100字范文 > 钢基体 steel matrix英语短句 例句大全

钢基体 steel matrix英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-18 07:09:34


钢基体 steel matrix英语短句 例句大全

钢基体,steel matrix

1)steel matrix钢基体

1.A variety of experiment techniques were used to investigate the interactions between tungsten carbide particle and thesteel matrix.用电冶熔铸工艺制备不同WC含量的WC/钢复合材料,研究了WC颗粒在复合材料钢基体中的溶解行为和影响因素。

2.In this paper the author had introduced the development and situation of steelbonded hard alloy from the study ofsteel matrix,hard phase and procedure.耐磨钢结材料由于其广泛的工艺特性和良好的综合物理机械性能及优异的化学稳定性而被应用于工业生产各个领域,本文从钢基体的研究、硬质相的种类及特点、工艺概述三方面介绍了其研究进展及现状。


1.Another one has already formed in the hard phase in front of the steel basic phase when a crack incubates in the steel basic phase.当裂纹在钢基体相中孕育时,另一裂纹已在该钢基体相区前沿的硬质相中形成。

2.Investigation on Electrodeposition of Bronze-PTFE Composite Coatings on Stainless Steel Substrate不锈钢基体电沉积Cu-Sn-PTFE复合镀层的研究

3.Research Progress on Brazing of Cemented Carbides to Steels硬质合金与钢基体钎焊技术的研究进展

4.Matrix Structure of Martensite and Bainite in Steels钢中马氏体和贝氏体基体组织的特征

5.Study of the Effects of Alloy Elements and the Natures of Steel Matrix In 12Cr1MoV;12Cr1MoV钢合金元素作用及基体性质的研究

6.Listening,experience,and comprehending: 3 steps for piano basic education;聆听、体验、理解:钢琴基础教育三阶段

7.Cast Technology of Cast-steel Shell Based on ProCAST基于ProCAST的铸钢件壳体铸造工艺研究

8.Analysis and Improvement of Casting Steel Valve Body Process Based on MAGMAsoft基于MAGMAsoft的铸钢阀体件工艺分析与改进

9.Heat Treatment Process and Performance Analysis of Martensite TRIP Steel;马氏体基体TRIP钢的热处理工艺与性能分析

10.Influence of strength of ferrite matrix on yield strength of granular structure steels铁素体基体强度对粒状组织钢屈服强度的影响

11.The Effect of Oxide Film on the Electrochemical Corrosion Behaviors of Hot Rolled Steel;热轧钢板氧化膜对基体碳钢腐蚀电化学行为的影响

12.The polymer frequently used as the plastic base is polyester, while the metals that may be reinforced are frequently steel or aluminum.通常作为塑性基体的聚合物是涤纶,作为金属基体的材料是钢或铝。

13.Raft-style foundation, RC frames and shearing-force wall structures.筏式基础、钢筋混凝土框架及剪力墙结构体系。

14.The Research of Ni-P Multilayer Coatings on Steel and Magnesium Alloy;钢及镁基体上沉积Ni-P多层涂层的研究

15.Scheme Selection of Long-Span Steel Structure System under Economical Performance;基于经济性能的大跨度钢结构体系的方案选择

16.Study on the Formula and Technology of Pollution-Free Electroless Copper Plating on Steel;钢铁基体无公害化学镀铜配方及工艺研究

17.Structure Optimization of Steel Bodywork Based on Improved Genetic Algorithms;基于改进遗传算法的车体钢结构的结构优化

18.Research on New Type of Light-gauge Steel Structure Based on Cover Surface s Panels;轻钢龙骨体系基于蒙皮大板结构分析方法研究


steel substrate钢基体

1.The present state of Al2O3 ceramic coating onsteel substrate is summarized in this article,and some particular methods in the preparation are introduced,such as Hot Spray,Sol-Gel and thermo chemistry reaction,their excellence and disadvantage are also discussed and analyzed.综述了目前钢基体上制备Al2O3陶瓷涂层的研究现状,详细介绍了热喷涂法、溶胶-凝胶法及热化学反应法3种制备Al2O3陶瓷涂层的主要方法,并探讨和分析了它们各自的优缺点。

2.The bonding strength between cermet cladding andsteel substrate was expressed using the bonding strength of two bonded steel plates bonded by cermet cladding material.根据液相烧结三元硼化物基金属陶瓷覆层材料的工艺特点,用金属陶瓷覆层将两钢板进行液相烧结连结,以覆层对两钢板的连结强度表征覆层与钢基体的结合强度。

3.Moreover, the technological requirement of making copper metl and keepingsteel substrate unmelt could only be achieved under optimized parameters.本文主要研究钢基体无熔深熔敷铜高频感应焊接温度场的数值模拟。

3)steel matrix钢铁基体

1.Non-cyanide alkaline copper plating process onsteel matrix;钢铁基体上碱性无氰镀铜

2.The progress in the study of cyanide-free copper electroplating onsteel matrix is introduced according to different valences of copper in the deposition process.按照沉积过程中铜的价态的不同对在钢铁基体上无氰碱性镀铜的研究进展进行了说明。

4)matrix steel基体钢

1.The mechanical properties ofmatrix steel 7CrMo4SiV1 and its plasma nitrocarburizing and TiN deposition properties have been studied.研究了基体钢 7Cr4MoSiV1的力学性能和其离子氮碳共渗和气相沉积TiN工艺。

2.Effective factors such as the temperature and the time of pack carburizing,the austenizing temperature, the holding time and the tempering temperature on the hardness and toughness ofmatrix steel 65Nb are reported.研究了固体渗碳温度、渗碳时间、淬火加热温度和保温时间、回火温度等对65Nb基体钢硬度和韧性的影响。

3.By means of a heating-cooling and microstructure analysis,an investigation is made on the phase regions at 1 500 ℃ to room temperature and the change of phase constituents at different cooling rates on thematrix steel type 65Cr4W3Mo2VNb(steel 65Nb for short).通过加热一冷却一组织分析法,研究了含铌基体钢65Cr4W3Mo2VNb(简称65Nb)从1500℃至室温不同温度下,钥所处的相区及不同冷速条件下相组成的变化,初步探讨了65Nb钢中的相关系。

5)45 based steel45钢基体

6)A3 steel substrateA3钢基体

1.The results show that the acceleration of NaCl,NH 4Cl,Na 2SO 4,Na 2SO 3 and FeSO 4 to corrosion ofA3 steel substrate are all considerable,but that of NaCl is a little less than those of NH 4Cl,Na 2SO 4,Na 2SO 3;and that of FeSO 4 is slightly greater than those of the former.对A3钢基体 ,NH4Cl、Na2 SO4和Na2 SO3 的腐蚀促进作用接近 ,FeSO4的影响略大于前几种可溶盐 ,而NaCl的影响略小 。


