Fracture Damage Behavior of Wood/Plastics Composite under Mutual Action of Fatigue and Creep;疲劳/蠕变交互作用下塑木复合材料的断裂损伤

3.Progressivefatigue damage analysis method of laminated composites;复合材料层合板疲劳逐渐累积损伤寿命预测方法


1.fatigue deterioratio疲劳降解,疲劳劣化

2.flexural fatigue弯曲疲劳,挠曲疲劳

3.Keyword: Muscular fatigue, mental fatigue, resuming in an all-round way.关键词:肌肉疲劳、神疲劳、面恢复。

4.Driver Fatigue Detection Based on Several Fatigue Parameters基于多个疲劳参数的驾驶员疲劳检测

5.Schenick machine谢尼克金属疲劳试验机

6.endurance testing machine for torsion repeated重复扭转疲劳试验机

7.electro-hydraulic servocontrolled fatigue testing machine电液伺服疲劳试验机

8.reverse torsion fatigue testing machine反向扭转疲劳试验机

9.Metal - Axial load fatigue testing???金属--轴向负荷疲劳试验

bined stress fatigue tester复合应力疲劳试验机

11.a very tiring joB使人极其疲劳的活儿

12.He is tired of playing all day.他因整天打球很疲劳。

13.fatigue decreased proficiency boundary疲劳减少熟练分界线

14.median fatigue strength at N cyclesN次循环中值疲劳强度

15.track impact fatigue testing machine轨道冲击疲劳试验机

16.detonation bearing fatigue由爆燃引起的轴承疲劳

17.The brandy acted as a restorative.喝白兰地酒消除了疲劳.

18.The enemy troops were exhausted and demoralized.敌军疲劳不堪,士气低落。


fatigue comparison test疲劳对比试验

1.The results about thefatigue comparison test of welded heavy plate is analyzed and it is found that the maximum residual stress is cle arly reduced and the distribution of residual stress on sectioned surface tends to being even along thickness after low-stress fatigue.通过对厚板焊接压杆疲劳对比试验结果进行分析 ,发现厚板焊接压杆在经过一段低应力疲劳之后 ,焊接残余应力峰值明显降低 ,并且残余应力沿板厚方向分布趋于均匀化。

3)logarithmic fatigue life对数疲劳寿命

1.On the basis of the statistic analysis of the constant amplitude fatigue life, thelogarithmic fatigue life probability density function is deduced under arbitrary stress level and then the probability failure accumulative method is used to predict the fatigue life.该方法在对等幅疲劳寿命统计分析的基础上,推导出任意应力下对数疲劳寿命的概率密度函数,从而利用累积破坏概率估算谱载下构件的疲劳寿命。

4)Unsymmetrical cyclic fatigue非对称循环疲劳


1.Research on Fatigue Property of Annular Specimen of ABS/SBS under Different Stress by Extrapolation Method;不同应力条件下环状ABS/SBS疲劳性比较及外推法求出疲劳极限

2.Fracture Damage Behavior of Wood/Plastics Composite under Mutual Action of Fatigue and Creep;疲劳/蠕变交互作用下塑木复合材料的断裂损伤

3.Progressivefatigue damage analysis method of laminated composites;复合材料层合板疲劳逐渐累积损伤寿命预测方法


1.It is an effective method and measure to improve the whole results of training,to delay the tiredness,promote the recov.运用运动训练学、运动生理学、运动心理学理论 ,并结合多年训练实践对少年跳高运动员的疲劳特点及产生疲劳的主要原因进行分析 ,提出了在训练中要合理地安排练习的量和强度 ,注意在运动员的全面训练的基础上突出爆发力和弹跳训练 ,把各种练习有机合理组合与搭配是提高跳高训练整体效果、延缓疲劳、促进机体恢复的有效训练手段和措施。

2.This paper theoretically analyzes the relations between tiredness and nutrition, also discusses the tiredness of the athletes, its prevention and the nutrition supply.从理论上分析了人的机体疲劳与其营养的关系 。


Blotto对策Blotto对策Blotto gamesB一川幽〕对策!BI峨劝〕g别nes;6.ooT,o“I,p“l一类正规形式的二人零和对策(two一peoonzerc)一sum缪me)其中局中人的纯策略(见策略(对策论中的)(strategy〔in缪me theory)))是有限资源(可分割的或不可分割的)在多个对象土的分配,而增益或支付等于个体对象的增益或支付之和,这一对策是以一个虚构的Blotto土校来命名的,据说他是第一个参预这种类型的对策的人物
